A birth time for the Duchess of Cambridge has been kindly supplied by Nathalie Delahaye, obtained by her from close friends some years ago for their wedding. See: http://www.astro.com/astrology/aa_article170904_e.htm
9 January 1982 7pm Reading, UK gives her a Leo Ascendant which fits with a fashion-conscious image and colourful dress sense for Royal occasions. It gives her a late 5th house party – and children-loving, ambitious Capricorn Sun almost exactly opposite a family-oriented Cancer Moon in the friendly 11th – so a real Full Moon baby, which suggests she had parents of very different temperaments, almost incompatible. That opposition squares onto Saturn Pluto in Libra adding a bleaker note – rigid, overly-controlled, low self-esteem never feeling she comes up to expectation, especially since Saturn squares both her Sun and Moon.
What’s strange is her 3rd house of siblings with Mars Saturn Pluto there, suggesting not altogether easy relationships. Yet she has a 4th house Jupiter in Scorpio, so she’s aware she came from a secure, well-heeled family and will attract the same in adult life. Her Neptune is in her 5th which often indicates musical or artistic talent and also sensitive children. There could be confusion around children, lack of commitment or a Neptunian air of mystique about them.
Her 6th house Venus Mercury in Aquarius squares her MC and Jupiter, forming a Fixed T Square – making her fairly stubborn and not good at taking in feedback, though a good long-term planner, emotionally uncompromising, ultimately good at public relations.
Neither she nor William have planets in the other’s 7th or 1st houses which would be usual for a marriage. But they do have a strong bond of friendship and have relatively similar charts. His Venus falls in her 10th so he brings her social status – and an over-complicated everyday schedule. William is a New Moon in Cancer; while she is a Full Moon. Camilla has her Sun and Moon both in Cancer, while her first husband Andrew Parker Bowles is a Capricorn with a Cancer Sun; and Prince Charles is a Scorpio with a Taurus Moon. The New Moon tends to be more self sufficient, the Full Moon looking for the Other.
When she married her Solar Arc Sun was sitting on her Descendant; and as she moves through her third pregnancy, her Progressed Moon is going through her 4th house of home and family until 2021 so her focus will be on her intimate surroundings and those closest to her. What is clear is that she’s in a peculiarly heavy phase with tr Pluto opposing her Moon and conjunct her Sun in 2017/18; as well as being square to her Mars/Pluto and Sun/Moon midpoints; and then tr Pluto will be square her focal point Saturn in 2018/19 – which all looks like a considerable challenge, emotionally and in other ways, and quite a slog since it pulls on all legs of that T Square; with tr Uranus bringing upheavals as it continues to oppose her Pluto into early 2018. So a fairly punishing transformation, not accomplished without a good deal of difficulty and internal conflict. If this time is accurate then she’ll have a sharp change of career direction around 2019 with tr Uranus conjunct her midheaven and afterwards moving through her 10th, which may be when heavier duties are placed on William.