Nicola Sturgeon – the vexed question of IndyRef2



Rumblings about an IndyRef2 for Scottish independence have been growing stronger in the midst of the Brexit blunders though support remains at 45% in the polls and the last election cut SNP MPs from 56 to 35. An economic report commissioned by Nicola Sturgeon avoids the ‘moonshine’ of the last IndyRef promises of borrowing less, spending more and keeping tax the same. ‘The report assumes oil revenues will be negligible, that much of Scotland’s financial services sector will decamp to London and that the first decade of the new state’s life will be dedicated to establishing financial credibility. There will not be very much cake.’ (Allan Massie, The Times).

A second referendum would need Theresa May’s agreement unless the Catalan route is chosen which seems unlikely.

Nicola Sturgeon does look impulsive this year, perhaps provoked by insecurity with tr Uranus square her Mars exactly now and repeating on and off into early 2019; as well as tr Uranus squaring her Sun/Mars and trine her Mars/Pluto at the same time. So she could well jump into a hasty push. But she looks held back with tr Saturn square her Solar Arc Uranus MC till late year; along with a disappointing tr Neptune opposition her Mars/Jupiter this November and December. Tr Pluto is also trine her Saturn in Taurus in 2018/19 for a discouraging slog.

Where she looks in better spirits and more confident of success, though under considerable pressure, will be come 2021/2022 as tr Pluto trines her Pluto, opposes her Sun and squares her Jupiter, which will put the wind behind her sails.

Her Government chart, 12 May 2016 9.35am Edinburgh, is similarly undercut by tr Neptune this year till February 2019 with tr Neptune opposition Jupiter and square Saturn; but will be getting it together more effectively from March 2019 onwards with tr Pluto trine the Sun.

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