The relationship between Prince William and Harry is much closer and friendlier than between Prince Charles and Andrew, the older brothers.
Harry has a Taurus Moon conjunct Will’s 5th house Venus, so good party mates. Harry is the earthier of the pair with a Virgo Sun and Mercury, a Taurus Moon, Jupiter in Capricorn and a dutiful Saturn conjunct his MC from the 9th. And he will ultimately be the better executive material. Whereas Will only has that Venus in an earth sign, so he’s less practical and more emotional, self-protective and moody with a New Moon in Cancer. Especially since his Moon is square Mars in Libra which is conjunct Saturn – so he’s touchy, irritable and tends to flare up. His Jupiter on his MC will make him popular and respected in his later years, but he does have an overly indulgent streak. Not so much addictive as expecting everything to be handed to him on a plate with Jupiter MC trine his Sun Moon and a 5th house Venus.
There’s a degree of competition with Harry since H’s Pluto is conjunct Will’s Jupiter MC but he will make him better organised since his Saturn is in Will’s 10th; and he boosts Will’s morale with his Jupiter in Will’s 1st.
Their relationship chart has an affectionate composite Sun Venus; and also a hard-working though can also be competitive Mars MC.
What has to be factored in to Will (and Kate’s) reticence about taking on a more prominent role is Charles’ reaction since he is notoriously defensive and prickly about any competition for attention. And the younger couple will tend to get more, the media and photographers being what they are. Charles’ relationship with Will is less comfortable than Harry’s with his father, presumably because a second son is no threat. Will/Charles have a composite Mars Neptune conjunction which tends to mean only room for one ego. If Will stepped up and became visible, then his father would feel diminished. So to some degree Will is in a no-win situation. There are certainly some rough edges between Harry and his father but there’s also more genuine affection.
Charles/Andrew’s relationship chart has an argumentative, impatient composite Sun Mercury Mars sextile Saturn. And it has worsened in recent years as Charles has got his way in cutting back to Royals to the inner circle and excluding Andrew and his children. Andrew’s Uranus is conjunct Charles’ Pluto and A’s Saturn is square C’s Venus Neptune – so on different wavelengths and chilly.
Being a Royal isn’t easy especially with cross-currents running through the dynastic family. Though having said that, there are compensations aplenty and most people have worse burdens to bear, family and career-wise. I never understood all the sympathy that went towards Princess Margaret – ‘who always had to walk behind,’ as if everyone else had the choice about marching out front. HM Queen is a hard act to follow.