George Conway – a destabiliser in to shore up the sea wall

  George Conway, Kellyanne’s lawyer husband, is according to the WPost, about to run (pending Senate approval) the Justice Department’s civil division, which is tasked with guarding the president and his policies from legal challenges. Of which there is no shortage – federal funding for sanctuary cities and the travel ban, never mind the Russia … Read more

Alec Baldwin – parodying a mirror image of himself

        Alec Baldwin’s career has had a reboot thanks to Donald Trump, with his satirical take offs on Saturday Night Live proving immensely popular. Though observers say it’s because Baldwin, famously hot-headed, ego-centric and thin-skinned, recognises himself in his comedy portrayal. His memoir just out paints a picture of a talent mis-spent … Read more

Jeff Sessions – falling out of favour

    Trump may be pirouetting on past campaign utterances but his new Attorney General Jeff Sessions is holding fast to hard-line policies – pressing pause on implementing police reforms, withdrawing Obama-era protections for transgender students in public schools; ramping up the rhetoric about illegal immigrants, which could see the system collapse under the weight … Read more