Mass protests with many injured in Catalonia followed news that the former separatist leader Carles Puigdemont has been taken into custody in Germany on a European arrest warrant. He faces charges of sedition, rebellion and misappropriation of public funds over last year’s Catalan banned independence referendum, which could result in up to 30 years in prison. Spain’s Supreme Court has ruled 25 that Catalan leaders should be tried for rebellion, embezzlement or disobeying the state. They all deny the allegations.
If ever there was a way of inflaming a situation which a diplomatic compromise could have settled in the first place this is it.
Carles Puigdemont, 29 December 1962, is an ambitious Sun Capricorn trine a rebellious Uranus Pluto in Virgo, sextile Jupiter. With a flamboyant Mars in Leo, Saturn Moon in Aquarius and Venus Neptune in Scorpio – so stubborn and enduring.
He’s not looking cheerful in 2018/19/20 with a run of blocked, discouraging and risky influences. But then he’ll get into a better gear and may be back in for a fight through the early 2020s.
What’s interesting is the Independence Vote 27 October 2017 3.26pm chart looks more upbeat this year and in 2019 with Jupiter well-starred; and getting back into revolutionary gear come 2021.
Puigdemont’s relationship chart with Spain 1975 is dissolving under Neptune in 2019/2020; but from 2021/2022 getting back into fighting mode.
His Mars squares the Spain’s late degree Scorpio Sun Mercury so it is an argumentative combination; with his destabilising Uranus Pluto in the Spain 8th so he obviously hits a deep chord of fear. Especially since Spain already has a hidden Pluto in the 8th leading to a determined fight for control.
In addition to three Scorpio planets, Spain has an autocratic Saturn square Uranus which is being severely jangled from this July into 2020, which could be other dilemmas. But it looks unsettled.
The crazy thing is most Catalonians without all this hooha would probably vote to stay as long as they were given more autonomy. But creating martyrs is not the way to go.