Catalonia – inflamed by draconian tactics



Mass protests with many injured in Catalonia followed news that the former separatist leader Carles Puigdemont has been taken into custody in Germany on a European arrest warrant. He faces charges of sedition, rebellion and misappropriation of public funds over last year’s Catalan banned independence referendum, which could result in up to 30 years in prison. Spain’s Supreme Court has ruled 25 that Catalan leaders should be tried for rebellion, embezzlement or disobeying the state. They all deny the allegations.

If ever there was a way of inflaming a situation which a diplomatic compromise could have settled in the first place this is it.

Carles Puigdemont, 29 December 1962, is an ambitious Sun Capricorn trine a rebellious Uranus Pluto in Virgo, sextile Jupiter. With a flamboyant Mars in Leo, Saturn Moon in Aquarius and Venus Neptune in Scorpio – so stubborn and enduring.

He’s not looking cheerful in 2018/19/20 with a run of blocked, discouraging and risky influences. But then he’ll get into a better gear and may be back in for a fight through the early 2020s.

What’s interesting is the Independence Vote 27 October 2017 3.26pm chart looks more upbeat this year and in 2019 with Jupiter well-starred; and getting back into revolutionary gear come 2021.

Puigdemont’s relationship chart with Spain 1975 is dissolving under Neptune in 2019/2020; but from 2021/2022 getting back into fighting mode.

His Mars squares the Spain’s late degree Scorpio Sun Mercury so it is an argumentative combination; with his destabilising Uranus Pluto in the Spain 8th so he obviously hits a deep chord of fear. Especially since Spain already has a hidden Pluto in the 8th leading to a determined fight for control.

In addition to three Scorpio planets, Spain has an autocratic Saturn square Uranus which is being severely jangled from this July into 2020, which could be other dilemmas.  But it looks unsettled.

The crazy thing is most Catalonians without all this hooha would probably vote to stay as long as they were given more autonomy. But creating martyrs is not the way to go.

Australia wincing over balls



Australia is cringing in shame after the cricket ball-tampering scandal by their team in South Africa. Even the PM was impelled to speak sternly about being “shocked and bitterly disappointed.” “It seemed completely beyond belief that the Australian cricket team had been involved in cheating. Our cricketers are role models and cricket is synonymous with fair play. How can our team be engaged in cheating like this? It beggars belief.”

Sporting events often show up on a country chart especially when they are national sports. The Australia 1 January 1901 1.35pm chart has a dynamic Mars in the 5th house of sport squaring a determined Pluto opposition Uranus – and that T Square is being undermined by tr Neptune now and ahead till late 2019.  Tr Saturn is also conjunct the Sun/Saturn conjunction. Not ego-boosting, that’s for sure.

Stevie Smith, the team captain, 2 June 1989, is a confident Sun Jupiter in Gemini on the focal point of a Yod inconjunct Pluto sextile Saturn Neptune, so he will wobble between under and over confidence. Tr Neptune is square his Sun/Jupiter midpoint now and moving to square his Jupiter from May onwards for eighteen months which will take the shine off his enthusiasm. He also has a do-or-die determined Pluto square Mars in Cancer; with Mars being road-blocked by a tr Pluto opposition in 2018/2019.

The vice-captain David Warner, 27 October 1986, is a grimly and relentlessly determined Sun Pluto in Scorpio square Mars in Aquarius. Winning won’t be a game to him. He’s also got tr Neptune in hard aspect to his Jupiter this year and tr Uranus opposing his Sun in 2019, Pluto in 2020.

Both face losing millions in sponsorship deals.

Arnaud Beltrame – a French hero



Arnaud Beltrame, who traded places with a hostage and ended up dead in a terrorist shootout by a French-Moroccan Islamist near Carcassonne in the south of France, was a senior gendarme with a military parachuting background.

Born 18 April 1973 in Etampes, France, he was a charming, late Sun Aries conjunct Venus in Taurus; with an Air Grand Trine of Mars Jupiter in Aquarius trine Saturn in Gemini trine Uranus in Libra; with an intense Mercury in Aries opposition Pluto sextile/trine Jupiter – talented, pro-active, confident, used to high-adrenaline situations, a strong idealist. His Moon was in determined Scorpio.

Pic: By MissionNumeriqueGN – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

Jose Abreu – music as an antidote to violence



An inspirational story from Venezuela where the much revered Jose Abreu, founder of a renowned music programme that changed the lives of thousands of poor children, has died. He started El Sistema (the system) in 1975 in a garage with just 11 musicians which eventually grew to 300 choirs and orchestras, inspiring similar systems in other countries. One of the programme’s founding principles was to combat poverty through music, teaching classical works in the poorest areas of the country. Children are taught from the age of three to play music during free afternoon classes, with a focus on orchestral practice. “They are boys that we are taking away from drugs and violence,” he said.

Born 7 May 1939 in Valera, he came from a musical family and started his own classical musical education young. His chart is staggeringly strong. His Sun and innovative Uranus in Taurus were in a creative Earth Grand Trine Trine to Neptune in Virgo trine Mars in Capricorn, formed into a Kite by Mars in a never-give-up opposition to Pluto. Making influential and controlling Pluto the driving planet. The Mars opposition Pluto was also square a self-reliant, hard-edged Saturn Mercury in Aries, giving him organising and executive ability. His can-be-compassionate Jupiter opposition Neptune was in a Mystic Rectangle to the Mars opposition Pluto.

