There are shivers of horror within Israel, never mind on the international scene, at PM Netanyahu’s decision to offer the Defence Ministry to extreme right-winger Avigdor Lieberman, who seems keen to bring back the death penalty and has hard-line views on the Palestinians.
Benjamin Netanyahu’s 2nd Term chart, 18 March 2013 7.54pm, looks very precarious this year with tr Saturn still on the opposition to Jupiter through August and tr Neptune square Jupiter till the New Year. So confidence at an all-time low; with the even more unstable Solar Arc Uranus square Pluto exact in four months’ time.
His personal chart looks no better with tr Saturn square tr Neptune hitting on the 10 degree Virgo MC all year as well as his Venus in Sagittarius making him uncertain, indecisive and unpopular as well as suffering setbacks. With tr Saturn now moving through his 1st house into his lower-profile, less successful, first quadrant for several years to come he’s likely to make major misjudgements.
His relationship chart with Israel is filled with disappointment this year. And his relationship chart with Avigdor Lieberman, looks set to sag badly from late this June onwards, so whatever benefits he thought the appointment would bring, won’t happen.
Lieberman, 5 June 1958 Moldova, looks upbeat at the moment with tr Uranus opposition his Jupiter; but tr Saturn is opposing his Gemini Sun through this year; with tr Neptune square Sun in 2017; as well as a failure-ridden Solar Arc Neptune square Mars in 2017 – so slipping and sliding badly. His relationship chart with Israel similarly looks under aggravated influences this year and disappointing ones in 2017.
Israel, 14 May 1948 4pm Tel Aviv, has tr Saturn square tr Neptune hitting on the 8th house Mercury in Gemini all year, so much confusion and uncertainty. With an escalation of problems in 2017 with tr Saturn conjunct Jupiter and opposition Uranus dampening enthusiasm and causing tensions. Plus Solar Arc Mars square Moon and Solar Arc Moon conjunct Neptune suggesting an aggravated and unhappy population. With tr Uranus square MC bringing an abrupt change of direction. And after mid 2017 tr Uranus trine Mars which could be explosive and will certainly be insecure.