Rudy Giuliani appears to be causing chaos even in Republican circles with his all-guns-blazing attack on the legitimacy of the election result. His ill-judged news conference in the parking lot of a Philadelphia landscaping business adjacent to an adult bookstore and a crematorium let fly with a conspiracy-filled rant that scared off many lawyers who had been recruited to the cause of highlighting any voter fraud.
Born 28 May 1944 2.31pm New York, he is Trump on steroids with his Sun Uranus in Gemini sextile a bullying, ruthless Mars Pluto in Leo. Not given to subtlety at the best of times he’s in hysterical overdrive with his Solar Arc Sun conjunct Jupiter and his Solar Arc Jupiter square his Mars – which may run on for a few months in effect. But the Lunar Eclipse late this month will rattle up his Sun Uranus for a shock/crisis or two; and his Saturn will oppose the December Solar Eclipse for another sobering moment.
He is facing career losses with tr Pluto opposition his Jupiter/Saturn midpoint from later this week till after mid December. 2021 is up and down for him but he’s tough as nails and a survivor so no doubt will find a lucrative niche somewhere.
His relationship with Trump was never that comfortable, was severely jolted over the election and next spring, is stressed now and on a disappointing slide till late January.
Rudy’s son Andrew who works at WH has Covid-19. Rudy seemed even more sweaty than usual at his presser on Thursday, so maybe this has finally caught him?
Trump will simply give him a kiss on the cheek and transfer his powers of recovery to Rudy. Have you noticed how few Trumpers wear masks? Perhaps there’ll be fewer GOP voters in 2024…
Trump still on lock down at the White House and just announced they WILL Not come to my neck of the woods in Florida for Thanksgiving.
@Ava, wait until it becomes too rainy and/or cold to golf in DC. By latest forecasts, it might rain for most of Thanksgiving Weekend.
Solaia: What you say is interesting. SOMETHING has to be driving Rudy’s
fight-to-the-death loyalty to Trump. Might as well be the Kremlin.
@Julie, CNN just reported Rudy is under a FBI investigation for his Ukrainian contacts. It figures.
The question is, why is Rudy so loyal to Trump? The man would take a bullet for
Trump. His crazy, obsessive loyalty to Trump has been his downfall. He would
defend Trump against any and all enemies to the end of time. WHY???
@Julie, not much attention was paid on where Rudy spent time around Trump’s transition or early days of his presidency outside “Crazy Russia Conspiracy Theorist Circle” (add irony handle). But since I was, at that time, tracking local far right groups stirring panic on immigration crisis who definitely were financed by Kremlin through Donetsk in Russian controlled Ukraine, I couldn’t but notice Rudy’s presence there, 2-3 years before Hunter Biden’s Consultancy fees became mainstream news. I would say Rudy – who in one “butt dial” incident was heard telling an associate he needed “a couple of hundred thousands” – was and is paid by Kremlin to be a chaos agent. The non circumstancial evidence on him being “an assett” is definitely stronger than that for DJT. He is also likely hoping for a pre-emptive pardon DJT is going to issue on January 19th, 2020. If not (I have a feeling Presidential Pardons will be limited to DJT’s family, in case they want/need them, and the bonehead sons probably will refuse because they think they have a viable political career, while Jarvanka might take the bait and move to Tel Aviv), he can flee the country.
Rudy was not always a buffoon. To see how he has landed is sad. The following is generally known. He brought the NY Mafia to its knees. What is not known about Rudy is that his father was a MOB Boss, and Trumps father was a MOB front. It is so so sad to see this. He was not always like this. He used to be one of the greats. Icarus flew too high?
“In 1981, Giuliani was named Associate Attorney General in the Reagan administration,[41] the third-highest position in the Department of Justice. As Associate Attorney General, Giuliani supervised the U.S. Attorney Offices’ federal law enforcement agencies, the Department of Corrections, the Drug Enforcement Administration, and the United States Marshals Service…..
“In 1983, Giuliani was appointed to be U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York… because the SDNY is considered the highest profile United States Attorney’s Office in the country… It was in this position that he first gained national prominence by prosecuting numerous high-profile cases, resulting in the convictions of Wall Street figures Ivan Boesky and Michael Milken. …..He amassed a record of 4,152 convictions and 25 reversals…..
(At SDNY)….In the Mafia Commission Trial, which ran from February 25, 1985, through November 19, 1986, Giuliani indicted 11 organized crime figures, including the heads of New York’s so-called “Five Families”, under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) on charges including extortion, labor racketeering, and murder for hire. Time magazine called this “Case of Cases” possibly “the most significant assault on the infrastructure of organized crime since the high command of the Chicago Mafia was swept away in 1943”, and quoted Giuliani’s stated intention: “Our approach is to wipe out the five families.”[49] “
“Rudy was not always a buffoon. To see how he has landed is sad. The following is generally known. He brought the NY Mafia to its knees. What is not known about Rudy is that his father was a MOB Boss, and Trumps father was a MOB front. It is so so sad to see this. He was not always like this. He used to be one of the greats. Icarus flew too high?”
