The assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzak Rabin on 4th November 1995 successfully destroyed the one real chance of peace with the Palestinians and changed the course of history. Rabin with a military background had been able to persuade the electorate to overcome their fears, let go of the past and forge an accord with their neighbours. He came to see Palestinian resistance not as a military threat to be crushed, but as a political grievance requiring resolution.
But the then leader of the opposition, Benjamin Netanyahu disagreed and rabble roused at demonstrations, with the crowd chanting “Death to Rabin”. In July 1995, Netanyahu walked at the head of a mock funeral procession featuring a fake black coffin. He was asked to dial down the rhetoric, warning that the prime minister’s life was in danger. He declined. Four months later Yigal Amir, a young religious Jewish nationalist, shot Rabin, who refused to wear protective clothing, at a peace demo. He died of his wounds on the way to hospital.
The election the following May elected Netanyahu to power for the first time, where he remains today. For all but 20 months of the last 25 years, the right and centre-right have held power.
Rabin, born 1 March 1922 4.17pm Jerusalem, was an innovative Sun, Uranus, Venus in Pisces; with Jupiter Saturn conjunct in Libra opposition an 8th house Aries Moon square Pluto – controlling and also influential, persuasive and as is the way with a focal point Pluto inclined to arouse hostile resistance because his ideas were ahead of their time.
His shooter, Yigal Amir, 23 May 1970 11.30pm Herzliya, Israel, came from an Orthodox Yemenite family, and has a religious/idealistic Neptune in Scorpio on his Midheaven sextile a troubled Pluto Uranus in his 8th house. When he carried out the killing the highly strung tr Neptune Uranus in Capricorn were square his Jupiter and tr Pluto was conjunct his Midheaven and Neptune – none of which would help to keep him stable. He remains in prison.
The Israel country chart at that time had the destabilizing tr Uranus Neptune conjunct its IC at the base of the chart, uprooting it from old certainties and throwing it into confusion. The Israel Solar Arc Pluto was in a power-struggling and one-upmanship battle in the months before in square to its Jupiter.
Interestingly – astrologically-speaking – Rabin’s healing Neptune was conjunct Israel’s warlike 10th house Saturn Pluto, whereas Amir’s unyielding Saturn Mercury in Taurus are square it. Amir’s Mars is also conjunct the Israel Uranus for an explosive connection.
Netanyahu, 21 October 1949 10.15 am Tel Aviv, who arguably walked over Rabin’s corpse to gain power had the tr Neptune Uranus in Capricorn square his Libra Sun and Moon at that point as well as trine his Virgo Midheaven; with his Solar Arc Pluto square his Uranus. Uranus, the wild card, thrusting him into high office.
Netanyahu hooks into the worst of the Israeli temperament having his Pluto conjunct the Israel Saturn and his Mars in flashy Leo conjunct the Israel Mars and square its Taurus Sun; with his Sun Moon conjunct the Israel Ascendant and his Jupiter conjunct the Israel IC.
Israel is, in many ways, at an even more significant point in its history now with the triple conjunction of Saturn Pluto Jupiter in Capricorn congregating around its IC and brewing up domestic discontent for years ahead. The Solar Arc Pluto Saturn is straddling its Ascendant now; but more pointedly tr Uranus is moving to square the Pluto from mid 2021 onwards and then the Saturn, conjunct the Sun and finally square the Mars – all between now and 2026. Tr Neptune will also undermine morale and enthusiasm as it squares the Uranus and Jupiter in 2022/23. Israel’s trajectory will be bounced this way and that with upheavals, disruptions and considerable economic damage, more so than most countries.
Pic: Yaakov Saar
Bibi is a contempary of mine…. Not all Israelis protested Rabin, just like not all Israelis today are jumping up and down for Trump or support King Bibi.
I’ve been through a few wars, terrorism and campaigns in Israeli, I made “aliyah” by choice 50 years ago from a comfortable existance in the USA, Golda Meir was my Prime Minister. Some of my family left Germany for B.M.P in 1934 my cousins were in Palmach. My late husband was in Miluim (Reserves) during the Yom Yippur War 1973, for the birth of my oldest first son. Today my late husband lies in a cemetery in the Sharon. Unlike many, I am no stranger to Eretz Yisrael. I voted for Menachem Begin in 1977, whom the veterens of both 6 day and YK wars did not want, because he was too much of a hawk – yet it was Begin who signed the peace treaty with Sadat. With the influx of Russians – in the 1990s, the mindset has changed considerably. Today many Israelis (including my family) protest with black flags, and work to make peace with our neighbors. Perhaps on some level Covid -19/Corona will play an active part. I dont need to read the NY Times to tell me what was happening in 1996, I was there. The Israeli politicians of 50 years ago, fought for the birth of The State of Israel, today King Bibi has a home in Casearea and plays footsies with baby Kushner, That says it all.
Another related date would be February 10, 1983 which is when Peace Now activist Emil Grunzweig was murdered at a march to hold Ariel Sharon accountable for some of his actions as defense secretary during the Lebanon war. His murderer was also an extreme right activist who was released from prison a few years ago.
good morning Marjorie,
oh my.. thank-you so much for this analysis!
I will pour over it more closely to unpack and understand the astrology of that time.
Again, as I read this, my heart just aches and aches.
however… it is as it is… and here we are.
Just trying to hold our Centre!
take care,
Oddly enough I was visiting/passing through Israel on the anniversary of his shooting two years later and it was scary. Heavy security clamp down and police helicopters constantly overhead. Having just come from chaotic Egypt where there was virtually no police presence it felt v odd.
Hi Marjorie, Living in Israel is like living on a large army base, the Army presence is everywhere, we were/are always on alert. One doesn’t think about it much, unless someone from overseas visits and points it out. I included a link to suicide/bombing terrorist attacks from 1994 -2016, to the “visitor” from overseas its a shocker – changed since 911 when the USA implimented extra layers of security measures and the 2002 United States Department of Homeland Security was established. By next October – one has to have the REAL ID-compliant driver’s license, state-issued enhanced driver’s license, or other acceptable forms of identification, such as a valid passport or U.S. military ID, to fly within the U.S. And now with COVID -19 ?
Thanks for the analysis. I know this story well, I am an American/Israeli and up until Covid go back and forth. July 7, marked 50 years since I moved to Israel from the USA.
Bibi’s hateful rhetoric against Rabin is identical to Trump’s behaviour. Yet again the Orthodox community in the US is following Trump like they followed Bibi (unless they are doctors and nurses working in COVID wards) The very same are jumping up and down in Israel praising Trump as the new Cyrus who is “building” Trump Heights which is like everything Trump does just a sign with mothing behind it. Its the same behavior of the evangelical right wingers who are pouring $$$ into the west bank settlements so Huckabee can have a villa and armageddon will come quickly to fulfill the prophecy in the new testament. History always repeats itself. What some will do to sit on a golden throne. BTW it was in Israel 47 year ago that I learned to erect an astrology chart 🙂
Israelis protested Rabin because there was a massive uptick in Palestinian terrorism during the period when Palestinians were supposed to be making peace. There were so many attacks on Israelis that by March-April of 1995 Rabin was talking about “a complete separation between the two peoples.” Netanyahu did not “walk over Rabin’s corpse to gain power.” He won an election against Rabin’s successor, the dovish Shimon Peres. Look up NY Times: “Trials of a Peace Seeker – A special report; Terrorism Forces Peres from the Brink of Trumph,” March 10, 1996.