Terry Fox was a Canadian athlete and cancer research activist whose astonishing feat of running 3500 miles across Canada with a prosthetic leg to raise money and awareness has resulted in a lasting worldwide legacy. He lost his leg to bone cancer when he was 18 and vowed he wouldn’t give up his distance running and basketball. Sadly the spread of the cancer to his lungs stopped his Canadian east-west marathon after 143 days and he died nine months later, just before his 23rd birthday. But the Terry Fox annual run now involves millions of participants in 60 countries and is the world’s largest one-day fundraiser for cancer research.
Born 28 July 1958 7.30am Winnipeg, Canada, he had a rebellious Sun Uranus in Leo on the focal point of a Fixed T Square to an unyielding Mars in Taurus conjunct his midheaven opposition Neptune, so utterly determined, ambitious, a crusader with a 9th house Mars, willing to take risks with Uranus Mars. There’s no way he could have sat in a wheelchair and moped. He also had an achievement-oriented Capricorn Moon in his performing/sporty 5th house in an Earth Grand Trine to Pluto Mercury in Virgo and Mars MC so physical, grounded, and able to push himself through crisis situations.
He also had an ever-optimistic Jupiter in his 3rd which was sparsely aspected making him marginally less sociable than he might otherwise have been and also making him idealistic and naïve. He did have a strong chart with Mars in Taurus on one leg not only of a Grand Trine but also a stubbornly enduring Fixed T square.
His get-it-together 5th Harmonic and his ‘seeking soul’ 7th were strongly aspected; as were the to-be-expected ‘inner strength’ 8H and ‘obsessive dream’ 11H. His leaving-a-mark-on-history 17H tied together an exuberantly successful Mars Jupiter to a never-give-in Moon Pluto and Sun. His 12H – victim/healer – was starkly difficult.