Theresa May – making them walk their talk

There’s a ‘you-broke-it, you-own-it,’ feel to Theresa May’s new cabinet as she lands the pro-Brexiteers with the task of handling the complex and fraught negotiations with the EU and self-starting trade elsewhere. David Davis, Brexit; Liam Fox, international trade; Boris Johnson, Foreign Secretary. The major great departments of state go to Remainers – Philip Hammond, … Read more

Brexit & May – who will rid us of this turmoil?

       The Brexit marathon has been stretched another six months to 31 October – and maybe longer as the finishing line recedes into the far distance. The Halloween date lands on Mercury’s station to retrograde which isn’t inspiring. There’s admittedly a direction-change, potential separation from Uranus in the 10th opposition Sun; but there’s also … Read more

Teflon Tone and the Maybot – an inflammatory combo

       A Tony Blair intervention usually evokes an exasperated sigh from the electorate who wish he’d bury himself somewhere far away. But for once his grandstanding on Brexit has been welcomed by everyone apart from Theresa May who accused him of “undermining” the Brexit talks by calling for another referendum and saying his comments … Read more