12 thoughts on “Questions & Comments

  1. I was wondering if you could give your take on the Olof Palme assassination in 1986. It all smacks of conspiracy to me. Especially the bit where there had been a huge police presence on the street for a major drug bust, which was suddenly withdrawn with no explanation. The refusal to wake up the investigators, leaving the crime scene unguarded and basically leaving all and sundry to muddy the evidence.

    It does seem to be a conspiracy of sorts. The Skandia Man, whose only real crime was to inflate his importance as a witness, who tried to give assistance to the dying Palme and claimed to be trying to get the police to go and listen to Mrs Palme’s description of the murderer. He probably ran away because he was scared. But he was a known attention seeker and probably a gift for the murderer.

    Then there was GH who also worked in the Skandia building. Hexwas actually the only person who was known to own a Smith & Wesson 375 magnum and was known to have shot out his telly when he saw Palme on it. He evidently sold the gun to a person unknown.

    The Skandia Man committed suicide in 2000; GH did the same in 2008. There were two other suspects one who was found murdered in The Blue Ridge Mountains.
    The man who was convicted, was let out and acquitted because it had become obvious that Mrs Palme’s identification had been compromised. She had refused to attend the line-up and it was thrown out of court when she asked if that man was the alcoholic. She identified him on a video recording and claimed that were three it could have been. But she picked him because he looked scared.

    The you have the police colonel who pointed the finger at a South African hit-man. The police colonel was still in the police despite having been convicted 89 times for crimes like fraud and corruption and who knows what else! Others pointed the finger at the CIA and various terrorist groups.

    It becomes obvious that Olof Palme was really hated by a very large number of the populace. And even our own intelligence people aren’t exempt. They found out that Palme had done a massive arms deal with India. In order for odors to do the deal, they needed a third party to give the bribes. They chose a British company to do the deals.
    In 2020 the police named The Skandia Man as the man most likely to have done it. This gas enraged a lot of people, because there is no actual proof that he did it. And what they have wouldn’t conduct a fly!

  2. Hi Marjorie;
    Please could you look at Sean Hannity of Fox news. Perhaps his role in the insurrection if any and whether he would face consequences. He appears to know a lot more than he professes. Also him having a direct influence on Trump. Thank you.

  3. Hi Marjorie,
    To add to Anita’s Djokovic inquiry, what roles are Venus retrograde, and possibly the shadow period of Mercury’s upcoming retrograde playing?
    Reversals of decisions — his or Victoria’s or Australia’s — likely?
    Right now, he’s in detention in the airport.
    Of course, by the time you read this, that situation could have changed.
    More to come?
    Also, Venus retrograde — Djokovic just burned a ton of the love and goodwill he struggled so long to get and finally received at the US Open.

  4. In the run up to the Australian Open, Novak Djokovic has announced his medical exemption from the covid vaccine has been granted and many are not happy. Have you looked at his chart? Please see what you can. For a guy who seems to want so much love, (quite jealous of the way Federer and Nadal are adored)he does know how to make it difficult to root for him.

  5. Kane Tanaka was born as Kane Ota on 2 January 1903 in the village of Wajiro (now part of Higashi-ku, Fukuoka), on the southern island of Kyushu. She clocks in at 119 yrs and 2 days (per wiki). No birth time provided.

    What in her chart makes her special for such a long life? Are there similarities with Jeanne Calment?

    Add-on from wiki: ” Her age has been compared with Jeanne Calment’s and Sarah Knauss’s, to the 115–125 year window that is speculated to be the possible maximum lifespan range…”

    Thank you!

  6. Di Caprio is Scorpio with a Libra Ascendant and Pluto Moon in Libra in his first square Saturn He had a tough start in life with split parents and not much money.
    My slight impression is that difficult childhoods can produce adults who never quite look their years. You see it most obviously in women,

  7. Leonardo Di Caprio!
    What an actor.Perhaps the best we ever had.
    Saw a documentary.Worked so hard to get away from his childish look.He managed.
    His play,becomes instantly the person he plays.
    No performing.
    Great.He should have got more Oscars.Only one,so far.Dont know,perhaps you have written about earlier.
    What Sign looks that childish? We hat ASC.?
    Thanks, Marjorie

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