There’s a media melodrama over Finland’s young prime minister Sanna Marin being filmed enjoying herself at a private party. She’s been forced to take a drug test to prove she wasn’t imbibing or snorting anything questionable. She took over in 2019 to become the youngest serving prime minister at 34, at the head of an all-woman coalition.
She was born 16 November 1985 and is a determined Sun and Saturn in Scorpio with a charming and persuasive Venus Pluto in Scorpio in an indulgent square to Jupiter; with her Jupiter trine Mars and sextile Uranus. Mars Jupiter Uranus will make her adventurous and high-spirited; Venus Jupiter enjoys parties; and Jupiter Pluto exudes confidence.
It’s all a storm in a teacup amidst much more serious concerns given Finland’s proximity to their troublesome Russian neighbour and the tensions arising from the accession protocol to join Nato, signed six weeks ago.
Tr Saturn is square her Sun this year and tr Uranus opposing it from mid 2023 onwards, so it’ll be a bumpy ride ahead with disappointments and disruptions, with mid October to early November this year particularly edgy with external challenges. Her Solar Arc Sun is conjunct her Neptune this year which will be uncertain but again that may not be personal matters.
Her Term chart, 10 December 2019, is under its heaviest pressure exactly now from the tough-conditions Saturn Pluto closing by Solar Arc.
I’m getting as paranoid as everyone else – wonder if it was a Russian leak of the video from the party?
Thank you Solaia for both your comments. The usual political social media hoo-ha then. Pathetic.
Copying comment on top, Marjorie, feel free to remove the one that’s a response below if necessary.
A bit late here, but it was probably good to let the dust settle down a bit before posting.
This whole “affair” started Wednesday, August 17th with a person posting Instagram stories from a private account of a Finnish celebrity phographer with 92 followers to Ylilsuta, a “picture board” akin to 4Chan. It was also there that the notion some people on the tape were using drug slang started. Finnish right leaning tabloid “Iltalehti” quickly picked up the story, as did the only remaining celebrity weekly “Seiska”, and other followed with more or less lowbrow takes on who was partying, was Marin in conditions to make swift decisions if needed, etc.
Marin commented briefly on August 17th, and then at a Q/A with journalists on August 19th. August 19th, some journalists asked questions based on leads they’d gotten from trolls on how there were new pictures of Marin circulating on “Thor” network. But she handled the Q/A with calm and posure, and according to every crisis communication manual. Not blaming other, not making herself a victim, just facts.
Even if it was clear vast majority of Finns were with Marin at this point – even those who are not fans of her or her party, like my husband and his parents thought this was unnecessary and tiresome -, news rooms dug their heels on telling they did nothing wrong. Eventually, Monday evening anonymous posters at Ylilauta found pics where two social media influencers who were with Marin’s “posse” at PMs official residence Kesäranta – where most previous PMs have decided not reside, but Marin, whose young family didn’t have a home in Helsinki when she became PM has been staying – after a festival during her vacations covered their with “Finland” sign at what appeared to be press room. Yesterday, Marin promptly told this photo was inappropriate and came clear on having had a party at residence, but mostly on with consent of security detail. Conference room how ever is at “public” ground floor that was left open. One of the influencers in the picture also apologized. And that mostly satisfied said journalists, tabloids have now moved on, and it’s, strangely enough, the largest and the most prestigious news paper that’s trying to spin “partying with the wrong people” and “party officials concerned” angles.
And what do I think of all this? Well, I’m mostly upset about clear double standards, both because of the obvious sexism, elitism, and political spin visible even to ones who don’t know people at news rooms and PR companies like I do. For most of the press, it has not been about Marin partying as much as about who she parties with. These are mostly “friends of a friend”, MP Ilmari Nurminen, who, as Marin, is young, and also openly gay, so likely to hang out with a bit different crowd from typical politicians. And obviously, unfortunately, not as discreet
I also think this is more about our internal politics than external. We will have general elections April 2nd, 2022. Main opposition party, moderate conservative Kokoomus, is projected to win, Marin’s SDP is currently second. And while the difference in poll performance would probably also lead to Kokoomus having largest group at Parliament and thus starting negotiations for (coalition) Government, Marin’s popularity with young, urban crowd might be an issue for Kokoomus, because it might lead previously Green voters to switch parties especially in Helsinki, where, right now, SDP has only 3 MPs compared to 6 from Kokoomus and Green Party.
