Sean Spicer – foot in mouth, brain out of gear

    Sean Spicer, the White House press secretary, who from his initial ‘alternative-facts’ gaffe set himself up as another Comical Ali (Saddam Hussein’s Information Minister), has put his foot in it again. His off-the-cuff comment that Assad was worse than Hitler, since the latter never chemical bombed his own people, has caused a storm … Read more

Jean-Luc Melenchon – French elections – an open race ** updated

A late surge by far-left Communist Jean-Luc Melanchon, now overtaking scandal-mired Republican Francois Fillon in the polls, is turning the upcoming French election into a bookie’s paradise. It’s anyone’s guess how it will shake down. The Tony Blair-ish charm of the inexperienced young centrist thruster Emmanuel Macron may not be enough to see him to … Read more

Bill O’Reilly – a Sun Saturn Virgo with a telling 9th Harmonic

       Fox News, part of the Murdoch media empire, already reeling from the ousting of their chairman Roger Ailes over sexual harassment charges, is now embroiled in more allegations that they paid off multi-million dollar harassment and inappropriate behaviour suits against their top presenter Bill O’Reilly. Two major advertisers have now pulled their … Read more