Enough already. Elections and referenda are breeding like rabbits. Theresa May has now summoned the British public to gather together their scattered wits on June 8th to pronounce on her fitness and – she hopes – give her a more substantial majority to plough through Brexit negotiations and lessen the pressure from hard-line euro-sceptics in her own party. Though because of the Fixed Term Act she’ll have to get agreement from two thirds of MPs when it goes to a vote tomorrow at Westminster.
By June she’ll have lost the panicky-failure tr Neptune conjunct her Mars; and tr Pluto will be sextile her Solar Arc Jupiter and moving to trine her natal Jupiter from mid July onwards; plus a lucky, what-a-relief tr Uranus trine Jupiter/Uranus on the day. The only downer may be tr Saturn conjunct her Sun/Mars but that depends on her birth time which we don’t know and could have passed at that stage.
Jeremy Corbyn, the Labour leader, hasn’t much of encouragement on his chart (without birth time) and looks seriously stuck in July.
Tim Farron, Lib Dem leader, has win-some, lose-some influences. He has tr Uranus trine his Mars/Jupiter in the run up, but that has disappeared by June 8th. He does have a lucky relief tr Uranus opposition his Jupiter. But he has tr Saturn square his Pluto and opposition his Mars, just before which looks jammed in.
Caroline Lucas, Green Party, is not in a brilliant year overall with tr Pluto conjunct her Saturn and opposition her Mars – all pre and post-election.
Boris Johnson, Foreign Secretary and PM-wannabe ahead, looks beyond devastated in early June with tr Pluto square his Mars/Saturn midpoint; and tr Uranus square his Mercury/Uranus and conjunct his Mercury/Saturn. He’ll clearly not be pleased with the result but that could mean various things, including watching Theresa May getting into an unassailable position. Although he does have tr Jupiter moving through his 1st house to buck him up when he gets disheartened.
Oops, forgot Nicola Sturgeon, whose Scottish National Party has 56 MPs at Westminster. She has pledged to make the election about getting voters to back her plans for a second independence referendum. Her fear is a Tory landslide would force through a hard Brexit and impose more austerity.
Just to be tricky she has tr Uranus square her Cancer Sun immediately before the election, which is a wild card, can go either way; and a lucky tr Uranus opposition her Jupiter in early June, which looks better. However she also has tr Saturn in a blocking square to her natal Pluto and Solar Arc Mercury, squaring her Jupiter/MC; and tr Neptune opposing her Uranus/MC – none of which look like cheering news.