And, as an impartial observer in that I’ve never voted for Marin’s party, I sometimes wonder why she provokes so much pure loathing on certain quarters. Astrologically, it must be her Scorpio Sun. AWe all know how that has been working for Hillary Clinton. Her main opponent, Petteri Orpo, is a Scorpio Sun too (November 3rd, 1969), but somehow this seems to work better for male than female politicians.
Anyhow, I gather Sanna Marin still has a long career in politics, if she wants to. Many of the most promising politicians from “other side of the fence” have taken high paid consultant jobs after their “Government stints”, and this included former Kokoomus PMs Jyrki Katainen and Alexander Stubb. But honestly, I would have still seen these people in politics too, there really never are too many competent people there.
Solaia, Thanks. All a piece of confected nonsense.
What’s your take on the Darya Dugin bombing? There’s a handful of possible perpetrators from FSB to the least likely – a Ukrainian mum in a mini.
@Marjorie, haven’t looked at that astrologically, but this seems like a FSB/GRU inside job, possibly by a double agent. Dugina was linked to people handling money movements to Western “agents of influence”, on high levels.
Marin also has Venus conjunct Pluto which could account for some of the hostility/ envy? There is something about Pluto in hard aspect to personal planets (especially Mars) which can trigger a primal, irrational revulsion/ rage. Hillary Clinton has Mars Pluto, politicians in the UK with Mars Pluto in recent years have been portrayed as deranged, evil and posing a threat to life as we know it – then this paranoid ‘feeling’ (never particularly rational) spreads into the wider environment like a contagion.
Darius (discussed last week here) had Mars Pluto in the 11th, and he said he was booed off stage, jeered at by fellow students and was spat at London’s G-A-Y night club solely due to the backlash against his early TV appearances.
@Sarah_K, I have no Venus/Pluto connection, but Venus in Scorpio, and just read about something in relation to Marin about how still too many heterosexual men might feel about women they are attracted to having their own mind and gasp, power, and while I’ve never had nor searched that power (very private Virgo Mercury rising), this resonates to me on so many levels. I can tell why Marin prefers the company of gay/queer men and women who are as attractive as she, but non-threatening, such as certain influencers/beauty queens.
The women of Finland are posting their own dance moves online in solidarity so it’s being shown up for the non-news that it is.
As if partying and having a good time is something to frown upon. We’re humans! We should all be enjoying ourselves amidst the external chaos.
The media is so miserable, looking to bring people down every chance they get.
Hello Solaia, where are you when we most need your intel?!! Russia, vested opposition interests or just provocation?? Do tell.
Sorry if I’ve misspelt your name.
Yes, Solaia, we miss your insight and wisdom!
@Zita, basically, I’ve been chronicling this stuff. 🙂
As said above, this is mostly internal, but clearly, some hashtags and messages at social media were amplified by pro-Putin/anti-EU/antivaxx trolls and accounts. And many journalists with some kind of “Watergate Syndrome” clearly acted as useful idiots.
What’s really stunning is how the original party video got leaked. This was a temporary (not even pinned) story on a (semi)private Instagram account of photographer and influencer who took that now famous photo of Marin attending festival. The account had total of 92 followers. I think social media, mostly Jodel, which is very popular in Finland, users had identified 2/3 of the followers 12 hours after the “leak” as some sort of celebrity. But social media users also identified two younger siblings of said influencer, and then told this video had been circulating at group chats within community they are with there before it made to Ylilauta. So, it’s quite possible all this started with an innocent boast of underaged kids eager to show how their big sister partied not only with Marin, but singer/songwriter Alma.
