Scottish actor Gerard Butler has been taken to hospital after crashing his motorcycle in LA though his injuries are apparently not serious. He came to renown after Attila and The Phantom of the Opera and played in several dragon films, as well as Coriolanus; his latest sci-fi epic Geostorm is about to release.
Born 13 November 1969 5.21am Paisley, Scotland, he’s an intense and filmic Sun Mercury Neptune in Scorpio; with Venus in Scorpio opposition Saturn in Taurus in his 7th square to Mars in Aquarius in his 4th, a testament to a tricky childhood with parents splitting when he was 18 months old, and he only met his father again when he was 16. His Capricorn Moon is square a 12th house Uranus as is a 12th house Pluto in late Virgo. Not the easiest of emotional lives. Though he’s got an enthusiastic and charming 1st house Jupiter along with his Venus.
He’s had a slight lull in his career with tr Saturn moving below his horizon since 2012 but is beginning to re-emerge. At the moment he’s got tr Neptune conjunct his Progressed Mars and tr Saturn square his Solar Arc Mars, which may be pointers to this accident. But what he’ll need to watch out for is his Solar Arc Mars moving to oppose his Pluto in two years’ time, which could be problematic since he tends to do athletic roles with stunts which always carry the risk of accidents. But tr Pluto sextile his Scorpio Sun in 2018/19 and tr Jupiter moving through his financial 2nd house in 2018, suggest that he’ll be making positive and beneficial progress all the same.