7 thoughts on “Questions & Comments

  1. It’s official, US Supreme Court upheld the Trump travel ban. He’ll be insufferable, a shining example on the path toward that elusive Nobel Peace Prize.

  2. Today Hilary Clinton stated that the stirring up of tribalism and zenophobia is a Putin plot.

    We know some countries use propaganda to control citizens. This is my concern regarding Trump’s blatant and constant lying.

    Astrological, in terms of what seems to be going on regarding a “post truth” era—well, I’m actually asking—is this in the stars? Is this something we can see in astrology? Are we doomed to a new dark age of superstition and ignorance?

    There’s an interview on the lawfare podcast from 6-21-18 on post truth & politics (very interesting and I share it because of some links I’ve seen on your site.) it includes also the concerns about the attacks on the intelligence community.

    General Michael Hayden has served as the head of both the Central Intelligence Agency and National Security Agency—and he says that intelligence is under attack. In his latest book, “The Assault on Intelligence: American National Security in an Age of Lies,” Gen. Hayden argues that in what he calls a post-truth world, the United States needs its intelligence community now as much as ever. All the more reason to be concerned about the president’s repeated attacks on it.

  3. Marjorie,

    I’m sure you heard the news about Melania Trump making a surprise visit to one of the “Border Detention Facilities” (which are basically racist internment camps build to imprison Latin American and Caribbean immigrants) in Texas yesterday. What was even more shocking was that she had the audacity to wear some cheap, ugly $39 coat with the message: “I really don’t care. Do you?”

    To begin with, it was 81 degrees Fahrenheit in yesterday in the part of Texas she traveled to. So, everyone is wondering why she was wearing a coat in the first place.

    Secondly, Melania Trump is “high maintenance.” She likes to wear clothing and jewellery that’s worth thousands of dollars. So, it was very strange that she chose to wear a coat that was only $39.

    Last but not least, the message: “”I really don’t care. Do you?” that was printed on the back of the coat seems awfully suspicious considering Melania was visiting a border detention facility were families of immigrants were being separated.

    Anyway, I was just wondering if you had any astrological insights regarding Melania Trump’s motives / involvement in all of this. Astrologically speaking, does Melania Trump appear to be genuinely concerned about the border children or is she only getting involved just for show? Also, astrologically speaking, how does Melania Trump’s public image look in the upcoming months? How does her relationship look with the American people, the border children, or with Donald Trump in the upcoming months?

    Any information you choose to share would be much appreciated. And, as always, again, thank you for all you do and for sharing your astrological insights with all of us – your astrological posts about the arts, entertainment, world events, and pop culture are always very entertaining to read 🙂

    Chris Romero
    Jacksonville, Florida

  4. Hi Marjorie,
    James Corden put up an extraordinary 23 minute clip on YouTube overnight from his show, Late Show with James Corden of him
    carpooling karaoke with Paul McCartney visiting the Beatle’s old house, neighbourhoods depicted in Beatle songs.
    PMcC born 18 June 1942 in Liverpool and JC born 22 August 1978 in London and there seems to be great chemistry
    between them.
    Any thoughts? And thanks if you do.

  5. Can you advise what the latest is with Brexit? My gut feeling is that there are plenty of twists and turns yet and it might not happen…. I live in Northern Ireland with my wife (she is a native although I am originally from England). The White Eagle Lodge School of Astrology did a talk near Belfast last year and suggested that Northern Ireland could never pivotal in the Brexit process – it seems to be panning out that way!

  6. Nikki Haley – I re-read your assessment of her & Trump, dated AUg 2017. At that time, things were going from bad to worse…her comments about the US leavingthe UN Human Rights Council. Wouldn’t it be fitting if said council formally charged Trump (via tweet) of human rights violation. Is she still headed for the dumpster 18/19? Thanks.

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