A suicide bomb went off at Brussels Airport just after 8am this morning and an hour later another at a metro station. At least 26 are thought to be dead with many more injured. This comes only four days after Salah Abdeslam, one of the Paris bombers, was arrested in Brussels.
The Lunar Eclipse tomorrow at 3 degrees Libra/Aries sits conjunct the MC/IC axis when located to Brussels so hugely significant. The Full Moon is sextile/trine Mars in crusading Sagittarius So fiery, aggressive.
The first bomb went off as tr Pluto was conjunct the MC (for Brussels) and trine Jupiter Moon in Virgo in the 5th – so audacious, destructive, controlling and attention-seeking.
Whether it was an ‘official’ ISIS atrocity or not, the perpetrators will undoubtedly be supporters. With pressure increasing on their Middle Eastern strongholds and finances, it was expected they would ‘diversify’ into covert random attacks on the European mainland.
The ISIS 15 Oct 2006 chart does show increasing pressure and also a radical change of direction this year with tr Uranus trine Saturn and trine Pluto. Tr Uranus has just moved over the opposition to the ISIS Venus, to which it returns until early 2017; plus tr Uranus opposing Sun Mars from April, through June and onwards till early 2018. So an explosive, disruptive time ahead; but also enough Jupiter natally and in transit to suggest it won’t be a sudden implosion, but will drag on and on.
It’s difficult to see how Europe – Belgium, France and the UK especially – with large pockets of poor, disenfranchised and bitter Muslim youth is going to cope.
The EU/ISIS relationship is aggravated and chilly this year, moving through a time of tension towards an even larger upset by 2018.
There’s a possible time of 1.52pm for the Belgium national chart, 4 October 1830. That puts the Libra Sun in the 9th opposition Pluto square Jupiter conjunct the Capricorn Ascendant. The Lunar Eclipse in Libra/Aries is certainly sparking off that T square. And the earlier Pisces Solar Eclipse this month was conjunct the Belgium Mars and opposition Venus pointing to a crisis, risk and emotional upset.
On that start time the Solar Arc Uranus is also exactly square the 13 Scorpio MC for a considerable shock and change of direction. Tr Pluto is also exactly square the Venus/MC midpoint and conjunct the Mars/MC – again an emotional shock, plus anger and destruction. Tr Neptune is square the Asc/MC midpoint so undermining the country’s sense of itself; and within less than a degree of being square the Jupiter/MC which again lowers confidence. Plus a confused and highly anxious tr Saturn conjunct Neptune/MC. So that time does seem to hold good.