The jinxed Freddie Mercury biopic, Bohemian Rhapsody, has found a new director after Bryan Singer was ousted and still seems on track for a late 2018 release. Since 2008, it has suffered from two changes in writer, three different lead actors and now the second director. Bryan Singer appears to have gone because of unreliability due, he claims, to family illness; and there were differences with the lead actor Rami Malek.
Singer was born 17 September 1965, the same day as the Kim Davis, the Kentucky county clerk jailed for refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, and a week after Bashar Assad of Syria. He is a Sun Virgo, with fairly chaotic Uranus Mercury Pluto in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces probably square a Gemini Moon, and sextile Mars Neptune in Scorpio. He also has Venus in Scorpio. Not an easy personality, that’s for sure. Over the years various allegations have been made against him from underage boys (see wiki) which were dismissed but have revived with the Spacey scandal erupting. He’s got tr Neptune conjunct his Saturn which is disorientating in 2017/18 and tr Neptune then moves on to oppose his Uranus, Mercury and Pluto. So an undermining time in his life.
He’d certainly be a bad fit with Rami Malek, the American-Egyptian actor, much awarded for his lead in Mr Robot. He was born 12 May 1981 8.41am Torrance, California and is a Sun Mars in Taurus. His Sun is on the focal point of a Yod inconjunct Pluto sextile Neptune with his Sun opposition Uranus. He’ll stand his ground in discussions and not give way easily. His Virgo Moon is conjunct Singer’s Uranus Pluto and opposition Singer’s Saturn; with his Taurus Sun Mars opposition Singer’s Mars Neptune. He’d find Singer less than comforting to be around and inflexible.
Their relationship chart has a composite Sun square Uranus, which requires each give the other space and the freedom to be who they are without interference. Not conducive to co-operation. Tr Uranus has been square the composite Sun and opposition Uranus this year, so it would be rocky and has now finally split, no doubt to Malek’s relief. Rami Malek is a twin, only four minutes different from his brother who is a teacher. Same astro-energies but focussed in different directions.
Malek’s life will alter radically at the end of 2018/early 2019; and he looks to be pushing confidently ahead through 2018/19; with a good deal ahead for him.
Freddie Mercury, 5 September 1946 5.10am Zanzibar, had a Virgo Sun on the exact degree of Malek’s Moon – so a definite resonance; with Mercury’s Jupiter conjunct Malek’s Pluto.