A complex man with killer determination and the courage to mix in violent areas. Not the easiest to get on with, mind you. But you can’t produce results like that by being sugary sweet.

His creative 5th and 7th Harmonics were well aspected; and as well his ‘obsessive dream’ 11H; his breakthrough 13H; and leaving a legacy for history 17H.

Pic: © Leo Ramirez, AFP


Russia – a payback that blew back



A surprising degree of unanimity amongst EU countries will see Russian intelligence agents and diplomats expelled next week from at least 10 EU member states in response to the nerve agent attack in Salisbury, described by Emmanuel Macron as an “attack on European sovereignty”. EU leaders agreed unanimously that Moscow was “highly likely” to be responsible for the assault and Angela Merkel, said there should be further measures, beyond the recall of the EU’s ambassador to Moscow.

So the confusing and devastating tr Pluto squaring Neptune on Vladimir Putin’s chart now makes sense, despite his election win, which was widely criticised as rigged (see post below).

The chart for modern Russia has always been a quandary, given the multiplicity of dates and times around 1990/91 but I’ve gone back to the 12 June 1990 9.45am GMT Moscow chart, which seems to work better than the others. It puts an aggressive Mars in Aries in the 7th square a 10th house Jupiter opposition a can-be-fanatical Uranus Neptune; with Pluto opposition the Sun/Mars midpoint – which last Ebertin describes as ‘unscrupulous procedures, violent, ruthless.’ Though the 1917 chart also holds good.

Amidst all the conflicting theories about the Skripal attack, there have been two interesting pieces this week (URLs below). One in the Guardian about the crossover between organised crime and government in Russia. One defector suggested the poisoning was less likely to have been by Russian state operatives, more likely one of Putin’s corrupt inner circle.

The other today in the Times magazine (sadly behind paywall) in an interview with Boris Volodarsky, a former member of the GRU, the foreign intelligence service. Skirpal evidently was also GRU, the only former agent in the West for decades. ‘The clue, he says, is in the poison used. It was a nerve agent produced with Russian technology, money and scientists at the Scientific Studies and Research Centre (known by its French acronym, CERS) in Syria. This, for decades, is where all Russian chemical weapons have been developed. In December, the centre was bombed by the Israelis acting on American and British intelligence.’ He also thought the most likely point of poisoning was the cross in the church they would have visited and kissed to honour Skripal’s dead son’s memory. Whether that is all too far-fetched, time will tell (maybe). But another piece to add to the confusing puzzle.

On the Russia 1990 chart, tr Saturn is exactly conjunct Uranus and square Mars, so an aggravating and jolting setback. With tr Pluto opposition the Solar Arc midheaven for more pressure.

The Russia 1990/EU relationship chart is logjammed at the moment and through this year with tr Saturn square Pluto; and much the same with the UK, indeed worsening through April.

Putin fits the 1990 chart well – with the relationship chart having an inspirational, entrepreneurial Fire Grand Trine of Jupiter, Uranus, Mars, formed into a Kite by Mars opposition Sun Venus.  With a reasonable amount of suspicion and doubt as well from Saturn Neptune trine Moon opposition Pluto. But he’s the strongest and most enduring leader they had had for decades, whose driving ambition is to make Russia great again.

John Bolton – surrender not an option



The hawkish John Bolton – for bombing Iran and North Korea –  has been announced as HR McMaster’s replacement for National Security Adviser, a post which requires no Senate confirmation. He was for the Iraq attack on Saddam Hussein and still thinks it was a good idea. He is a frequent Fox News commentator who has impressed Trump with his appearances; though he differs on Putin whom he distrusts and on free trade. Known for his intelligence, stubborn ideology, rudeness, arrogance and contempt for those who questions his views, he has been described as “stunningly impolitic”.

Born 20 November 1948, he has an intense late Scorpio Sun with Mercury also in Scorpio square Pluto, which will give him a forceful way of arguing. He’s also got a volatile, overly-excitable Mars in outspoken Sagittarius opposition Uranus. This latter sits on top of Trump’s Sun opposition Moon, so he’ll either irritate Trump or provoke him into wild decisions and actions.

Their relationship chart (without one birth time) is friendly with a composite Sun Venus Mercury; though there is also an unstable composite Uranus which is inconjunct Jupiter and trine Mars.

Bolton’s chart is looking surprisingly stressed and undermined this year for a man who has just been handed a prized job. He’s got Solar Arc Mars opposition his Saturn around now which is usually a major setback; a panicky-failure Solar Arc Neptune conjunct Mars and a totally deadlocked Solar Arc Saturn square Pluto. Plus a couple of undermining Neptune transits to midpoints till early 2019; and stuck/infuriated tr Pluto square Mars/Pluto 2018/2019.

He takes over on 9th April, assuming 12 am, which is a very aggravated chart with Mars Saturn conjunct; with Sun square Mars and Pluto and Uranus square Pluto (and Moon). Not a trip he’ll enjoy.

