Why was Tony Blair so hell bent on backing GWB no matter what and launching the Iraq war with no legal or international sanction? For all his socialist credentials and faux charm, he was fond of wielding the military as a weapon of foreign policy. His Labour Government from 1997 was one of the most warlike of modern world governments, with five military interventions during his time.
There are several factors in his chart – one is a focal point Uranus which believes in direct action to upset the status quo, added onto a Saturn Neptune which is fervent about creating a better world, with Neptune in a fanatical square to Uranus, which is prone to misjudgements – rationality flies out of the window. Plus an ego-centric and hugely stubborn focal point Taurus Sun. And all of that is channelled through what is probably the key in his chart which is the ‘holy warrior’ Mars Jupiter on his Ascendant.
Mars is assertive and Jupiter wraps up the Martian aggression in high ideals, which are often a cosmetic to provide a justification for acting out raw anger. Interestingly Mars Jupiter is also a financial adventurer.
Where you find individuals clinging onto clearly irrational ideas, you also often find Uranus Neptune around – and his Mars does aspect his Uranus/Neptune midpoint.
His Mars/Jupiter midpoint is also conjunct the fixed star Mirfak in the constellation of Perseus, the warrior, ‘Mirfak is a star of great energy and fearlessness. It can make you dive into action without considering your options and thus it may make you rash or unwise. Here is an influence that will encourage you to take on anything new and exciting, however you may overestimate your limits or abilities.’
His relationship chart with the USA 1776 also has a composite Sun Jupiter Mars Mercury conjunction and a very Airy chart, so communication with the USA stoked his fervour and the US loved his articulacy.
TB’s Harmonics are interesting. His get-it-together 5th Harmonic is immensely strong. This can suggest a resourceful personality but also points to an ability/need to impose his vision on the world around him. He not only creates himself, he wishes through sheer will power to mould others into a creation of his own design.
All of his strong Harmonics have Mars aspected, especially his can-be-manic 7H; his self-destruct 10H; his actor’s 15H; and leadership 22H. The 10th Harmonic – stands for prosperity and abundance, it also contains the seed of both rise and fall, of the good and the bad.
His 5H and 10H also have the fanatical Uranus Neptune; and his 22H has the megalomaniac Neptune Pluto.
Other odd thoughts. His North Node in Aquarius (= passion for a cause) is exactly opposite the USA 1776 Leo Node. So 9/11, when tr Neptune was opposition the USA Leo Node causing them to feel their leadership status was being undermined, it was also conjunct his Aquarius Node, so firing up his saving-the-world vision.
When the Iraq War was launched the tr North Node was conjunct his Mars/Jupiter midpoint, and his Solar Arc Uranus was square his Mars/Jupiter. Plus in the run up, tr Uranus was square his Jupiter and tr Neptune conjunct his 10th house Moon. So you get this repeating theme of his adventuring, gung-ho Mars Jupiter – which in the spirit of any gambler, always harbours a crazy optimism for any reckless leap. Plus a messianic Neptune.
He is undoubtedly an interesting man but the mix of a gigantic ego (I’m never wrong) and extraordinary obstinacy, coupled with a mission to put himself centre stage in his true-humanitarian frock was always going to come unstuck at some point.
The ancient Greeks called it hubris – foolish pride and over-confidence that leads to a downfall. It often involves ‘a loss of contact with reality and an overestimation of one’s own competence, accomplishments or capabilities. Contrary to common expectations, hubris is not necessarily associated with high self-esteem but with highly fluctuating or variable self-esteem, and a gap between inflated self-perception and a more modest reality.’ That is an interesting thought since it explains why he can never admit to being wrong – it would completely crush him.
Roman commanders used to have s slave who stayed at their side murmuring ‘Memento homo’ – remember you are only a man, to remind the overlord not to lose a sense of proportion. Since Blair increasingly thought his main conversation should be with God who’d give him the right answers, he fell into what the Jungians call identifying with the archetype, which way leads to madness.
To Alex who asked the horary question – I’m not well up in what is a specialist astrological technique. But on the time you gave (5.26am London, 9 July 2016) there is a Yod from a Mars sextile Jupiter onto a 10th house Uranus – so a fated set of events from the Yod, that changed the course of (many) lives and certainly TB’s career, stemming from an adventurous/reckless decision.