Donald Trump – king of the beasts on a roll ++ election stats

Donald Trump rampages on, giving by all accounts a confused and repetitive as well as bullying 100 minute oration to himself over his New Hampshire win.  This is only a snippet since the tedium ahead never mind widespread panic and disbelief will keep him centre foreground for the next ten months.  He is on a … Read more

David Cameron – experience trumps past missteps

David Cameron springs back into the public arena as UK Foreign Secretary as Rishi Sunak pulls to the centre, facing up to the far-right and averting his eyes from Cameron’s past misdeeds – Brexit, Greensill financial scandal, cosying up to China, crashing into Libya.  Cameron for all his flaws does have international standing which will … Read more

Donald Trump – will his balloon deflate or deflect ++ Melania – storm-tossed ahead

America’s painfully slow attempts to hold Donald Trump responsible for his various transgressions is heading for a climax with his criminal indictment for attempting to overthrow the democratic result of the last election. No president has faced criminal charges before Trump. The closest parallel is Richard Nixon, who resigned rather than face impeachment and was … Read more

Donald Trump – the never-ending saga

Another criminal charge, another money-grabbing opportunity. Trump is raking in yet more campaign funds which continually spike every time another indictment against him is filed. Sigh. This recent charge sheet about Mar-a-Lago classified documents will list wilful retention of national defense secrets, obstruction of justice and conspiracy.  The eternally hopeful say this is the first … Read more

Saudi Arabia and sport – money trumps morals ++ Monahan, McIlroy

 Golf enthusiasts are outraged and scathing about the PGA selling out to the Saudi Investment Fund for a reputed $3 billion and merging with the breakaway LIV Golf whom until recently they were castigating as renegade mercenaries complicit in the legitimising of a bloodthirsty Saudi regime. The PGA bashed the Saudis constantly, citing their human … Read more