Hindsight being a wonderful thing, looking at the astrology it was clear from 2013 when David Cameron promised a referendum that there was a strong potential for a partnership split. He was only echoing what previous political leaders had pledged but by 2015 he was able to make it happen.
In 2013 tr Uranus was poised on the cusp of the UK 7th house which is often a divorce signature for the several years following. And even more significant and challenging was tr Pluto in Capricorn exactly conjunct the UK Sun – that often presages civil war or changes on a momentous scale. At the time less happened than fitted the astrology but the timebomb was obviously ticking.
By 2016 the disruptive tr Pluto square tr Uranus had been upsetting the status quo out in the world and fomenting an urge to toss old certainties out of the window. By this time both tr Pluto and tr Uranus had been in hard aspect to the UK 7th house North Node and Sun/Moon midpoint throughout the campaign in 2015 and right up to the vote and after. Both these influences in an individual chart would be indicative of a divorce especially where cooperation does not come naturally as is the case with a leadership/stand-alone Aries Node. Though there is an argument with an Aries 7th house North Node that flouncing off to be independent is not the mature decision. Learning to be interdependent is what is required spiritually.
The 2016 Brexit vote was also undertaken with a messy, over-hopeful, unrealistic Neptune opposition Jupiter square Saturn in place; and an aggravated, no-compromise Uranus inconjunct Mars in vengeful Scorpio – so it was never going to be a clean break.
The eventual Brexit leaving chart of 31 December 2020 hints at financial shocks and massive difficulties with an 8th house Mars square Pluto as well as Saturn and Jupiter. So it was never going to be sweet and amiable. It looks increasingly logjammed in 2024 with the Solar Arc Pluto square Mars exactly; jolting with tension in 2025; and won’t really clear bad blood until almost the end of the decade.
I’m oddly enough not a great believer in ‘written in the stars’ meaning a literal and concrete event has to happen. There are always choices, different ways of handling the influences which could come up with a different result. The best analogy is sailing a boat. The captain has no choice about the direction or force of the wind, but can decide whether to meet it head on, let it blow from behind or ignore it and get blown over – i.e. there are choices about making best use of the inevitable.
Excellent summary Hugh Fowler, history is repeating itself, at the time Anthony Crossland warned that joining the Common Market was not just joining a trading block but one with a clear political agenda and it would eventually mean to surrender 1000 years of independence, a fact that Edward Heath’s government did not emphasise.
The clear differences between Britain and more specifically England and the European continent are in the law, education, even the English language which has a more complex ancestry that other western European ones, curiously it is now becoming a lingua franca for a lot of the world as it is admirably suited to convey the uncertainties of the modern world, a language with strong Gemini undertones where it is possible to express something when you mean the opposite, so easy to pay backhanded compliments, no wonder it baffles “furrinars”.
As for letting down some partners in the Commonwealth, did merit the soubriquet of “Perfidious Albion”, some of those small economies struggled greatly, probably still are.
I suppose one could look at Brexit and point out the following two years after it became formal in 2020
a) Established trade patterns disrupted
b) High inflation
c) Economic stagnation
d) Industrial unrest
e) A Prime Minister and a government struggling
The temptation would be to say it has been harmful to the UK
The slight problem is that if you were to wind the clock back to 1975 two years after the UK joined the EEC in 1973 one would have found
a) Established trade patterns disrupted
b) High inflation
c) Economic stagnation
d) Industrial unrest
e) A Prime Minister and a government struggling
One could just have easily argued then that the process had bought no immediate benefits to the UK. Moreover the ways that the UK cut off its trading ties to some of its Commonwealth partners in 1973 was far more brutal than anything that happened in 2020 and was rightly seen as a historical betrayal of countries whose population had fought and died to protect Britain only 30 years earlier
De Gaulle was of the opinion that the UK should not be allowed to join the EEC because its history and economic interests were not necessarily aligned with Europe and it would lack commitment to the institution. Events since suggest his judegment was correct. In some ways Brexit was always likely to happen once Sterling was forced to leave the ERM on Black Wednesday 16 September 1992 and that was reinforced when Gordon Brown decided the country did not meet the convergence criteria to join the Euro. The vote in 2016 was simply making manifest something that was always potentially going to happen. All the time the Eurozone exists then it is very unlikely that Britain would be able to rejoin the EU because exactly the same monetary and fiscal problems exist. I can quite easily see this country struggling for a decade just as it did in the 1970s, particularly as the country now has a political class simply incapable of addressing the UKs problems. For the EU Britain is not really a major economic issue but it faces much more fundamental problems maintaining the Euirozone and dealing with the crisis on its eastern border. The latter is particularly concerning as this is the region in which both of the last two major European wwars in 1914 and 1939 started
Doubtless things might have been difffrent in detail but the processes be they astrological or historical were always likely to unwind in this manner.
