13 thoughts on “Questions & Comments

  1. Hi Marjorie

    Is there another way to consider having the ‘Questions & Comments’ page stay on the Home page? Could it be planted as you do a header where it can drop down by posts and disappear or possibly have its own tab at the top where they just keep getting added (kinda like how you had it on the old website)? Just a thought because sometimes I am looking for it on the home page and when I can’t find it I don’t automatically look in ‘News’ and keeping searching for it. Not sure what others thing.

    All the best, J

  2. The brilliant musician David Byrne, formerly of The Talking Heads, is coming out with a new album at age 65. Care to take a look at his chart?

  3. Hi Marjorie, do you have any of the Natalie Wood/Robert Wagner posts from previous years as the police have re-opened the case into her death and are saying Robert Wagner is a person of interest? To be honest, I don’t think anything will ever come of it all and it can’t be proved either way. It’s just sad that the lovely but tortured Natalie is no longer with us.

    • I always thought it unusual that someone who had such a primal pathological fear of being in the water and drowning would die that way. She did state in an interview when a journalist was surprised she liked to spend time on boats but had a phobia of water, “Oh, I like to be ON the water not IN it.”

      Or maybe it’s a case of ‘what you think about comes about.’ I personally, think it’s one of the saddest celebrity deaths I’ve heard of.

  4. Glee star, Mark Salling, has apparently committed suicide weeks before his sentencing on Mar 7 for having over 50,000 images of children being sexually abused – some as young as 3. Does his chart have the same hallmarks found in the charts of those with a perverted sense of sexuality that you have mentioned in the past? Born 17 Aug 1982, Dallas, Texas. Can’t find a time.

  5. Thanks for your take on the lunar eclipse, Marjorie. It falls on my son’s midheaven and he has just written to tell me he and his chinese partner are separating and he is torn between head and heart! I’m going to tell him to read your resume. You’re a marvel.

  6. Hey Marjorie!,

    Could you take a look at the charts of Tom Perez, the DNC head, and Ronna McDaniels, the RNC head? I imagine both of their charts will tell us a lot about how midterms swing. Understand this could be difficult though.


  7. Hi Marjorie

    Further to your comments about the eclipse on Trump’s chart I was wondering what your take is on its effect a Mercury/Uranus midpoint, well mine, which it will hit by 1 degree. I did put my foot in my mouth this weekend ….. is that one sign?

    Thanks as always. We love you!

    • Mercury/Uranus – a tendency to scatter one’s energy, have too many irons in the fire. tactless. Better end is astute, inventive, bright independent thinker.

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