Just a reminder from a previous post – Trump’s relationship charts with both Republican charts, 22 Feb 1856 and 28 Feb 1854, are moving into rocky territory. On the 1856 one – really from now, but peaking from April 11th to late month, and repeating early 2019 with tr Uranus in a disruptive conjunction to the composite Sun and then Mercury. On the 1854 – tr Uranus conjunct the Sun this July and trine Mars, repeating Sept/Oct and early next year, so much the same.

Pic of John Bolton by Michael Vadon.

UK Labour Party possibles to step up



Amongst the jostle for contenders for the after-Jeremy Corbyn slot if he does depart in 2019/2020 are Emily Thornberry, Keir Starmer and Angela Raynor. The two women face up uphill struggle since the Labour Party has never had a female leader, except by default when a Deputy briefly stepped up briefly. And despite the general global climate for equality, the shift to harder left in the Labour Party plays against women since they are more misogynist than most.

None of these charts have birth time so there is missing info.

Emily Thornberry, 27 July 1960 is a showy and idealistic Sun Venus in Leo square Neptune; with a volatile and outspoken Mars in Taurus square Uranus, with a Virgo Moon. She looks enlivened and lucky this year as well as uncertain and frustrated. She’ll stay on the good side of the fates in 2019 but starts hitting major headaches by 2020, which looks highly discouraging and undermining.

Angela Raynor, 28 March 1980, is a go-ahead Sun Aries with a flamboyant Mars in Leo on the point of a Fixed T Square to Venus in Taurus opposition Uranus – lively and stubborn. She looks much like EmilyT – upbeat at points this year and then sagging and blocked through 2019/2020.

Keir Starmer, 2 September 1962, a reforming and changeable Sun, Uranus, Pluto in practical Virgo; with a Water Grand Trine of Mars in Cancer trine Neptune in Scorpio trine Jupiter in Pisces, formed into a Kite with Jupiter opposition Pluto – caring, influential, pushily confident. He was previously Director of Public Prosecutions and is in charge of exiting the EU from the opposition benches. He’s looking more than aggravated and stuck this year and next. But starts to pick up more Jupiter from 2019 into 2020 which should stand him in good stead. His is by far the strongest chart.


Mark Anthony Conditt – forgot the sixth commandment



The Austin Texas bomber, Mark Anthony Conditt, was responsible, police believe, for a 19-day spell of five explosions that killed two people and injured five more. He then blew himself up.

Net sources put the date of his birth as 16 June 1994. He was home schooled in a “conservative, strictly religious” family; attended a teenage Christian “survivalist” group that discussed weapons and dangerous chemicals; and took part in a conservative outdoors club called Righteous Invasion of Truth (RIOT), in which home-schooled young people studied the Bible and were taught gun skills. He posted a “Defining my Stance” piece in which he said gay marriage should be illegal, was pro-death penalty and mused on “why we might want to consider” eliminating sex offender registries. He gave no indication of motive in the video he left behind; and police say it wasn’t terrorism related, more about challenging personal issues.

If his birth date is sound, then he has an exact Yod of Pluto (+ North Node) in Scorpio sextile Uranus (+ Neptune) in Capricorn inconjunct a Gemini Sun – a Sun focal point Yod would tend to make him self-conscious, feel awkward in social situations and have difficulty establish a strong core identity. He’d veer between being withdrawn and being overly-assertive. Plus he has an enraged frustrated Mars in heavyweight Taurus opposition Pluto, trine Uranus Neptune. Mars is slow-burn in Taurus but volcanic when it blows and in aspect to the three outer planets would be all the more unstable. Plus he had a Water Grand Trine of Jupiter trine Mercury in Cancer trine Saturn in regretful Pisces, so would live in his own bubble and not relate well to reality at times.

The 18th Harmonic from this chart, usually notable amongst mass killers, is very strong; is the self-defeating 10H.

Katie Boyle – a sparkling madcap Gemini



Katie Boyle, a vibrant compere of the Eurovision Song context in years gone by and a UK television favourite for three decades, has died.

She was born 29 May 1926 to an English mother and a mad Italian aristo father, who took custody of her aged five when the marriage split. She was expelled from various schools and eventually consigned to a mental asylum after she had an affair with an Italian secret policeman aged 18. As the war finished she was despatched back to her mother in England, took up modelling, married Viscount Boyle, an Irish aristo, divorced him seven years later and married a Lloyds Underwriter. He was the love of her life and after he died she went on to marry a theatre impresario.

She wrote on fashion and beauty as well as presenting, became an agony aunt for years; and had a strong interest in dogs, always regretting not having been asked to present Animal Hospital. A life lived to the full.

She was a Sun Gemini with a sparky Mars and Uranus in Pisces, and a determined, resourceful Mars trine Pluto. Her Venus in upfront Aries was trine Neptune and sextile Jupiter which fits her bubbly and sophisticated image. Her enduring qualities came from a Fixed Grand Cross of Neptune opposition Jupiter in Aquarius square Saturn in Scorpio opposition Mercury.

A lovely lady from a bygone era.