As humans we always look for the facts that support our arguments and beliefs. I definitely remember when we were the sick man of Europe, and the subsequent debate about the impact on Commonwealth countries when we joined the EEC because of ceasing to trade with them. However l can’t understand how making it difficult to trade with our nearest neighbours, and importing cheaper food from the other side of the world, which isn’t produced to our high standards, is good for the environment or our economy.
Also, the EU has a lot of political influence which we shared, whiile our voice in the world has been diminished by leaving, and by the antics of our own government. There was a very good article in The Guardian on the 10th June written by Michael Heseltine which sets out the economic cost of leaving which ironically, is being felt most strongly in the areas which supported Leave.
History need not repeat itself if we are open to learning from it.
Not sure food from the EU is “produced to a high standard ad good for the environment”.
For example we used to import tomatoes and other veg from the Netherlands which is all grown in greenhouses and ripened under LED lamps powered by Putin’s gas. The emissions from this are horrendous compared to importing sun-ripened veg from Morrocco, not to mention the ethics of being powered by fossil fuels financing dictators.
While in the EU we were forced to put up with this thanks to tariffs on non-EU food. Outside the EU we’ve removed tariffs on stuff we don’t produce, resulting in more natural food, as well as being supportive of producers in Africa.
And I haven’t even touched on EU horsemeat scandals (where diseased wild horsemeat was being passed off as beef). The “high standards” of the EU are at best a myth and at worst protectionism and unfounded racism towards the rest of the world. Most of the food coming from Africa is better quality and more natural and less intensively farmed than anything you would find in an artificial factory farm in Holland.
It is a little like: is the glass half empty or half full? Collectively, millions are going to go through this acrimonious forced divorce. Some will make money, others be very poor and most will plod along. Yet this does feel depressing. More and more friends are saying they feel depressed too. Interestingly the Sun/Pluto is in Mercury in the fourth house in the Brexit Exit Chart in December 2020. With the 8th house Mars squaring 4th house Pluto. The people’s money is being affected. Saturn and Jupiter is also opposite the Moon. The end of a love affair with Europe which will affect millions of people and with a fifth house Saturn castrate creativity, friends and group activities. All three planets are squaring Johnson’s Natal Moon. I can’t help thinking there may be riots, when transiting Pluto triggers Saturn, Jupiter in Aquarius and opposes the Leo Moon, triggering a fury with Boris as his Natal Moon is involved. Echoes of his Grandfather’s raft? I trust not the same outcome, yet the may be a venting if fury?
“There may be a very of fury”.
Thanks Marjorie. I looked at something you wrote in 2020:
“The EU chart is dominated by Fixed sign planets forming a Grand Cross and that is being thrown into total disarray this year and on till 2023 with explosive tr Uranus hard aspects. Then tr Neptune squares the midheaven for a directionless and undermining drift of indecisive lack of direction in 2024/25 just as the Solar Arc Pluto has moved to oppose the 8th house economic Moon and square the Uranus causing a total snarl up on the financial front.”
It’s interesting to see that Brexit 2016 has Moon 18 Aquarius, square the UK’s Neptune in Scorpio. Also, just passed Venus at 16 Aquarius in the UK chart – some kind of delusional dream or nightmare in that collection I think. EU’s 1957 chart also has Venus at 15 Aquarius – in some way we are all in this together, despite Brexit.
Once Saturn enters Pisces, it will transit both UK Pluto at 2 Pisces, and EU Pluto at 2 Virgo. Perhaps out of that kind of turmoil, something realistic or practical may yet emerge. It doesn’t look easy though.
It will trigger Boris’s Moon in Scorpio as well. Perhaps he will pull a magic money tree out of his hat? Or not!
Ha! Sadly, I think his head takes up all the room in that hat…..
I wanted to add on that this is God’s cosmic play and not the play of the people. We weave in and out together as a collective as we experience different roles but in no way can we shape outcomes. We are responsible for our actions and how we react to the events that have been predetermined before we came in. Transcending emotions is key to not reacting and creating more karma.
Great analysis.
Events that affect the masses are predestined as they change the lives of many. We do have free-will in how we react which creates karma and determines the circumstances in our next life but outcomes in our current lives are predestined. We think we can influence results but we can’t and people manipulating, lying and cheating are creating bad karma for themselves. That’s the free-will, is in our reactions to the external world that has already been determined.
Thank you MM, that’s beautifully said. It also helps me with a difficult situation I have in my personal life at the moment 🙂