Lachlan Murdoch – Fox News on edge with new CEO




Lachlan Murdoch, eldest son of Rupert, is now Chairman and CEO of the Fox Corporation, a slimmed down entity after the sale this month of 21st Century Fox to Disney. It raises the question of how he’ll manage the pro-Trump, right-wing Fox news end of the business. Rupert was regularly in contact with Trump, Lachlan evidently never.

Born 8 September 1971 he’s a hard-working, understated Sun Venus in Virgo with a tough-minded and sharp-witted Air Grand Trine of Saturn in Gemini trine Uranus trine Mars in uncompromising Aquarius. His Saturn opposes a high-finance, creative, though also neurotic opposition to Neptune Jupiter.

His Uranus is conjunct the Fox Libra Sun, 7 October 1996, so he’ll be a disruptive/reforming force; with his Pluto conjunct the Fox Mercury leading to intense discussions about direction.

His relationship chart with Fox has a confused, disappointing Sun square Neptune; and a chained-together-and-resenting-it Saturn opposition Pluto, which latter is being tossed every which way through this year as tr Uranus opposes the Pluto and is conjunct the Saturn. It’ll be a bumpy ride with a financially undermining tr Neptune square the composite Jupiter in 2020.

He’s nothing like as cosy a fit with Trump as his father. Rupert’s Mars is conjunct Trump’s Venus and his Jupiter is conjunct Trump’s Mercury. Their relationship chart has a friendly composite Sun Venus and probably Moon trine Jupiter. They wouldn’t want to live in each other’s pockets but it’s a reasonable match.

Lachlan on the other hand has his ultra-determined Mars in Aquarius opposition Trump’s Pluto and his Mercury conjunct Trump’s Mars – so power-struggling and argumentative. Their relationship chart which has a slippery Sun Mercury square Neptune is being pummelled this way and that through this year from May onwards.

The Fox News chart looks muted this year with tr Saturn square the Sun off and on till the fall; and in a state of upheaval with tr Uranus square Uranus; heading into confusion and devastation in 2020 with tr Pluto conjunct the Neptune.

Duchess of Cambridge marking her territory



As light relief from political bickering, there appears to be a struggle for social supremacy amongst the ‘turnip toffs’ in Norfolk which has resulted in the Duchess of Cambridge falling out with former model Rose Hanbury, Marchioness of Cholmondeley. A one per cent of a one per cent problem.

Rose Hanbury was born 15 March 1984 and is a Sun Pisces in an ultra-determined trine to Mars in Scorpio, with Pluto and Saturn also in Scorpio. She has an intensely charming, can-be-manipulative Venus in Pisces trine Pluto, sextile Neptune (Jupiter) in Capricorn.

The synastry (without birth times) isn’t too fraught although Kate’s Uranus squares Rose’s Venus,  Kate’s Neptune squares Rose’s Sun; and Rose’s Saturn squares Kate’s Venus, so there would always have been a few teeth-gritted moments behind the smiles and a disinclination especially on Kate’s part to be too closely tied together.

Their relationship chart does have a friendly composite Sun Venus and an adventurous Jupiter Uranus; but that is over shadowed by a poisonous and hostile composite Pluto, Mars, Saturn which would always have been lurking in the undergrowth. And was detonated out into the open from last year as tr Uranus upended their relationship in opposition to the composite Pluto, moving on through this May to oppose the composite Mars Saturn. So it won’t be settling anytime soon.

Her husband David Cholmondeley, 27 June 1960,  doesn’t look easy with either Kate or Prince William for the next couple of years with an aggravating, frustrating tr Pluto opposition their composite Mars.

Uri Geller – hoping to bend Theresa May



A blast from the past has reappeared to add a much-needed dash of comedy to the Brexit fiasco.  Uri Geller, psychic and spoon bender, has promised to stop the process telepathically since he intuited that most Brits were against it.

His track record is a touch spotty when it comes to claims of magic powers – viz the time he tried to help Second Division football club Exeter City win a game by placing “energy-infused” crystals behind the goals at Exeter’s ground. It lost 5–1 and in later years was relegated.

My own impression is that he does have extra-sensory powers but also has an ego problem and a need to show off, which is risky given the fragile nature of such abilities. They don’t switch on and off to order especially in highly public situations.

He was born 20 December 1946 at 2.30am in Tel Aviv which puts Saturn Pluto in Leo on his midheaven. Saturn Pluto is associated sometimes with the ‘magician’ who wields occult power. He’s also got Uranus in his 8th which would point to an ability to shine light on areas beneath surface reality. Plus an intensely charming, sugary-sweet Jupiter, Moon and Venus in Scorpio in his 1st.  His Sagittarius Sun is in his financial 2nd conjunct Mars in Capricorn.

He’s looking financially OK this year with Jupiter moving through his 2nd; but otherwise is frustrated, stuck and apart from one lucky break in May, not exactly radiating success and confidence.

He was close to Michael Jackson and may well be wincing on that score.

Algeria – the old guard versus the young



Algeria’s ailing 82 year old President Abdelaziz Bouteflika is insisting he stay in place during a transition to a new administration, having been forced into declining a fifth term. The theory being he is being propped up by vested interests amongst his entourage. It hasn’t calmed dissent on the streets with major demonstrations across the country, mainly from younger voters but also the professions and some military joining in.

His Deputy Defence Minister Abdel Gaid Salah, who has criticised the uprising and would presumably be out of a job if the old regime fell has put himself forward as arbiter of the changeover. Born 13 January 1940 he’s a stalwart and ambitious Sun Capricorn square a tough Saturn in Aries opposition a Libra North Node. Co-operation is not his strong point. He’s also got a practical, business-oriented Earth Grand Trine of Sun trine Neptune trine Uranus.

