Adnan Khashoggi – a killer instinct with money and a kind streak

  Adnan Khashoggi, the Middle Eastern arms dealer and fixer, vastly wealthy with a high-rolling international lifestyle, and mired in various scandals throughout his life, has died. In the 1970s and 1980s, he made hundreds of millions brokering vast arms deals for his friends in the Saudi royal family, his wealth once estimated at £2.4 … Read more

Kathy Griffin – anger looking for a target

  Kathy Griffin, the controversial stand-up comedian and television presenter, is watching her career disintegrate in front of her eyes after a stunt with a severed head of Donald Trump. Several comedians, including Jim Carrey, have stepped up to support her, saying comedians sometimes step across the line, but she’s had gigs cancelled and sponsorship … Read more

Mike Bloomberg – inspiring America to bite back

    100 businesses, 80 university presidents, three governors and 30 mayors have so far announced their intention to stick with the Paris climate program, with former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg leading the charge. He said after speaking to Emmanuel Macron that “The American government may have pulled out of the agreement, but the American people … Read more