A massive magnitude 7.8 earthquake and a string of aftershocks have killed hundreds, possibly thousands, and caused catastrophic damage in south-east Turkey and Syria. Only three earthquakes of magnitude 6 or larger have occurred in the area since 1970. This one set off a string of tsunami warnings across the Mediterranean, from Greece to Italy, where people have been warned to stay away from coastal areas. The epicenter region is home to millions of refugees and displaced persons, many of whom live in tents & makeshift structures. On the Syrian side of the border, there are more than 4 million people displaced by the civil war.
The quake occurred just a few hours after the Leo Full Moon square Uranus which is significant since it triggered and repeated positions of the recent Lunar Eclipse chart of 8 November 2022. The Eclipse had a Taurus Full Moon conjunct Uranus with Saturn square – so it was an indication of turbulence ahead.
Located to Maras, Turkey, the epicentre, the quake chart puts Saturn on the Eclipse Ascendant and Mars on the Eclipse IC – planets on the axis are always deemed to be indicators of major events. And it sparked off other Eclipse positions as well.
Often Eclipse charts ‘produce’ effects or rather point to their timing months after the Eclipse date. Later New and Full Moons can be a trigger. Lunar Eclipses are often more descriptive than Solar Eclipses.
The recent Lunar Eclipse of Taurus Moon Uranus opposition Sun square Saturn also rattled up the Venus in Scorpio on the Turkey chart for an emotionally upsetting time.
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A previous 7.6 magnitude earthquake which occurred near Istanbul in Turkey on 17 August 1999, caused monumental damage and around 18,000 deaths. A maximum Mercalli intensity of X (Extreme) was observed, marking this event as one of the most destructive earthquakes in the history of the region.
The 11 August 1999 Solar Eclipse has a Leo New Moon opposition Uranus in Aquarius and square Saturn in Taurus opposition Mars in Scorpio – so was remarkably similar to this one.
Very brief video of animal rescues in Turkey by Ernesto’s Sanctuary.
I remember very well the august eclipse of 1999. I was in the anglo normand isles sailing and in the ” core” (or hart) of the eclipse.
At xmas followed in the path of the eclipse a terrible storm. Started in Cornwall, destroyed many houses but also uprooted thousands of ancient trees, in Paris, Versailles and eastern France following to Switzerland.
It also activated many planets in my chart. And i had the first ” signals” of that also at xmas 1999.
Aline, me too, the August 1999 eclipse shifted my beingness, 1999 Xmas was also very special indeed == I was hired to help a pregnant princess near Bourges, the storm did not damage the castle at all, huge & obvious invisible protection to the heritage building, we were stuck in it with guests who had to stay a bit longer than scheduled because of the weather! Now, in February 2023, I’m feeling the subtlety of life/death more than ever; by the next Feb or March new moon, or before the eclipse season, major transition for many of us for sure…
Devastating loss of lives. I also think social aftershakes will be significant, given Turkish people are angry about apparently no lessons learnt from Izmit devastation 20 years ago regarding building regulations. People justly comment that if this had happened in Japan – or even Chile, where my cousin was during 2010 quake -, loss of lives would be much more limited. They are likely right, too.
@Solaia, I sincerely hope Erdogan pays a serious political price in the upcoming elections — and Assad as well.
Assad is claiming Western sanctions are preventing aid from being delivered.
Marjorie, the Erzincan earthquake of December 1939, 84 years ago has Uranus at 18 degrees of Taurus. It is undoubtedly tied into this current quake.
Thanks Marjorie and everyone for looking into this. This is such a grim subject, but worthy of more research I think.
The terrible Erzincan earthquake of 1939 was preceded by a Lunar Eclipse in October, at 4 Taurus. Pluto was at 2 Leo, trine Jupiter 0 Aries, opposing Venus 0 Aquarius that December.
There was a Lunar Eclipse at 12 Taurus in November, 1854. In February 1855 an earthquake at Bursa killed around 1,900 people. Tr Uranus was 13 Taurus, Jupiter 16 Aquarius, Pluto 2 Taurus. Neptune was 15 Pisces.
In May, 1966, there was a Lunar Eclipse at 13 Scorpio. On 19th August, 1966, a huge earthquake hit Varto, Turkey. Neptune was 19 Scorpio, trine Uranus 18 virgo, and Pluto, 17 Virgo.
On 24th November 1976 an earthquake at Muradiye, Turkey, killed approximately 4,000 people. Jupiter 25 Taurus, Saturn 16 Leo, Uranus 9 Scorpio. There had been a Lunar Eclipse on 6th November at 14 Taurus.
