Is the USA in terminal decline? Or will the hysterical uncertainty created by Trump’s misrule along with the emergence of hate politics turn out to be a passing blip?
This is a potted rehash of previous posts from March 2017 and late December 2016.
There are two key astrological sign posts, both connected to the USA foundation chart of 1776, specifically to the USA Pluto in Capricorn opposition Mercury, which does harbour a dark, fanatical streak. Ebertin associates Mercury Pluto with: demagogues, plagiarists, those who fraudulently misrepresent, slyness and cunning, irritability, and psychological pressure. Kept under control it can be persuasive and insightful.
Tr Uranus is squaring this opposition through 2017, finishing mid April 2018. Previous occurrences oversaw VP Spiro Agnew resigning over tax fraud, followed by Watergate and Nixon’s fall; and one before that McCarthy was spitting venom in his catch-a-commie terror campaign, before being discredited. [See post December 26 2016]. It tends to bring out extreme right-wing elements and political scandals.
Tr Pluto will then start to oppose Mercury and make its First Pluto Return from 2020 till 2023 which will bring a longish period of intensity, fierce debate and mental strain.
Previous times of tr Pluto in hard aspect to Pluto Mercury saw bitter anti-slavery fights under a Democratic President, 1845 to 1851. The Great Depression, 1933 to 1938, Roosevelt’s New Deal and J. Edgar Hoover in the FBI. The most recent – President Reagan’s swingeing tax cuts lead to a soaring budget deficit and high unemployment; a recession and he gets shot.
Much astro-talk has focused on Pluto’s conjunction to the natal US Pluto as bringing to an end the country’s superpower status. But looking to other countries, which have early enough start dates to have undergone Pluto Returns, roughly every 250 years, that wouldn’t be the case.
For example: Spain, 19 January 1479, – had certainly hit its peak power prior to the Pluto Return in 1724 but in the aftermath reached its greatest territorial extent. Next Pluto return in 1971 was four years before the dictator Franco died and Spain became a democracy thereafter.
England, 11 May 973, has had three Pluto Returns – 1216 saw the Magna Carta, supposedly the start of democracy with the king ceding power to the Barons. 1462 – War of the Roses saw a breakdown in the authority and power of the throne. 1708 – the Union with Scotland, leading ultimately a century later to the UK and the burgeoning British Empire.
Major turning points to be sure but not lethal.
The next US Presidential election will fall right in the middle of the above and occurs on the triple Jupiter Saturn Pluto in Capricorn conjunction. It will be fraught with strong-arm tactics, violence, ruthless and bullying. The Inauguration chart, assuming normal start dates/times, will be (hopefully) a mix of high idealism from Jupiter Saturn Sun in Aquarius, control-freaky with Pluto on the MC, and explosive with a 12th house Mars Uranus square Saturn Jupiter Sun, with hints of subversion. To ne noted: Aquarius can be humanitarian, but it does appear regularly in the charts of fascists or extreme ideologues. Tr Neptune is also rapidly heading to square the US Mars from March 2021 for two years which usually accompanies a sense of panicky failure and plummeting morale.
Specifically on the Republican Party charts: 28 Feb 1854 9pm Ripon, Wisconsin and 22 Feb 1856 5pm Pittsburgh, PA – there are indications of a seismic upheaval from mid 2018 to late 2019 with tr Uranus conjunct the Pluto in Taurus. Both charts’ relationship with Trump will be undergoing upsetting and separating influences in 2018/19 and outright hostility by 2020.
Definitely a page-turning moment in America’s history over the coming few years, with turmoil, angst and bitterness along the way. But it will settle – eventually.