30 thoughts on “Questions & Comments

  1. Any insight into the chart of Lucy Letby, the British neo natal nurse accused of murdering seven babies and the attempted murder of several others. The trial is expected to last 6 months. She looks carefree and angelic in photographs but the emerging evidence is chilling.

  2. Marjorie, I started reading your book after liking your writing style on the website and wow, what a page turner. The two pictured on the cover fit the fantasy of the characters. Who are those two pictured in real life? They both look like a semi familiar actor/actress.

  3. How amazing. Latest outburst from Russia, “”No guarantee” that Europe will survive this winter, warns chief of Russian state-owned energy giant”.


    If Russia isn’t permitted to destroy Ukraine, then all of Europe will suffer? A little one-sided, methinks. Certainly, astro posts do suggest that there will be both bad times and good for Ukraine. Hopefully, Putin and his ilk will fall and reason will step back in toward reducing and stopping hostilities.

  4. Hi Marjorie,

    Thank you so much for answering my last question about OPEC and Saudi Arabia. I do have another geopolitics question though.

    Yesterday, The Hill reported that President Biden and his administration had successfully helped broker a maritime deal between Israel and Lebanon that will allow gas extraction from the Karish field in the Eastern Mediterranean. Apparently, this could provide a potential petroleum alternative for Europe – now that Europe plans to sever ties with the Russian Federation.

    I was very happy to read this. I was also pleasantly surprised that such a deal was able to come about given the contentious history between Israel and Lebanon.

    Astrologically speaking, what is the suggested foreseeable outcome of this maritime agreement? Do relations between Israel, Lebanon, and the United States appear to be heading into a positive direction? Does the astrologically suggest this new maritime agreement will last and successfully offset the antics that the Russians, Saudis, Emiratis, and OPEC are engaging in?

    I really look forward to reading your thoughts on this. Anything you could provide would be greatly appreciated.

    As always, thank you so much for taking our questions and suggestions. I love reading your daily posts and discussions.

  5. KCIII’s coronation has been announced for Saturday 6th May 2023.

    Fits with what I predicted (albeit I was suggesting two weeks later on the Taurus new moon once Jupiter had moved into Taurus).

    Even so the date is all over Charles chart with his 4th nodal return taking place and a Scorpio full moon the day before heading towards his Sun

  6. Hello Marjorie – just something I noticed – in September you wrote about Kwasi Kwarteng:

    “His popularity with the UK in general will sag from November onwards.”

    The so-called “Halloween Budget” has been announced for 31st October, festival of the dead….if they stick to this date there’s the slippery Neptune 22 Pisces square Mars Rx 25 Gemini. Bank of England Neptune is 23 Pisces. Kwasi Kwarteng’s Mercury is 23 Gemini. Kwasi’s own Neptune is 10 Sagittarius. The Bank’s Mercury 11 Virgo.

    These connections seem to symbolise a world of delusion. Love to know who thought Halloween was a good choice of date for this very serious fiscal moment….the editor of the Daily Star perhaps?

  7. Can you please look into the chart of the new general of Russian armed forces, Sergey Surovikin born 11 October 1966 in
    Novosibirsk, RSFSR, Soviet Union(according to Wikipedia). And today happens to be his birthday.

  8. What is going on with Kanye West? He is making all sorts of comments on Jews and “White Lives Matter”, making him freshly plastered on every magazine. He had an interview with Tucker Carlson that sparked furry but clearly millions of people are tuning in and listening to his every word. Instagram and Twitter blocked him as his posts birthed antisemitic backlash.
    His chart is a bit complicated to decipher. Marjorie, could you do an update please?

  9. Hi, Marjorie,

    Thank you so much again for looking at the astrology of Canada! You describe this country as being very resistant to change, which is disappointing. Could you possibly add to your post about WHEN needed change will be brought about? Any hints as to HOW exasperated citizens can help bring this about would be appreciated! Any assurance that we can ever recover from our mess will also be greatly appreciated!

  10. Morning Marjorie in previous postings you hinted that your gut (my vernacular!) felt that covid would have one last surge from October this year before finally waning. I suspected this has some resonance with Pluto going direct. Any chance of a look? I realise that as a populace we are done with covid, but is it done with us? I ask as, right on cue, cases seem to be going up. Many thanks.

    • I think it was more a wild guess that the final exact aspect of the Uranus square Saturn was this month. Pluto going direct may also have an effect as it heads for the exit.

  11. Hi Marjorie,

    I was wondering if you could look into Saudi Arabia and OPEC.

    I read the discouraging news that Saudi Arabia, with the help of the Russian Federation announced that OPEC will be cutting back its oil production claiming economic uncertainty and a bunch of other nonsense excuses.

