More damning information about Prince Andrew’s financial affairs have surfaced in the Mail, exposing his association with property developer and half-billionaire David Rowland. The allegations are that the prince crossed the line and exploited his trade envoy job to further his and the Rowlands’ private financial interests.
David Rowland, 16 June 1945, is the son of a scrap-metal dealer, who made his first million by 23, moved up in the world and nearly became treasurer of the Tory Party after giving a massive donation but retreated in a hurry when the Mail started asking questions about his background. It is also claimed he paid off chunks of Sarah Ferguson’s debts.
He’s a flexible Sun Mercury and Uranus in Gemini square Jupiter in Virgo – a multi-tasker, overly confident. He has that signature Venus Mars conjunction that runs right through Epstein’s main connections including Prince Andrew. Rowland’s Venus Mars is in Taurus square Pluto and sextile Saturn so staggeringly determined and fairly ruthless when it comes to getting his own way.
His Venus Mars falls in Andrew’s 10th house of career with his Jupiter in Andrew’s 2nd house of personal finances; and his Gemini Sun opposes Andrew’s Jupiter in the speculative 5th. A match designed with money in mind.
Their relationship chart has a slippery composite Sun opposition Neptune and Sun in a controlling trine to Pluto; with an over-hopeful Mercury opposition Jupiter; and an excitable Venus Mars trine Uranus. It is labouring mightily in a swamp of confusion at the moment with tr Pluto square the composite Neptune which can feel devastating; and is under a dark and separating cloud in 2020 with tr Saturn square the Neptune and Sun.
Rowlands’ chart doesn’t indicate a great time for several years ahead with a high-insecurity tr Uranus conjunct the Mars exactly now, repeating in February. His Progressed Mars is also in a car-crash conjunction to his Sun now and then Mercury next year. Plus a confidence-undermining tr Neptune opposition his Jupiter from April for a year; a setback Solar Arc Saturn square his Sun in 2020/21 and Neptune trailing on for another couple of years squaring his Sun.