Mark Salling – depraved inclinations



Actor/singer Mark Salling, best known for Glee, has committed suicide while facing sentencing for gross child pornography charges which would likely have sent him to jail for seven years.

Born 17 August 1982 Dallas Texas, he was a Sun Leo trine Neptune, sextile Pluto Saturn in Libra – creative, flamboyant and hard. He also had an exuberantly determined Mars Jupiter in Scorpio square his Venus in Leo and maybe square a Leo Moon; with his Venus (Moon) trine Uranus. Venus square Mars can be insensitive to the needs of partners and he had faced two sexual assault charges previously. Mars in Scorpio can be sexually obsessed and vengeful. It’s not an especially brutal chart but much will depend on houses which we don’t know without a birth time.

He was brought up in a strictly religious home, home-schooled in the early stages. These kinds of inclinations almost always stem from early damage and dysfunction in relation to the primary caregiver.

His birth chart midpoints show inherent illusions and delusions with his Sun square his Neptune/Pluto midpoint and his Pluto conjunct his Sun/Neptune – so a huge amount of inner confusion. And tr Uranus had been on the opposition to his Sun/Neptune from early December through this month.

Child pornography, while it appears less heinous than actual abuse, is not a victimless crime. Either he was stuck in a repetition compulsion from his own inner fantasies; or he lacked empathy which can be a Neptunian failing.

3 thoughts on “Mark Salling – depraved inclinations

  1. Let’s hope the police have information in relation to the other abusers that they can independently follow up. Is it far fetched to consider he was murdered by rich and powerful fellow abusers in Hollywood and beyond? Definitely not imo….what might we look for in an astrological murder mystery? Pluto, mars, 12 house, possibly Uranus?

  2. This is interesting and I would not be in the least surprised if he was knocked off in order to protect themselves. Unless we have a birth time would it be impossible to see in his chart if murder would be a possibility, Marjorie?

  3. There was no note and defence wounds to his arms. He had struck a plea deal with the authorities under which he was compelled to produce a list of names within days of his death. It is speculation that some of those names are influential Hollywood types

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