He’s under considerable stress and discouraged from this year till 2021 with tr Pluto conjunct his Sun and square his Saturn, which will take its toll and grind him down; with more stress and disappointments in 2020. His relationship chart with Algeria  hints at separation this year and disappointment with each other through the next four years.

Which doesn’t mean he won’t stick around but at the very least he’ll be exceptionally unpopular.

See post March 6 2019

Adnan Syed – ups and downs ahead


Adnan Syed  imprisoned in 1999 for the murder of his ex-girl-friend Hae Min Lee, from whom he had separated, has had his case aired by the podcast Serial and has been through a number of appeals. He was convicted on the basis of no physical evidence and the word of a man whom defence lawyers say was coached in his testimony. A possible alibi witness was never brought forward.

Syed, born 21 May 1981 into a conservative Muslim family, is a Sun Mercury in Gemini square an enthusiastic Mars Jupiter in Virgo; with a a neurotic Saturn square Neptune and sextile Uranus. It’s an impulsive though not an especially difficult chart except for his Pluto being square his Sun/Mars midpoint.

He could be in for some good news at points this year with tr Uranus trine his Jupiter late this month into mid April; and again through May with tr Uranus trine his Mars/Jupiter midpoint. But he’s still got a dreary-slog tr Pluto trine his Saturn all year and more discouragement come the early 2020s.

Hae Min Lee, 15 October 1980, was a Sun Pluto in Libra with Venus in Virgo. Her Mars in Sagittarius was opposition his Sun so it would be a sparky, argumentative interface. And their relationship chart despite having an affectionate composite Sun Venus conjunction also has an intensely possessive composite Mars Pluto which would make separation a fraught issue.

Whatever is true or not, the judicial process does seem to have been flawed.

Emilia Clarke – death defying in life as well as on screen



Emilia Clarke, the English actress who plays Daenerys Targaryen in Game of Thrones has admitted she suffered two brain aneurysms early on in the eight-year run of the series. Either of them could have killed her and she underwent risky brain surgery and a difficult convalescence before stepping back into a pressured role.

Born 23 October 1986 in London (no time sadly) she’s a last degree Libra or zero Scorpio Sun conjunct Pluto square Mars in Aquarius, so carries a good deal of inner tension and frustration. Her Pluto is in a confident trine to Jupiter; and her Saturn in Sagittarius is in a disciplined sextile to her Mars and a hates-failure square to her Jupiter.  Her Moon is a singleton in Gemini/Cancer. Often singleton Moons go along with a public career.

When she had her first collapse from a brain bleed in 2011 tr Pluto was conjunct her Sun/Jupiter which should have given her a surge of confidence but was also conjunct her Mars/Saturn which can be accident-prone and fairly disastrous. Two years later when she had an even more serious operation her Solar Arc Neptune was in a debilitating square to her Sun; and she had an uncertain worrisome Solar Arc Saturn conjunct Neptune as well.

A birth time would definitely help. Extraordinary she was able to recover, keep it secret, and continue in such a challenging role and with a punishing work schedule.

Anthony Pellicano – a trunkful of secrets



Anthony Pellicano, the private investigator/fixer for the stars and inspiration behind the violent Ray Donovan tv series will be released from prison this week. He’s served more than 15 years inside, on charges ranging from possession of plastic explosives and hand grenades, to wiretapping, racketeering, protection, intimidation, witness tampering and destruction of evidence. He was an expert in electronic surveillance and consultant on the movie The Enemy of the State. Michael Jackson was a client amongst  other big name stars and he ‘handled’ the Jordan Chandler allegations which were eventually settled out of court for $23 million.

Pellicano was born in Chicago on 22 March 1944, a working-class boy of Sicilian descent with probably Mafia connections, who left school early to join the US Army Signal Corps.

He’s a Sun Mercury in Aries trine Pluto and opposition Neptune – Pluto Neptune in aspect to the Sun is often a stand-out feature of over-the-top ambition. His Pluto conjunct the Leadership Leo North Node sits on the focal point of a trine between an innovative Uranus and Neptune – controlling and influential.  Where his ruthless streak comes from is Saturn Mars conjunct in Gemini sextile a flamboyant Jupiter in Leo. And I’d imagine his Pluto is magnified sitting on the angles or in his 8th.

His harmonics hint at an attraction for walking on the dark side.  His 16th Harmonic is particularly strong which is destructive, warning against dangers and disasters which are sometimes self-inflicted.  And his 18th Harmonic is also marked which attracts conflicts and enemies, fire and explosions.

He isn’t look too settled or secure in 2020/21 with tr Neptune square his Saturn; and before then will be in a state of upheavals with tr Uranus square his Pluto.

Good Friday Agreement – under extreme strain



The Good Friday Agreement which lies at the heart of the Irish backstop problem was the peace agreement between the British and Irish governments, and most of the political parties in Northern Ireland, on how Northern Ireland should be governed; and relations between the North and the South and the British government. It guaranteed an open border which is the stumbling block if/when the UK exits the EU and the Republic of Ireland stays in.  It was agreed on 10th April 1998 at 5pm in Belfast and was a considerable achievement after decades of trouble.

That chart has been under serious stress since 2017 with tr Pluto squaring the Aries Sun, moving this year on to square the Saturn, then the Mars/Saturn midpoint in 2021/22 and finally Mars in 2023/24 – so an extended period of extreme pressure pushing it to the limit and beyond.

There’ll be an almighty jolt come mid 2020 with Solar Arc Sun square the Uranus.

Which doesn’t augur well for whatever the consequences of Brexit turn out to be.