    Many foreign policy experts believe Vladimir Putin was instrumental in influencing this decision and his motive is nothing more than a revenge tactic against Western nations for the crippling sanctions that were imposed on the Russian Federation for the barbaric invasion of Ukraine.

    Some foreign policy experts also believe Saudi Arabia went along with this in an effort to influence the outcome of the upcoming midterm elections here in the U.S. – given that Saudi Arabia favors the Republican Party and over the Democrats. And since gas prices will rise again in the upcoming weeks, this could potentially influence undecided voters to blame incumbent Democratic politicians for the spike.

    Granted, we have plenty of oil reserves here in the U.S. and we will likely manage better than most. However, this would mean using more of those reserves and possibly cause further environmental damage (which is not good). Plus, I understand Europe will suffer more from the cutbacks which is also not good.

    There has been talks of the U.S. government pushing OPEC with sanctions, etc. However, I’m not sure how any of that would play out.

    Astrologically, how do things appear to be looking for Saudi Arabia and OPEC in the upcoming months and near future? Does the astrology suggest Saudi Arabia and OPEC will face repercussions for this stunt?

    How is Saudi Arabia’s relationship looking with the Russian Federation? I read somewhere (could be rumors though) that Saudi Arabia has expressed an interest in joining BRICS.

    Anything you could provide would be great. Thank you in advance.

    • Gasoline prices out here have jumped more than 50 cents a gallon. Lines at the super cheap (hi-sulfur) gas stations. I’ve focused on ethanol-free gas…intrinsically higher in price but since my conversion a year ago, no more engine bucking, etc.

      Some of my neighbors claim that E0 is illegal. Or is for new cars only. Go figure…

  12. Must say, interesting story breaking in Finland today on former Social Democrat PM Paavo Lipponen lobbying on Nord Stream 2, where he apparently played a bigger role than thought. Born April 23th 1941, I may have looked at his chart in relation to our current President Sauli Niinistö,who was Minister of Finance in a Finnish post-financial crash Government led by Lipponen in the 1990’s. Felt they worked together well in a sense, but had contrasting characters. Also, I think Lipponen absolutely clashes with our current “Steel Maiden” Sanna Marin, who I feel is driven by genuine sense of social justice as opposed to “champagne socialists” of the postwar Europe.

  13. Hello Marjorie,
    Can you do a reading on Bill Clinton? Whitney Webb, an investigative journalist, is releasing her second volume this month about Epstein’s ties to Clinton and Gates and the evidence is jaw dropping and includes money laundering, child sex trafficking and ponzi schemes. These men are essentially professional criminals masquerading in the public realm and have enormous influence over health policies and the Covid pandemic response.

    I highly suspect this book and its revelations will make it on mainstream news but nonetheless I am deeply curious as to where Clinton is headed.

    • Hillary, Bill, Chelsea and Gates will all be rattled by the upcoming Eclipses – and the Clinton/Maxwell and Clinton/Epstein relationship charts are stressed ahead as well. May be more to come. I will keep an eye out.

  14. Just reading your Daily Mail post from 14 March 21.
    You said “There will be a major setback in eighteen months when the Solar Arc Saturn is conjunct Mars and square the Neptune. With much heightened emotion (and financial pressures) from tr Pluto square the Venus in Aries in 2021/22.”

    That 18 months would be about now. Do you see anything in this new lawsuit by various celebs agaisnt them?

  15. Good morning Marjorie.
    Tucker Carlson and Rachel Maddow are both Cancer rising. Could you have a look at their charts for over the midterms to 2025?

    • A Read on Tucker would be great. He is staunchly against censorship and averages by far the highest number of nightly viewers than any other news anchor on television at 2.9 million. The ratings report just came out a few days ago. I am curious too where his career is headed

  16. Canada, I moved this comment/question from Gesso up from a recent Canada post.

    “Hello! This is an old thread but I found it as I do research on this Nov 8 eclipse hitting Canadas Pluto/Saturn opposition (with t. Saturn making tsquare)

    So close to the mars rx (so close to moon rule rod our 4th and 5th) and I’m unsure how to interpret this huge energy
    Being 1/7 axis I don’t totally understand it. There is definitely a lot of upheavals happening

    The charter trial begins soon, as well as a drive for Canada to be the pilot project for cbdcs and digital id, but not sure how that fits with what I’m seeing here
    Any other ideas from you smart folks? Lol I have a basic understanding of mundane but feeling like something big is looming for us here.”


    • Looking forward to that Marjorie. The freshly minted leader of the opposition, Pierre Poilievre has been hammering away at the PM to great effect.

      If the PM’s coalition crumbles we might be due for yet another election.

      The inquiry into implementing of the emergencies act will start shortly, hearings are set to take place Oct. 13 and wrap up in November. The PM will be testifying.

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