Yahya Jammeh – gangster ruler facing calls for justice


Yahya Jammeh, the former Gambian dictator, who was voted out in 2016 was responsible for human rights abuse, repression and theft of state assets (at least $50 million), leaving the treasury bare. He had to be forced out of the country, now lives in Equatorial Guinea and there is talk of him being brought back to face charges.

He was born 25 May 1965, three months after Gambia gained independence, having been under Brit colonial rule. He has Sun, Jupiter, North Node and Venus all in Gemini square Uranus Pluto Mars in Virgo opposition Saturn (Moon) in Pisces; with Mercury in Taurus opposition Neptune and sitting in a (badly named) Mystic Rectangle to his other opposition. He’d have a veneer of charm with a focal point Venus but it camouflaged a much darker underside.

Mars Uranus Pluto is volatile, can be ruthless, cruel and doubly so when opposition Saturn.  It’s a high-wire chart, extremely strung out with so many Mutable planets, with a very see-saw temperament swinging from manic, over-confident highs to deep lows.

His 5th Harmonic, which can be dominating, intent on crafting the world around him to his plan, is strongly aspected and destructive.  His strongest harmonic is the 18th, often found in serial killers’ charts.

The country chart for Gambia has the same Uranus Pluto opposition Saturn square Node with Mars also in Virgo – so to some extent he fitted the country’s pattern.

Jammeh is looking undermined this year till January 2020 with the tail end of tr Neptune moving round his main T square, conjunct Saturn and opposition Mars. He has panicky transits to midpoints this year; trapped ones in 2019/2020 but seems to be on an upswing in the early 2020s. His relationship chart with Gambia does indicate high levels of anger in 2018/2019. But Africa’s track record for nailing dictators for past sins isn’t that great.


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