Peter Mandelson – mixing in tainted circles

Peter Mandelson, the former Labour politician and spin doctor known as the Prince of Darkness and usually described as ‘disgraced’ since he was forced to resign as Cabinet Minister over a financial scandal, has been drawn into the Epstein/Ghislaine Maxwell web.

  Photographs of him have emerged attending an Epstein birthday party in Paris in 2007 the year after Epstein was charged with counts of unlawful sex acts with a minor; and he visited Epstein’s Caribbean island, though friends were quick to assert that was Ghislaine Maxwell’s invitation since they were good friends of long standing through her crooked father.

  Mandelson has a ‘moth-like attraction’ to the rich so would share that interest with Epstein and indeed up at that level it is a very small world indeed. Newspaper reports in 1999 have Mandelson, then a Labour MP, dining regularly at Sunninghill Park, Prince Andrew’s home. In 2000, both Mandelson and the Prince were witnesses at the wedding of merchant banker Sir Evelyn de Rothschild to Lynn Forester, an American broadcasting entrepreneur who was a longstanding friend of Epstein. In 2001, Prince Andrew was appointed the UK’s Special Representative for International Trade and Investment, and Mandelson was reported to have been a key figure in lobbying for the duke. Between 2004 and 2008 Mandelson was EU Trade Commissioner based in Brussels with huge influence.

  The FBI currently hold Epstein’s phone book which has ten numbers for Mandelson and 16 for Prince Andrew. Only a few people in the book, which seems to have been compiled by Ghislaine, are listed with multiple numbers.

 Mandelson was born 21 October 1953 – with a chart reasonably similar to Richard 111, the Hunchback King, and to Vladimir Putin if his birthdate is accurate.  He has a Libra Sun conjunct a slippery Neptune as well as Saturn, trine Jupiter in Gemini – and square Uranus which opposes his North Node in Capricorn.

  That late Cardinal degree seems to echo through the Epstein circles’ charts. Prince Andrew has his Venus Mars in Capricorn exactly conjunct Maxwell’s Saturn and exactly conjunct Mandelson’s North Node. Epstein has Saturn Neptune in late Libra square Mercury in Capricorn. Mandelson’s North Node is also conjunct Epstein’s (probably) zero degree Aquarius Sun. Virginia Guiffre has her Mars in late Cancer square Saturn Pluto in late Libra clashing with most of the above.

  Mandelson’s Mars in Virgo is conjunct Prince Andrew’s North Node, which would make it a facilitating relationship for work. Epstein’s South Node is exactly conjunct Andrew’s Ascendant and Maxwell’s North Node falls in Andrew’s 1st house conjunct his Uranus, while her Moon is on his Ascendant – so both have the capacity to affect his image. As does Virginia Guiffre with her Leo Sun conjunct Epstein’s South Node, Maxwell’s Moon and North Node and Andrew’s Ascendant and Uranus.

  Mandelson’s relationship chart with Maxwell has another repeating factor in the Epstein saga – a composite Venus Mars conjunction – as well as a possessive, controlling composite Sun square Pluto. It looks rattled through this year.

  His relationship chart with Prince Andrew is showing signs of a downhill slide in 2024/25.

  Mandelson’s personal chart is moving through troubled times with a panicky, undermining tr Neptune opposition his Mars this year, with a hugely pressured and challenging tr Pluto square his Sun this month and on and off till late 2023 – and it is joined in 2023/2024 by tr Pluto square his Saturn which will be discouraging.

  It’s a real spider’s web of interconnections with undertones of a Greek or Shakespearean melodrama. The fates stalk amongst them exacting their slice of karmic retribution.

9 thoughts on “Peter Mandelson – mixing in tainted circles

  1. Given Mandelson’s connection to Blair at the time, the ex-PM’s chart in conjunction with everyone above would be interesting indeed.

  2. Hi all,

    RE: Lord Mandelson

    Please consider signing the following petitions:

    REMOVE Lord Mandelson as Chancellor of Manchester Metropolitan University

    SUSPEND Lord Mandelson from Labour while carrying out an investigation into the extent of his involvement with the sex traffickers Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell

    All support *greatly* appreciated!!

  3. Thanks Marjorie, greatly appreciate your insight! It makes me wonder what PM and PA gave in return for Epstein’s favours. I don’t think he did it purely for friendship. I think that can of worms has yet to be revealed.

  4. It’s incredible to see the way those last degrees in Capricorn are playing out in so many well-known figures’ charts who were also connected to Epstein. Looking at many of those charts, (& not wanting to mention any names on here) it’s remarkable how many have planets on late degrees of any sign, as if the Epstein era represents the ending of something.

  5. Hmmm,

    As I remember it, he was not under the influence of the opposite sex……au contraire….He has Saturn flanking the Sun with Neptune – his vocational indicator – so a lot of smoke….that setup opposed his Moon in Aries, thus Not Who He Appeared to be….The Sun/Saturn made good aspects to Pluto (rich) and Jupiter (powerful). A subtle (?) socially upwardly mobile, hidden persona…

  6. This is so interesting. With regard to Mandelson’s ‘moth-like attraction to the rich’, could strong Sun-Neptune aspects contribute to that, in your experience Marjorie???
    Mandelson has a Sun-Neptune conjunction and Epstein would have Sun-Neptune square if his Sun were in the last degree of Capricorn instead of zero degree Aquarius.

    • I dont know how Marjorie feels but imv, in this instance, in Libra, also conjunct Saturn, trine Jupiter in Gemini, and with Venus in Libra in tow, Pluto and uranus in the 8th and Mercury in Scorpio, yes definitely very grabby, but its also about the Rich and Powerful as an aspiration…daddy issues etc. Moon in Aires doesnt help in terms of ‘mine’ and banditry.
      But, in of itself, depending on signs and placements its usually more idealogy or glamour attracted.

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