16 thoughts on “Questions & Comments

  1. Marjorie,

    Winston Churchill’s granddaughter, Edwina Sandys, wrote an opinions piece that was published in today’s issue of USA Today in which she excoriates Donald Trump for having the nerve to compare himself to her grandfather. Sandys is an artist and she’s been a U.S. citizen for years now. She announced in opinions piece that she voted for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris this election.

    I was just wondering if you had any astrological insights regarding Edwina Sandys and her surprising (but pleasing) op-ed.

  2. New Zealand has moved forward with legalizing doctor-assisted euthanasia. And…shot down the momentum to legalize recreational cannibas.

    Won’t go over very well with stoners in the US…

  3. Corbyn suspended by from Labour by inclusive, healing Starmer. Starmer’s ruthless, control-freak Sun Pluto conjunction in play here? Corbyn’s progessed Sun is approaching his natal Pluto within half a degree – not exact yet though, so perhaps even more to come. I did wonder what would happen when Corbyn’s progressed Sun joined his natal Pluto, especially given his age.

  4. A little behind the news but I was reading an obituary for French lawyer and pioneer of women’s rights – Gisele Halimi and peeped at her chart, it speaks wonderfully to the work that she did to advocate throughout her life. Might be of niche interest but I was quite delighted with the chart somehow and it might be of interest.

    • Louisa, thanks for mentioning this interesting women. (More interesting than the scoundrels that snatch all the headlines and do their utmost to make Life unpleasant for the rest of us!)

  5. Good morning Marjorie,
    Speaking of East Germany/the GDR, a fantastic new documentary started recently on Netflix
    called A Perfect Crime.
    This is about the assassination of Detlev Rohwedder on 1 April 1991 at approximately 23.30p.m., in Dusseldorf. DR who was born on 16 October 1932 in Gotha was Head of the Treuhand, the East German
    Privatisation and Restructuring Agency set up after the dissolution of East Germany/the GDR.
    The crime has never been solved.
    Thank you if you comment.

  6. Hi Marjorie
    Could you please take a look at talk shoe host Wendy Williams’ chart please? She seems to be going through mud leading to quick sand right now. Addictions issues may be surfacing again and allegations similar to Ellen’s has also surfaced. She seems lonely and lost and struggling.
    Astrotheme gives 18 July 1964, 9.30pm New Jersey USA .

    Would be great if you could share what you see for her. Will she get it together. Thanks

  7. The Italian prime minister Conte, born 8th Aug 1964 at Volturara Appula, Italy(source: Wikipedia) increased his popularity during the first wave even though the pandemic in Italy was worse than most places in Europe. Now given the second wave, people seem to be loosing trust in him.
    Conte has lasted much longer in the position than any political commentator’s expectations.

    What do you see for his future? Thanks

  8. Hi Marjorie,

    Amy Comey Barrett was just confirmed to SCOTUS today.

    I was wondering if you had any further astrological insights regarding her.

    Biden is very likely going to win the election next week…..but Donald Trump has made it quite clear he intends to contest the results.

    I was wondering how Amy looks between November 2020 and January 2021. Does it appear she will be instrumental in trying to help Trump steal this election? Or, are there any signs she might actually uphold the rule of law?

  9. Hi Marjorie,

    A non current event, so one that you can use on a slow news day.

    I have just returned from a visit to a town in the old East Germany and visited a museum dedicated to the old DDR/GDR there.

    What struck me was the rapidity of the collapse of of the GDR. It celebrated its 40th anniversary in October 1989, with the usual Soviet-style pomp and pageantry of military parades, etc. And yet, within under a year, it had ceased to be. Wiped off the map within a blink of an eyelid (in historical terms).

    What could have caused such a dramatic and sudden collapse of a state, from an astrological point of view?

    I noticed that the period (almost exactly 41 years) is almost exactly half a Uranus Return and one-sixth a Pluto Return. But other states have survived past their 41st birthday. Why did the GDR collapse?

    The GDR was founded on 7 October 1949 and ceased to be on 3 October 1990.

    • @ Unmystic Mom, I second this question! May have some aswers, too, based on quick glance to Astro Database chart set for 12.45 PM Berlin. One interesting note I can anticipate is lack of Saturn.

      • Which chart is 12.45pm for?

        On quick glance there was an exact Uranus opposition (Half Return). Tr Pluto was square the 1949 Pluto Mars and the Solar Arc Uranus which was sitting on top of the 1949 Pluto Mars which is pretty explosive. Plus the tr Neptune Saturn in Capricorn was squaring the 1949 Sun Neptune. So was a fair amount of upheaval and disruption going on.

  10. Good morning Marjorie from the west coast of Canada. Canadians are used to living beside an elephant aka the USA, catching a cold whenever it sneezes. However we are increasingly ill at ease at our neighbour’s rapidly metastatizing malaise. We wonder at our luck, thus far, in maintaining a more stable democracy with far lower covid numbers (thanks to a sane, science-based, coordinated response). We are grateful for our basics such as Medicare, maternity leave, and mailboxes (never realized what a privilege it is to have these!) What might the USA election mean for us? Any thoughts or insights you can proffer would be highly appreciated.

  11. In India, the prejudice against minorities such as Muslims and Christians has become very severe, especially towards Muslims. It’s created by the right wing government. Is there anything in India’s chart that could show this hopefully lessening in the future? Thank you.

  12. Good day Marjorie.

    Can you have a look at the major current vaccine companies and see which one correlates or coincides with a winding down of Covid activity?

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