However, when it comes to “bottom of the barrel” photo of model/influencer Sabina Särkkä at PM’s residence, I’m really stunned. Without going to details, this is someone who I know marginally, and know she had issues with some leaked photos early in her life. I also know celebrities she hangs around with are generally speaking socially liberal pro-market economy types with ties to some Kokoomus politicians. So, it’s strange she would be at this party crowd. If anyone is a mole, then it’s her. 😉
Born 16th November . Number 16 of Tarot the Tower . Maybe that’s her Tower moment .
“I’m getting as paranoid as everyone else – wonder if it was a Russian leak of the video from the party?“
It immediately occurred to me, Marjorie! (I have a Scorpio Mercury though, so am always slightly paranoid).
A bit late here, but it was probably good to let the dust settle down a bit before posting.
This whole “affair” started Wednesday, August 17th with a person posting Instagram stories from a private account of a Finnish celebrity phographer with 92 followers to Ylilsuta, a “picture board” akin to 4Chan. It was also there that the notion some people on the tape were using drug slang started. Finnish right leaning tabloid “Iltalehti” quickly picked up the story, as did the only remaining celebrity weekly “Seiska”, and other followed with more or less lowbrow takes on who was partying, was Marin in conditions to make swift decisions if needed, etc.
Marin commented briefly on August 17th, and then at a Q/A with journalists on August 19th. August 19th, some journalists asked questions based on leads they’d gotten from trolls on how there were new pictures of Marin circulating on “Thor” network. But she handled the Q/A with calm and posure, and according to every crisis communication manual. Not blaming other, not making herself a victim, just facts.
Even if it was clear vast majority of Finns were with Marin at this point – even those who are not fans of her or her party, like my husband and his parents thought this was unnecessary and tiresome -, news rooms dug their heels on telling they did nothing wrong. Eventually, Monday evening anonymous posters at Ylilauta found pics where two social media influencers who were with Marin’s “posse” at PMs official residence Kesäranta – where most previous PMs have decided not reside, but Marin, whose young family didn’t have a home in Helsinki when she became PM has been staying – after a festival during her vacations covered their with “Finland” sign at what appeared to be press room. Yesterday, Marin promptly told this photo was inappropriate and came clear on having had a party at residence, but mostly on with consent of security detail. Conference room how ever is at “public” ground floor that was left open. One of the influencers in the picture also apologized. And that mostly satisfied said journalists, tabloids have now moved on, and it’s, strangely enough, the largest and the most prestigious news paper that’s trying to spin “partying with the wrong people” and “party officials concerned” angles.
And what do I think of all this? Well, I’m mostly upset about clear double standards, both because of the obvious sexism, elitism, and political spin visible even to ones who don’t know people at news rooms and PR companies like I do. For most of the press, it has not been about Marin partying as much as about who she parties with. These are mostly “friends of a friend”, MP Ilmari Nurminen, who, as Marin, is young, and also openly gay, so likely to hang out with a bit different crowd from typical politicians. And obviously, unfortunately, not as discreet
I also think this is more about our internal politics than external. We will have general elections April 2nd, 2022. Main opposition party, moderate conservative Kokoomus, is projected to win, Marin’s SDP is currently second. And while the difference in poll performance would probably also lead to Kokoomus having largest group at Parliament and thus starting negotiations for (coalition) Government, Marin’s popularity with young, urban crowd might be an issue for Kokoomus, because it might lead previously Green voters to switch parties especially in Helsinki, where, right now, SDP has only 3 MPs compared to 6 from Kokoomus and Green Party.
And, as an impartial observer in that I’ve never voted for Marin’s party, I sometimes wonder why she provokes so much pure loathing on certain quarters. Astrologically, it must be her Scorpio Sun. AWe all know how that has been working for Hillary Clinton. Her main opponent, Petteri Orpo, is a Scorpio Sun too (November 3rd, 1969), but somehow this seems to work better for male than female politicians.
Anyhow, I gather Sanna Marin still has a long career in politics, if she wants to. Many of the most promising politicians from “other side of the fence” have taken high paid consultant jobs after their “Government stints”, and this included former Kokoomus PMs Jyrki Katainen and Alexander Stubb. But honestly, I would have still seen these people in politics too, there really never are too many competent people there.