Trump troubles are not coming singly, with a battalion of woes being landed at his feet. The Mar-a-Lago classified document scrap has been kicked firmly in touch by the special master judge who opined Trump couldn’t have it all ways and he needed to face the music. Now the New York AG Letitia James, after a three-year civil investigation, has landed Donald Trump, his three children and two Trump Organisation executives with a fraud lawsuit. It alleges that they lied “by billions” about the value of real estate in order to get loans and pay less tax. The 222-page complaint alleges they accrued an estimated $250 million in unwarranted benefits between 2011 and 2021. James’s suit seeks to recover that money from the firm — and to limit the ability of Trump et al to do business in the state of New York.
Her office does not have the power to file criminal charges, but is referring allegations of criminal wrongdoing to federal prosecutors and to the IRS.
This is in addition to the DoJ investigation into the January 6 riot last year and a 2020 election interference case in Georgia. Plus an old rape allegation from EJ Carroll may be heading for another civil lawsuit.
What is clear from the fraud allegations is quite how delusional Trump and those around him are. To take an example, the size of his New York apartment was exaggerated by three times and ditto the value, both of which were easily checkable and could have been disputed. His grandiosity is way beyond the bounds of sanity with – until now – no one facing him with a hard reality check.
The legal net is closing around him which it was always going to do late this year. His chart is facing a mountain of grief. Tr Uranus is in a catastrophic square to his Mars/Pluto midpoint now till mid October, with tr Saturn adding its sorrows in hard aspect to the same midpoint through this October to mid November. From the end of October through till early January 2023 tr Neptune is retrograding back to the undermining square to his Sun and opposition his Mars/Jupiter midpoint, undercutting his enthusiasm.
His Solar Arc Mars will square his Pluto, exact this coming December but in effect beforehand which will see him trapped, fearful and enraged. His Solar Arc Pluto moves to square his Saturn by March 2023, which will be a road-block of considerable proportions, discouraging and burdensome, with the effect building up beforehand. Being Trump he will have glimmerings of luck mid October to early November, but that won’t outweigh the massive pressures bearing down on him.
His CFO Allen Weisselberg has already pleaded guilty to tax violations and accepting off-the-books compensation from the former president’s company, including untaxed perks like rent, car payments and school tuition. As part of a plea deal which cut his prison sentence from a possible 15 years to a probable five months, he has agreed to testify against the Trump Organisation but has refused to testify against Trump himself. His relationship with Donald Trump is under massive strain in 2022/23 with tr Pluto opposition the composite Mars – cornered and infuriated and it won’t settle back to amiability any time soon with dark clouds looming over their connection for several years ahead.
Of the children (all without birth times) Eric looks the most unnerved and shattered with tr Pluto square his Mars in 2022/23; the October Eclipse catching his Pluto in Scorpio; and tr Neptune undermining his confidence as it squares his Jupiter. Plus a massive upheaval from Solar Arc Pluto conjunct his Uranus at the moment.
Don Jnr is in his mid life crisis with tr Uranus opposition his Uranus across this year and early next with this November Lunar Eclipse also in opposition – so a changing-of-the-guard moment when key decisions get made. Not that he’ll have open options ahead with a blocked and depressing Solar Arc Saturn conjunct his Pluto in 2023 plus a raft of disastrous, disruptive and career-denting transits to midpoints.
Ivanka, who is coping with husband Jared’s second operation for thyroid cancer, may have her mind elsewhere but she’s due quite a shake up by 2024 when her Solar Arc Saturn is conjunct her Uranus, putting a few limits on her freedom. Before then her midpoints look dismaying and undermining.
Donald Trump’s relationship chart with the USA has the composite Pluto in Scorpio catching this October’s Solar Eclipse which looks like a decisive moment in the liaison – with a hint of criminality from Pluto and a realisation (hopefully) that changes have to be put in place.
If the Republican Party 12 October 1853 chart holds good it has its Pluto in Taurus opposition the October Solar Eclipse. Trump’s relationship with the Party based on this chart is sagging and sinking as well as jolting and jangling through 2023 into 2024.
As with all things Trumpian, as well not to get over hopeful that this is IT. But even he can’t defy the laws of gravity forever.
“When sorrows come, they come not single spies. But in battalions!” William Shakespeare, Hamlet
A web beyond tangled has been woven. I imagine there’s more to come, having read this, and also Letitia James on the AG website (ag.ny.gov). I wonder if any of the wider picture involves the ‘dark towers’ of Deutsche Bank. They seem to be distancing themselves from their longstanding involvement with Trump and his family. However, the bank has that powerful Jupiter 17 Taurus and Pluto 16 Taurus (10 March 1870), sensitive to the November eclipse.
In February 2020 Marjorie wrote about the Trumps and this bank:
“Don Jnr and Eric look agitated vis a vis the bank through 2020/2021 with worse in the two years to follow.”
It’ll also be interesting to see what may surface (or not) in November, when the Mars retrograde square to Neptune targets DT’s Gemini Sun/Moon opposition. Mars retrogrades in the 10th, while Neptune is in the 7th, house of partners and open enemies.
Psychologist, Professor Sam Vaknin said that Trump is not a mere narcissist, but a psychopath. It’s interesting to see that Trump is now resorting to ever more far-fetched QAnon memes in his posts on TruthSocial, having been forced to deny knowledge of the movement in 2020 following the insurrection. So as the probability of indictment becomes more likely, and as Pluto enters that crazy final degree of Capricorn, I fully expect for him to go into full QAnonsense mode, revving up the fanaticism and reinforcing the conspiratorial delusions of those extreme diehards who remain in thrall to him. God help us all.
