Fifa WC 18 – Gareth Southgate – football freak-out



The World Football Cup opens in Moscow on June 14th at 2pm with Brazil and Germany firm favourites to win at the bookies. England is at 16/1 at the moment, which is seven down the list of 32 countries fielding teams.

The opening chart has a self-protective, emotionally overloaded Water Grand Trine of MC, Jupiter trine Neptune, formed into a Kite by MC opposition Saturn and Pluto – with Pluto Mars in the 4th, so there will be threatening undercurrents. It’ll be heavily policed but there is likely to be fan violence as well.

England manager Gareth Southgate, 3 September 1970, Watford, is a hard-working Sun and Mars in Virgo; with a tough-minded Mercury Pluto also in Virgo trine Saturn in Taurus which in turn opposes Neptune.

He looks less than ecstatic until the 25th June with the loss-making tr Saturn square his Sun/Jupiter midpoint – though if he was a very late day birth he might have cleared that before the tournament begins. He does, however, have a much more upbeat tr Pluto square Jupiter/Uranus all this month till July 11th which should hold his luck up. And from 2 July till mid-September he’s got tr Uranus opposition his Jupiter and trine his Jupiter/Node for a huge sigh of relief and good news.

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