Pluto has been grinding its way through Capricorn since 2008, pulling down old structures, financial and political, and constructing new ones. Past experience might suggest we are overdue the justice and culture which flourished on previous Pluto in Capricorns (every 230/240 years). From 2024 to 2044 Pluto moves into Aquarius ushering in a new phase. Events during previous occurrences are naturally steeped in the history of their times, and since planets never move in isolation but are affected by the other outer planets, there are unlikely to be exact matches.
1778 -1797 saw a rebellious Pluto in Aquarius since it opposed Uranus. The USA was in its early struggles after the Independence Declaration of 1776; most notably the bloody French Revolution of 1793 dominated that period, having an effect outside of France. The Industrial Revolution was in full swing having got under way during Pluto in Capricorn with James Watts’ improved steam engine revolutionising production. As to be expected under Aquarius, science made strides forward as well, especially in chemistry. And William Herschel discovered the planet Uranus, which rules Aquarius. Explorers, another Aquarian strength, were also out and about with Captains James Cook and William Bligh leading the way to ‘new’ lands. It was a productive period for philosophical and social thinkers – Emmanuel Kant and Thomas Paine (Rights of Man); with cultural highpoints from Mozart and Scottish poet Robert Burns, who later established a global footprint.
1532 – 1552 was another Pluto in Aquarius opposition Uranus with Neptune in Aries. Henry V111, King of England and Wales, declared himself head of the Church in 1531 and was excommunicated in 1533 by the Pope. The RC versus Protestant schism got under way in earnest, which led to centuries of conflict.
1287 – 1307: Welsh Rebellion against the English. Edward 1 of England put John Balliol on Scottish throne with William Wallace rebellion following.
1041 – 1061: Saturn Pluto in Aquarius, Neptune in Aries opposition Uranus. Macbeth succeeds to throne of Scotland. Great schism between the Western RC church and Eastern Orthodox churches. In the aftermath came the Norman Conquest of England (Battle of Hastings 1066.)
796 – 816: Pluto square Uranus, trine Neptune Saturn in Libra. Charlemagne becomes Holy Roman Emperor in 800. He unites most of Western Europe, laying the foundations for modern France and Germany. He dies just as Pluto is about to exit Aquarius.
551 – 572: Pluto in Aquarius, Uranus in Sagittarius, Neptune in Aries. Mohammed is born.
So world-changing events during Pluto in Aquarius.
This next time round tr Pluto in Aquarius will march in time to Neptune in Aries (2025 to 2038) and initially to Uranus in Gemini (2025 to 2033) – so early on there’ll be a Uranus trine Pluto sextile Neptune after the mid 2020s – innovative and creative. Of the earlier historical happenings which might repeat, we can expect more advances in science and exploration (outer space/bottom of the sea/under Arctic ice?). For the rest – the US and France will have come full circle back to their first Pluto Return or the immediate aftermath, so significant shifts/adjustments, epochal events in both countries. Sometimes empires that rise on one Pluto cycle, fall on the next.
An add on from Hugh Fowler who commented below the previous August post (summarised): The Roman province of Britain was created by an invasion in 43 CE when Pluto was in Capricorn and Neptune in Pisces; and was completed by 61 CE, when Pluto ingressed into Aquarius and Neptune into Aries. This transition does seem to echo down the centuries for the inhabitants of Britain. If the past is anything to go by Pluto moving into Aquarius and Neptune into Aries in the mid 2020s signals some sort of transformation of English identity and its relation to the world if the 1530s is anything to go by since that is the last time it happened. Moreover it all be generated internally (ie the English nation will do it to themselves for good or ill).