Jacinda Ardern – baby on board



Jacinda Ardern, PM of New Zealand, had her first baby today at 4.45pm in Auckland.  Her daughter is a last gasp Gemini Sun only a few hours away from being a Cancer. She has a 10th house Libra Moon so may well consider following her mother’s footsteps into some kind of public career. Though she’ll be rebellious and quite a maverick with Uranus in her performing 5th house square Venus North Node in Leo opposition Mars in Aquarius. She’ll be stubborn, very much a law-unto-herself romantically as well as in whatever way she chooses to present herself.

Her Moon squares Saturn, indicative of an overly dutiful mother, and also trines Mars, so there will be some tantrums. Her Pluto opposes Mercury in Cancer for an intense and forceful way of expressing herself. Neptune is in her 4th in a self-protective, healing Water Grand Trine to Jupiter in Scorpio and Mercury, formed into a Kite by Mercury opposition Pluto making Pluto in her financial 2nd the driving planet. She will be talented, lucky and influential. Though Neptune in her 4th suggests she’ll feel her identity is very wrapped up in the family.

Her Gemini Sun chimes with her mother’s Venus in Gemini; her Venus in Leo with her mother’s Leo Sun; and her Jupiter falls on her mother’s Ascendant boosting her image. Though the crossover Moon aspects are less great with baby’s Libra Moon conjunct her mother’s Mars Pluto; and baby’s Saturn conjunct her mother’s ambitious Capricorn Moon.

Their relationship chart is affectionate with a composite Sun, Venus, Mercury in a practical trine to Saturn; though there’s an aggravated composite Mars Pluto sextile Uranus Neptune. Fitting a young baby into a high-powered political schedule won’t be easy and will leave its mark.

2 thoughts on “Jacinda Ardern – baby on board

  1. Sure is going to be an interesting baby to watch grow here, Marjorie. Very excited for Jacinda, I thought she was so dedicated to politics she may miss the boat and I know she is a natural mum. Really happy for her.

  2. I like Jacinda Ardern – she seems like a true humanitarian, environmentalist, and progressive politician. New Zealand is very lucky to have somebody like Ardern representing them. I really wish we had somebody like Jacinda Ardern representing us here in the States!

    Anyway, I had no idea Jacinda Ardern was expecting a child. I’m happy for her and her husband. And, I hope you’re right about Ardern’s newborn daughter possibly following in her footsteps when she’s older – the world can never have enough activists and humanitarians.

    Chris Romero
    Jacksonville, Florida

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