He always was a showman, as demostrated by his chart. Smart, yes, and efficent in a Leo matter, but there have always been talk about his private issues – I think his drinking was an open secret as early as the SDNY days – and not everybody thought putting up a show arresting organized crime members or marching them to courts was appropriate for mafia trials. I think this was putting at least potential witnesses to danger.
And, given that Giuliani’s family’s – from mother’s side, his father was a small time criminal, but Tuscan, so could be a front at most – mob connections were hardly a secret, it seems incredibly reckless of him, too, to have proceeded this way. This is why I always had more respect to Italian mafia prosecutors, especially Paolo Borsellino and Giovanni Falcone. They always understood stakes for themselves and their witnesses, the ones turning “Maxi Trial” to a circus were people prosecuted.
“He is facing career losses with tr Pluto opposition his Jupiter/Saturn midpoint from later this week till after mid December. 2021 is up and down for him but he’s tough as nails and a survivor so no doubt will find a lucrative niche somewhere.”
This sounds like the question isn’t whether he and DJT will “break up”, or even when, but on whose initiative. I’d almost guess Trump’s, as a lawsuit after a lawsuit by Trump Campaign is failing. I would also expect Trump to leave WH for good latest on Thanksgiving, he is obviously done with “presidenting” and has that Jupiter passage to his Venus/Saturn coming.
It’s time to revisit Lindsey Graham’s chart. He apparently tried to shake down the Georgia Sec of State (who is Republican), leaning on him to throw out ALL the ballots in some counties in Georgia. Guarantee you this is how he won by 14 pts in SC when the polls were showing a dead-heat.
@GDW, this certainly raises questions, but would Graham really be stupid enough to put himself under scrutiny? That said, this could mean Graham is used to SoCs bending to his will. Apparently, South Carolina has had the same Secretary of State, Mark Hammond, since 2003. I could not find any direct indication of corruption linked to Hammond.He apparently managed to antagonize SCs former First Lady, Jenny Sanford enough for her to endorse his Democrat opponent last time he was up for re-election.
This is anyway what Marjorie wrote on Graham back in September in regard of Supreme Court nomination:
“Born 9 July 1955, he has spread through Cancer his Venus, Sun, Uranus and Mars – with Mars Uranus square Neptune being blocked by tr Saturn hard aspects until early December; with a frustrated/trapped tr Pluto opposition his Sun/Mars midpoint running till late November as well. Plus at some point his Solar Arc Pluto blocking his Uranus and Mars – through this year and maybe next depending on his birth time. He’ll have some cheer from March 2021 with tr Pluto opposition his Sun/Jupiter midpoint but that runs alongside a whole raft of undermining, disappointing and downright disastrous transits to mid points from late March onwards for a year or so.”
Good Lord, yet another obnoxious and ruthless Gemini male with a self-entitled stick up his ass, sucking the life out of the public stage and demanding the entire world listen. I’m so over their utter uselessness at being even basically decent.
If you want more info about the parking lot press conference – here you go https://massmiss.com/deep-breath-everyone/
4 planets in Leo and 3 in Gemini. The guy is a showman that’s for sure.
@Andy B, stunningly, or nor, actress Sondra Locke and singer Gladys Knight were born the same day. Also, Austrian actor Helmut Berger, who was director Luchino Visconti’s partner, on May 29th. Gladys Knight is still alive, and hope will come out of her retirement to sing “Midnight Train To Georgia” to Rudy.
@Kathy, I tried to explain this parking lot scene to my husband who is interested in, but not obsessed with, The US politics and just couldn’t finish a sentance because I laughed too much.
Apparently, Rudy never was very competent in anything but selfpromotion. Colleagues at SDNY would tell how he “leached” on their work leading him to getting a NY Mayor job. There, he looked good to outsiders when 9/11 hit, also because NY Mayors are generally speaking horrible. But in the later years, his Neptune Rising drinking problem have made him even more volatile. His “butt dials’ to journalists are a testament to otherwise communicative chart’s Mercury in Taurus, which shows, time after time, on techically unsavvy people’s charts.
Neptune on his ASC sextile Mars in Leo definites makes for someone who can play a role or dramatically create appearances. Seems to be a theme of his chart. That tight Sun/Uranus conjunction in Gemini is strokes of genius, but also madness or volatility.