I haven’t had time to look any further, but there seems to be a pattern here.
Sorry, don’t know how to add it below, but further to my comment I have just noticed that Marjorie has previously posted a chart for Taiwan, 1 January 1912. Saturn/Moon/Mars conjunction Taurus (13/21/24 degrees) opposite Venus in Scorpio (25 degrees). I hope nothing else happens there.
@ xhane
there have been recently earth quakes in the region. New zealand and i think also philippines .
It’s certainly a mess. The earthquake was felt in Cyprus, Beirut, Lebanon, Israel, and even Egypt too.
It’s projected that the death toll will surpass 20,000 or more.
Many nations, fortunately, are offering assistance and humanitarian aid to the victims. Even Ukraine (which is dealing with their own humanitarian crisis) is offering assistance.
There were a few other earthquakes reported shortly after the one in Turkey and Syria.
There was a mini earthquake reported in Upstate New York and a 5.1 earthquake just reported in Taiwan.
It appears Mother Earth is lashing out on humanity in full force.
This is terrible. The two huge earthquakes within hours of one another is quite extraordinary.
I was immediately reminded of the earthquake (7.4) at Izmit, Turkey, following the powerful Solar Eclipse of 11th August, 1999. The astrological links with today’s catastrophe are very disturbing.
Sun/Moon 18 Leo
Mars 16 Scorpio
Saturn 16 Taurus
Uranus 14 Aquarius
There was also a Jupiter in Taurus (4) square Neptune in Aquarius (2)
I remember that time period very well. August 11, 1999 eclipse fell on my birthday, which was a turning point in my life -in a very good way. I was celebrating it in Edinburg where everyone was talking about the last solar eclipse of the century. I remember being disappointed because the weather was super cloudy in Edinburgh and no one was able to observe the eclipse. Then the earthquake happened near Istanbul where I used to live at the time.
I think Marjorie’s interpretation is right on spot when she says this is from the November 8, 2022 eclipse. Maybe this is a big generalization but Turkey’s chart at fixed signs- 18 degrees coincide with the seismic events.
“Maybe this is a big generalization but Turkey’s chart at fixed signs- 18 degrees coincide with the seismic events.”
That’s interesting, Bette. Yesterday President Erdogan told a press conference that Turkey has experienced the “biggest disaster” since the 1939 Erzincan earthquake, referring to a strong earthquake that hit southern provinces, claiming the lives of at least 1,014 people. Looking at the astrology of that event, (27/12/1939) shows Uranus at 18 degrees of Taurus.
Jane, Thanks. I had forgotten there was a Turkey quake near that one. Have added the chart.
Thanks Marjorie. I’ve been looking at earthquakes, eclipses, and lunar effects on and off for a while. It’s so interesting what you say about lunar eclipses too. Also, I think you once said that sometimes a full Moon can be as noticeable as an eclipse in its effects?
The huge, terrifying Fukushima earthquake and tsunami in Japan erupted on 11th March 2011. In December 2010 there was a Lunar Eclipse at 29 Gemini. It squared Jupiter, 25 Pisces and Uranus 26 Pisces. The Nodes were 3 Capricorn. Transiting Uranus reached 29 Pisces in February 2011, the Nodes reached 29 Pisces on 4th March 2011, squaring that eclipse degree.
Not an exact science, but there does seem to be some connection with the Moon. I hope all the help they need reaches Turkey quickly. It is cold and snowing there too.
Sorry, Nodes reached 29 Sagittarius! Apologies. Neighbours having a row outside for some reason…..
Thanks Marjorie and Jane. Not just about the degree in the chart either. It’s close to the path of the eclipse. I also remember the 1999 eclipse as we watched from Devon. It went from Cornwall across Europe, and passed over South East Turkey and North East Syria. It then crossed the Taurus mountains…….
Chris mentions the smaller quake reported in Taiwan. There was a major earthquake there on 20 September 1999, just a month after the eclipse, which tragically killed 2415 people. I don’t know what date would be used for Taiwan’s astrological chart, but there was also a magnitude 7 earthquake there in 1792 which I noticed the chart for, which had a T square at the same fixed degrees: Sun/Venus/Uranus conjunction 18 Leo, opp Pluto 22 Aquarius, all square moon 14 Taurus.
Just listening to a seismologist on the The World at One who said that this quake was not following a “normal” pattern. Aftershocks are identified by being 1 magnitude less than the main quake as they taper off. Here we have seen a rise to another 7.5 major quake. Also it is on a fault line that has been totally inactive for over 100 years.
Is this a plutonic metaphor for future collapse of organisations etc?