Tippi Hedren – her altruism spawned an $8 bn industry

Tippi Hedren, former fashion model who shot to stardom in Hitchcock’s The Birds and Marnie and then saw her career ruined as she escaped his clutches, turned to activism to give her fulfilment. In later years she accepted acting parts to finance her African wildlife charity.

   She was also the catalyst for Vietnamese refugee women in California getting into the nail salon business. Her personal manicurist trained 20 refugee women who then went on to transform an industry that is now worth eight billion dollars.  80% of nail salon owners in California are Vietnamese Americans.

  Tippi Hedren born 19 January 1930 6 am New Ulm, MN, has  a potent collection of Mars, Venus, Sun in Capricorn in her 1st house opposition Pluto in her 7th, so she would attract intense and controlling partners – and have a life filled with dramatic events and acute frustrations. Her 9th house much-travelled Libra Moon opposed Uranus and squared a cool, defensive Saturn in Capricorn on her Ascendant which would add to the complications around her emotional life. She also had a Taurus North Node in her 4th conjunct Chiron which may be connected both to her unsettled, revolving-partner domestic life and also to her need to protect nature. The 4th house connects to roots which can be family lineage but beyond that has a resonance to mother earth. She also has  Jupiter in her performing 5th house. 

   She also has a Yod of Mercury sextile Uranus inconjunct an 8th house Neptune, which may be the key to her having the magic touch which kickstarted a whole new way of life in the beauty business for impoverished Vietnamese refugees.

  Although her initial contact was with a North California Vietnamese refugee group, her chart relocated to Vietnam puts her Jupiter in the 10th and her Libra Moon (always elegant) in the 2nd house of money – which fits.  On the Vietnam chart, 2 July 1976 8.30am Hanoi, her lucky Jupiter falls in their 10th bringing them success. Her Libra Moon falls in their 2nd conjunct the Vietnam Pluto with her Uranus in opposition as she revolutionized their ability to support themselves with a feminine business (Moon Libra).  Her well-organised Saturn Mars also falls in the Vietnam 5th house of creativity and display.

 Africa also works well on her astrocartography with her Jupiter Ascendant line through it.

  Hitchcock, 13 August 1899 3.15am London,  a Sun Leo trine Saturn in Sagittarius opposition Pluto and Neptune in Gemini did put her on the map with his lucky and intense Moon Jupiter in Scorpio sitting on her Midheaven.  But with his Sun and Venus in Leo falling in her 8th it all got too claustrophobic and possessive. Their relationship chart has an affectionate composite Sun Venus conjunction in a passionate trine to Pluto but also a needs-space square to Uranus. And a defensive Saturn in the 8th.

  An interesting women whose influence spread out in unexpected directions.

5 thoughts on “Tippi Hedren – her altruism spawned an $8 bn industry

  1. As a kid, I’m sure it was an episode of Blue Peter’s USA expedition where they visited a woman who lived with lions and tigers. And there was a moment where one of them climbed through the window much to the fear of the presenter! This would have been late 70s, early 80s and I’m guessing it was Tippi Hedren’s Shambala.

    In some ways she is the original Tiger King, Exotic Joe. I wonder if their charts line up.

  2. At 93 she is one of the last actresses left in Hollywood who would have been in Hollywood’s hey day. As The Birds was an innovative film in its day, with Cinema audiences being huge. I attempted to look for a aspect to give a clue to her longevity. The only one I could see was a Saturn/Sun midpoint within a degree of her Mars in Capricorn. Perhaps the fire of activism gave her the energy to push boundaries? As 93 and retiring at 88 is some achievement.

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