Roberto Cavalli, the Italian fashion designer, known as the ‘Leopard King’ for his animal prints on leather and textiles, has died aged 83. A flamboyant showman he designed for Brigitte Bardot, Sophia Loren, Kim Kardashian, Madonna, Beyonce and Jennifer Lopez and revamped the Playboy bunny outfit in 2005, updating the abbreviated tuxedo with bondage-style cuffs and other S&M overtones. More streetwalker than catwalker as the NY Times remarked.
He claimed to be the only straight man in fashion, and said that he adored women because “they are much more intelligent than men. I am not gay… I detest men, dressed or naked, but women…” He insisted, however, that women should never wear all black or swear, because “a woman’s mouth should always be clean.”
He was born 15 November 1940 in Florence, Italy, no birth time, with his father shot dead during a Nazi massacre in 1940, a reprisal for attacks by the partisans. His maternal grandfather was Giuseppe Rossi, an Impressionist painter whose artistic flair Roberto inherited through his seamstress mother. “The sensibilities you get from your mother are like the Ten Commandments. They are set in stone and difficult to break,” he explained.
He had an overwhelmingly Fixed chart with a Scorpio Sun opposition Uranus Moon in Taurus with another batch of Fixed planets in a wide T square with Jupiter Saturn in Taurus opposition Mercury and square Pluto. 1940 did produce heavyweight personalities as well as creative ones with Uranus trine Neptune. But what intrigues me having skipped through other women’s fashion designer charts are the ‘afflicted’ Moons which are pretty constant.
Cavalli’s Moon is close to his Uranus, opposition his Sun and inconjunct his Mars and trine Neptune.
Paco Robanne, 18 Feb 1934 11.45am Bilbao, Spain, had his Moon close to Uranus as well, opposition Jupiter square Pluto. With another surprisingly frequent fashion designer theme of Aquarius – his Sun, Saturn and North Node as well as Venus were in Aquarius which is not generally thought of as creative or pro-feminine, though can be an influencer and a lover of bright colours.
Vivienne Westwood, 8 April 1941 1am Glossop, Eng, had her Moon square Uranus; with a powerhouse Mars in Aquarius opposition Pluto square Saturn Jupiter in Taurus.
Mary Quant, 11 Feb 1930, another Sun Venus in Aquarius with a Cancer Moon (or a Leo Moon opposition Mars in Aquarius) – with two yods onto Mars and Jupiter respectively as focal points.
Both Yves St Laurent and Christian Dior had Moon oppositions – to Mars Pluto for the first and opposition the Sun for the second. Dior had his Moon opposition Sun in Aquarius square Mars
Coco Chanel had her Pisces on the other side of the zodiac from her Uranus in Virgo though too wide to be an opposition. Pierre Cardin had his Libra Moon square his Sun Pluto in Cancer and his Moon was sextile Venus Neptune in Leo inconjunct Uranus.
Moon Uranus or Moon Mars – and plenty of Aquarius. Not always what you expect. Fewer inconjuncts than garden designers.
This is interesting…i too work in fashion design with moon conjunct uranus opposite mars and venus in aquarius.
If you look at it, it makes sense. Moon is women, Uranus is going forward, novelty, the unusual, reform, revolution. Fashion certainly went forward through the ages, and keeps going.
The trick, though, is not always seeing these things post-factum – that’s easier than seeing it before the fact. It’s just a question, and a big one, how to do it.
To tell you the truth, I expected his birth time to be available.
Secondly, I was expecting a lot of Leo. But then when I saw all that Scorpio, it made sense. And Taurus.
His clothes were like works of art. I often think that people who suffered under Nazism are soothed by creativity. Another man died recently, he was a well known New York tailor who suffered under Nazism. It seems to me that beauty sooths, I know flowers do that for me. Sad to see Roberto go.
Here is Roberto Cavalli’s rectified chart. Click magnifier to enlarge.
At death, trans RIP was conj his Asc, trans Uranus sextiled his IC, trans
Neptune, ruler 4th, endings conjuncted natal Roberto, trans Requiem
trined his Asc, trans Admetus, death opposed his Asc, and trans Saturn,
death, conjuncted natal Cavalli.
According to the AGE INCIDENCE OF DISEASE, for age 83, 3 Sagittarius,
was the pointed activated, and this point corresponded to his Asc, the body.
Can you explain what is all that that you drew and wrote on your chart?