Ruth Westheimer, the sex therapist and media personality is still going strong as she nears 91. She’s the subject of a new documentary, Ask Dr Ruth, with a European premiere at Sundance Film Festival London later this month; then off to Japan, back to Oxford to debate pornography, her annual trip to Switzerland, where she spent the war in an orphanage, and Israel. She has a teaching schedules at Hunter and Columbia universities in New York, a column for Time, an upcoming children’s book, and a new edition of her bestselling guide, Sex for Dummies and her work for Jewish Heritage.
Born 4 June 1928 4am Karlstadt, Germany, she was sent to Switzerland after her father was arrested on Kristallnacht in 1939 and she never saw either of her parents again. She became a sniper in Palestine after the war, was injured, moved to France to study psychology and thence to the USA. She’s been married three times with two children.
She has an exuberant and multi-tasking Sun, North Node and Venus in Gemini on her Ascendant. Her Sun opposes Saturn Moon in Sagittarius giving her a work ethic and a drive to communicate her knowledge. Her upfront Mars in Aries is in an uncompromising conjunction with Uranus and is in a hard-edged trine to her Moon Saturn as well as a challenging square to Pluto – not an easy life or experiences. Her Mercury in emotional Cancer is in an outspoken square to Uranus and an argumentative square to Mars which would help when talking about sex was not as well accepted as it is nowadays.
She also has a wide inspirational, entrepreneurial and attention-demanding Fire Grand Trine of Jupiter in Aries trine Neptune trine her Moon.
Oddly enough for a life and career very much focussed on sex she has no Earth planets – 6 Fire, two Air, 2 Water. Freud had four planets in Taurus including his Sun. But her contribution was obviously a ‘heady’ one primarily as a communicator.