Rihanna, fabulously successful singer, actress, fashion designer, businesswoman, wealthiest female musician, worth $1.7 billion and Ambassador for Barbados, has been flaunting her pregnancy in a series of luridly revealing outfits. Though her sex symbol image which helped thrust her to the top of the music business and fashion pile has not done much to cement a settled emotional life.
Born 20 February 1988 (maybe 8.50am Astrotheme) Barbados, she grew up with an abusive, alcoholic, crack-cocaine addict father. Her on off relationship with R&B singer Chris Brown ended first time round with accusations of domestic violence, though in later years she returned to him. She also had on off relationship with Canadian rapper Drake and this baby is with rapper ASAP Rocky, who has had a series of assault incidents in the past(see wiki) as has Drake (see wiki). It may be understandable with her childhood that she’s attracted to bad boys – but unless she breaks the chain she’ll never find peace.
She has a friendly 11th house Pisces Sun which sits on the focal point of a talented mini-Grand Trine to a high-vitality and enthusiastic Jupiter in Aries trine Mars in Sagittarius as well as Uranus Saturn in Capricorn. She’s part of the triple conjunction in Capricorn generation who are highly-strung, chaotic and can be tinged with genius (some of them). She also has an upfront Aries Moon conjunct Venus and square Neptune, a legacy from her battered mother, whom she tried to protect.
If her birth time is accurate then her Pluto sits in her 7th house of close relationships, so she will tend to become embroiled intense partnerships, which won’t always end well.
ASAP Rocky, 3 October 1988 NY, doesn’t look any better than previous boyfriends with his Saturn Uranus in Sagittarius conjunct her Mars for an inflammable connection and his Mars in Aries in a combative opposition to his Libra sun hitting on her Aries Moon. Though there will be an initial attraction and affection from their respective Venuses being opposition the other’s Sun.
Their relationship chart has a volcanic composite Pluto opposition Jupiter square Mars and an autocratic Saturn Uranus conjunction. For a brief moment they could be the power couple supreme but it will end up in a tug of war for the upper hand. And it is set to rock n’ roll through this year with tr Saturn conjunct the Mars now and then tr Uranus picking up the opposition to the Pluto this month, conjunct the Jupiter and square the Mars through the year.
Her relationship chart with Chris Brown also has a composite power-struggling Jupiter opposition Pluto; and an explosive composite Sun, Mars, Uranus, Saturn, Neptune T Square. It was never going to be a long-term runner.
Chris Brown and Drake were relatively similar – Chris Brown is a stubborn New Moon Venus in Taurus opposition Pluto, with Mars in a combustible opposition to Uranus. Drake is an even more stubborn and controlling Sun Pluto in Scorpio square Mars. At least ASAP Rocky is a Sun Libra but it still doesn’t look ideal.
She’s on a high this year with tr Pluto square her Jupiter, exact last month and again August to November; with a few ups, downs and arguments when tr Uranus is opposition her Pluto and square her Mercury in this March/April.
She looks less cheerful from 2023 onwards with tr Pluto setting up major obstacles in hard aspect to three of her Sun midpoints. With more discouragement in 2024 as tr Neptune squares her Mars for a sense of failure or lack of motivation. Then tr Neptune moving into Aries in 2025 (along with tr Saturn initially) will begin several years in square to her Capricorn planets.
Which is an interesting thought. A fair few notables of the moment are early triple conjunction types (born late 1980s) and their lives will undergo a period of considerable disorientation and discontentment in the second half of this decade.
I agree with what someone else said here in the comments section. The guy is irrelevant really. He was just a means to get a baby.
I’m not convinced with these two.
I think she’ll move forward in a similar way to Mariah Carey. Where she has a baby with someone who channels the father and/or early home dynamics. But then swiftly moves on from the relationship, to co-parent in some form with the former lover.
She can do better.
Compatibility between couples can be synergistic despite the flaws we on the outside perceive. She(Rita)may seem cantankerous but it works for him(Tom) because the really important dynamics align superbly. Which overpowers other minor influences.
I lost all respect and admiration for her when she cruelly mocked a young girl who was trying to copy her look for her prom. Ri abused her and mocked her publicly. So, I guess she just was raised mean and therefore is mean. Not a fan.
I used Tom Hanks/Rita Wilson charts in a relationship class as nearly perfect. But people have stayed together with synastry conflicts, because the partner describes what they need.
Troy: Recently Chet Hanks went off the deep end publicly about how Rita continually browbeats Tom, giving him orders all day, every day. Perhaps they are meant for each other, in their own dysfunctional way.
I dabble in relationship astrology and based on my observation, she is a Pisces Sun with Leo Moon and he’s a Libra Sun with Scorpio Moon. So really not compatible. In essence, he’s likely screwed! But Rihanna and her child should be ok in the long run.
She’s indeed terrible at choosing partners.
On a related note, Tom Hanks and his wife are the most compatible celebrity couple I’ve ever seen; and this is an understatement. Solid as a rock, soulmates, match made in heaven….take your pick of cliches. These two are the epitome.
Just had a quick look at Tom and his wife’s charts. Their Moon, Mars, Jupiter and Uranus are in the same signs. Could that be it?? I did also note the Saturn/North node conjunction between charts which I thought they say is bad in Synastry never-mind the Composite? Or maybe the other compatibles mitigate this aspect?
Hi Troy, her moon is in Aries.
@Jennifer: I realise that’s what Marjorie stated but I’m working from a different system.
Oh okay. Is it the Vedic system? Thanks J
Ah well, a string vest thrown over a bikini might be just fine on Barbados!
PR thru and thru for RiRi. At this point I think men are mostly accessories for her. She sees herself as an empire maker/queen- so who “needs” a guy? I suspect the baby is main goal at this point, and the father mostly came in handy.