Another respected astrologer has been saying for at least a year now that Trump’s children will turn on him to save their own skin.
It looks like it’s time for Donald Trump and his associates to face the music; his luck appears to be running out. I do find it amusing that Trump, Putin, and Bolsonaro (three people I hate with such an immense passion) are imploding at the same time.
Karma has a tendency of being fashionably late, but she always shows up to the party.
I am so stealing that last line 🙂
I can visualise her in a dark, glittering dress turning up at the door.
A new twist on mentalism…along with his so-called covid cures…he could simply declassify the secret records by “thinking about it.”
Everyman and his dog have been after gemini man Donald Trump. Half of USA love him. I don’t get the hate. Surely other presudents have done much worse. Pl keep this message marj
I should have binned this one but it never fails to astonish me how anyone can support Trump. And whataboutery is a lame excuse. Yes they are by and large all pretty awful but he takes the biscuit. Financial corruption, sexual misdemeanours, dishonest, dishonourable and utterly shameless.
Maybe a third of “us” (Americans) actually love him, Petra. Another third actively despise him. The last third will say what their conversation partner at a given moment wants to hear in order to avoid conflict. To use your words (mostly), I don’t get the love.
TrisKit, I’m wondering if even a third actually love him at this point. His rallies have become very scantly attended. The loathsome Ann Coulter even said that they’re like the Deadheads that followed the Grateful Dead around to concerts – just the same besotted few going from rally to rally – and Fox isn’t covering them anymore. In addition to Fox beginning to distance from him, the conservative Wall Street Journal and NY Post had recent editorials saying he’s unfit for office. Polls have him slumping, with half of Republican voters saying they want someone else to run in 2024. So there’s some decline in love for him, which (hopefully) will go lower as more legal bad news and disclosures of his endless misdeads flood the media. Everyone loves a winner but he’s becoming more and more of a loser and once that happens there will be many more rats running off the ship.
Interestingly, Ann Coulter–I agree, she is loathsome–has been under serious Pluto pressure the last several years. Her natal Saturn is at 27 Capricorn. The car-crash Uranus-Mars-North in Taurus back in early August was within orb to square her natal nodes at 21 Leo NN/21 Aquarius SN. And her Jupiter at 5 Aquarius will get a visit from Pluto too in several years.
Trump is an amoral grifter with no redeeming qualities. Other former presidents haven’t tried to use force to overthrow
democracy. He is a potential traitor with his questionable retention of ultra-sensitive top secret documents at his
household, amongst his many odious misdeeds.
He is beyond redemption.
Won’t deny it – might have let out a small cheer at my office yesterday reading about this indictment, because as a faithful listener of the excellent “Trump Inc.” podcast I think this is the one that’s going to stick – at least for the kids. The game they played with property valuation is straight forward tax avoidance, but more importantly, misleading of investors. I think some, if not all, will land an actual prison sentence for these. Yes, they are rich and powerful, but they may have angered someone richer and more powerful.
Martha Stewart got prison for a lesser offense!!
@Surchin, yes, I actually was thinking about Martha Stewart. Obviously, she is a she. This might have influenced both her sentence and subsequent comeback. Plus that she is truly gifted at least in editing. I can say half of the visual ideas I had for my wedding came from “Martha Stewart Weddings”, including a bouquet the florist insisted photographing me with (before this was routine), because he thought the style was spot on. I honestly doubt any of Trump’s family has this kind of talent endearing them to people
What’s the saying “when it rains it pours” even is buddy Putin is getting his “just desserts”.
Thank you Majorie, you have been predicting these outcomes for awhile. I look forward to your post.
The AG also mentioned that the shadowing accounting firms that worked with the Trump Org are being investigated and/or were cooperating with the investigation. Deutsche Bank included since they all profited as well.
@Anita, if this is going to blow up like a July 4th firework. Weisselberg collaborating means AG James (who Trump already went after pathetically on Truth Social…) has loads of stuff on Trump Tower Chicago, SoHo hotel project, also a development in California for which Ivanka was Project Manager.
Also, this might bring down DeSantis The Presidential Candidate as a colater. I saw a tweet with Jared on Fox show trashing DeSantis on sending Venezuelan refugees (as in people actually fleeing if not Communist, then Socialist regime) to Martha’s Wineyard. When Venezuelans – not that Jared brought it up – have been a very staunch Republican voting block in many places in Florida. But, what this means is that the Trump Camp is going to go after DeSantis viciously the moment they can.
Thank you for this Marjorie!
The past couple of days I looked through your previous pieces on all things/people related to Trump.
I was a teacher for 30 years–12 of which were working with kids ages 11-14 and this entire episode (the Trump years, his followers) reminded me of how children behave, but at school there are consequences. When there are no consequences for the students who are causing trouble, the troubling behavior increases. So…finally seeing accountability from the law is a relief.
@KG well, I seem to remember that DJT was sent to Military School after there WERE consequences of his behavior, including punching a teacher/tutor around age 11. Fred was distant, though, and his mother Mary didn’t know what to do with the boy (all confirmed by Mary L. Trump).
I would like to hear more from Mary now that the trash is in the street, she tried to warn everyone…….