Movie super-mogul Harvey Weinstein – Pulp Fiction, Sex, Lies and Videotape, The Crying Game, Good Will Hunting, Shakespeare in Love – apologised for inexcusable behaviour with colleagues in the past which had caused a lot of pain and promptly said he was suing the New York Times for printing allegations of sexual harassment and abuse. Actress Ashley Judd contributed with an experience of her own and he raised questions about her mental stability.
‘Too influential to offend and too powerful to be dethroned’ appeared to have been Hollywood’s attitude though cracks are beginning to appear. Robbie Collin, the Telegraph film critic wrote today about ‘the rumours of bullying and brow-beating that seemed to circulate every awards season. Weinstein was known to twist arms, crack skulls and leave a trail of butchered and unreleased films in his wake, but his results were supposed to excuse it.’ Miramax, the company he founded with his brother Bob garnered 75 Academy Awards and was nominated for 228 more.
Born 19 March 1952 in New York, (four days before Rex Tillerson) he has an unaspected Sun in last degree of filmic Pisces; with six planets in Cardinal signs giving him an overdose of initiative, and talent for dreaming up new projects. Her Mercury Jupiter in upfront Aries opposes Neptune Saturn in Libra; with Saturn in an autocratic square to Uranus perhaps tied into a T square by a Capricorn Moon.
Plus a bulldozer Mars in Scorpio square Pluto, which would enrage him when opposed. Tillerson has the same though his Aries Sun opposes Saturn which is a more understated combination and it’ll depend very much on houses how it acts out.
An unaspected Sun tends to act as an island unto itself, is self-centred usually with high self-regard.
If his Moon does oppose Uranus and square Saturn, he’ll be emotionally cold and erratic.
He has tr Pluto opposing his Jupiter/Saturn midpoint at the moment which is often when a job is lost – he’s stepping back from his company with several executives resigning. So not a career high. He also has tr Pluto square his Saturn/Neptune which suggests a degree of turmoil, not obvious from his bullish statements. 2018 could be a mess with tr Pluto square his Jupiter opposition Neptune, a bubble-bursting, devastating time.
His business the Weinstein Company, founded 10 March 2005, now run by his brother Bob, certainly looks to be running into a brick wall in 2018/19 with tr Pluto opposition Saturn and moving to conjunct the Mars in 2019.
His brother Bob, with whom he evidently has a tricky relationship was born 18 October 1954. Like HarveyW he has a heavily Cardinal chart with Jupiter Uranus Moon in Cancer opposition Mars in Capricorn square Sun Neptune in Libra. He’s certainly moving into a very up and down phase across into 2020 with tr Uranus opposing his Sun Neptune and then square his Mars; before tr Pluto moves to square his Sun Neptune in 2020.