All families have them – the embarrassing relative who can’t stop blundering around causing chaos or worse. Sarah Ferguson, having proclaimed her miraculous money-earning powers would swoop in to save the day for-not-quite-hubby Andrew in dire need of many millions to upkeep his grandiose Royal chateau appears to be stumbling at the first fence. Invited onto the morning TV show which has already been mortally wounded by a sex scandal followed by a murderous stalker threatening the lead presenter, she put on a toe-curling display of ineptitude. The Guardian review said the only saving grace were the main presenters who “managed to guide Ferguson through the show in the same way you help a drunk friend safely through their front door —– this stupid attention-seeking act would have fallen apart in seconds without them.”
Not to be outdone the Telegraph this morning relates yet another tawdry financial tale of Prince Andrew, the Duchess of York and their daughters in receipt of £1.4m from former banker accused of stealing £40m from wife of a Turkish MP. The Duke of York has reached a confidential settlement with a Turkish millionairess. The details are unedifying to say the least but worth reading:
The Montecito miseries aren’t the only Royal grifters.
Neither she nor Andrew look remotely upbeat ahead. She has her Solar Arc Uranus conjunct her Mars in 2024/25 for a sharp, short shock and at the same time a Solar Arc Mars conjunct her 2nd house Saturn hints at yet another financial catastrophe. Part of this may be her recovery from breast cancer.
Andrew likewise has tr Neptune square his Solar Arc Midheaven through 2024/25 as well as an enthusiasm and confidence denting tr Neptune square Jupiter; a likely house-move tr Uranus opposition his rooted 4th house Scorpio Moon (clinging on desperately) from mid 2024 into 2025; a secret (financial) shock from Progressed Mars conjunct his 8th house Mercury in 2024; a devastating and confused SA Pluto conjunct his 4th house Neptune end of 2024; and an uncertain, panicky, worried SA Neptune conjunct his Saturn in 2025/26. None of which will deflate his supreme self-confidence and sense of entitlement with two pushy Jupiter midpoints helping him dig in against the odds but even he will have to give way to gravity eventually.
Their relationship chart, not surprisingly, is floundering with an undermining tr Neptune square the composite Sun; a disruptive tr Uranus square Uranus; a cold shower from Saturn now into early 2025; and emotional/domestic challenges in 2024/25.
One mystery was why the Queen overlooked his multifarious flaws; the second is why Charles has not booted him into oblivion. If William had his way Uncle Andrew would be gone and that relationship is under massive pressure through this year and next. Charles may well have to upend the uncomfortable status quo from mid 2024 onwards.
Another mystery is why the Daily Mail will insist on printing deeply unflattering pics of the Duchess and her two daughters, none of whom has fashion sense, while waxing lyrical about how elegant and stylish they are. Comments below each piece clearly indicate readers totally disagree. There must be a reason.
The two Princesses come across as pleasant young people, are they working royals?
If they are then they ought to have some support regarding their wardrobes. Can anyone tell me which one was allowed to attend a wedding wearing a pretzel on her head
No they’re not and hopefully it stays that way. The copious publicity pushing them forward, now includes husband Edouardo, especially since his poor financials in 2018 were published. The Yorks have too much baggage, especially financial shenanigans, which encompass the two daughters.
“the second is why Charles hasn’t booted him (Andrew) into oblivion”
I think Charles asked Andrew to vacate Royal Lodge but he dug his heels in. Then Sarah was diagnosed with breast cancer so it would have been heartless to evict them at that point and Charles is not that. Andrew now has to pay for all the maintenance and upkeep himself (roof needs renewing) so maybe Charles is playing the long game?
Andrew has been offered the newly renovated 5 bed? cottage vacated by Prince Harry close to Windsor Castle.
His sense of entitlement seems to know no bounds.
Yes Beatrice seems the more genuine of the two girls and I too think Edoardo has had an influence on her dress!
I have a feeling that Edo will break Beatrice’s heart.
Wonderful, Marjorie. The Duchess is the gift that keeps on giving, isn’t she?
Very funny Marjorie. You’re giving Marine Hyde a run for her money!
Thanks Marjorie. Just amazing how Sarah and her not-so-ex husband continue to be so oblivious. I noticed that SF’s birthday is one day before Cliff Richard, not the same year of course. However, both have just had that Solar Eclipse to their Libran Sun, both have Moon in Aries, and both have Moon close to the South Node in Aries. Spring 2024 brings the 19 Aries Solar and 5 Libra Lunar eclipses, which will also stimulate both charts.
I don’t know what was happening for Cliff Richard in 2010, but there was a Lunar eclipse at 4 Capricorn, and a Solar at 19 Cancer that summer. Sarah’s Nodes at 4 Libra/Aries (Cliff’s Mars 5 Libra) would certainly have been triggered. In May that year the cash-for-access scandal broke, when she was caught trying to sell access to Prince Andrew in a newspaper sting operation. Yes, you really couldn’t make it up!
Meanwhile, I see that tr Pluto hasn’t quite finished with Andrew’s Capricorn Venus. I wonder about that, in view of the very recent Peter Nygard sexual assaults case – another sleazy, wealthy tycoon “friend” who offered Andrew, Sarah, and their then young daughters a sunny holiday, with accompanying sunny holiday snaps to prove it.
Beatrice has actually improved her fashion choices. This is probably more down to hubby than her own ability.
Princess Eugenie seems a lot like Sarah -,mannerisms and personality. Both describe Beatrice as ‘magical’
I like Beatrice and she comes across well in interviews, especially when talking about her dyslexia. Interestingly, she only has a single planet in an air sign, and that’s debilitated. I’m not sure if that can relect learning obstacles? I know that saturn in Gemini can.
But Beatrice has a nice chart with multiple planets in the sign of their rulership or mutual reception.
I always remember that she was born on 8 8 88 – a date the Chinese consider auspicious.