USA – Trump mark 11 day one ++ health, finances, secret deals backfiring etc

The US is holding its breath as Trump is inaugurated for the second time with fears that his wild and inflated promises will be followed through. Commentators are divided between downplaying the threat – ‘My counsel would be not to sweat what he says, but judge him by what he does.’ And doing the opposite ‘Nobody should kid themselves that he’s only ever bluffing. Donald Trump is a slob, a cheat, a lawbreaker, a bully, a careless liar, a cheap jingoist and a dangerous politician.’

   Before panicked outrage takes over it is helpful to take a hard look at America’s past – George H Bush actually did invade Panama and toppled the regime of Manuel Noriega. Reagan invaded Grenada, a member of the Commonwealth. There were wars in Indo-China pursued by John F Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon, never mind the misbegotten “global war on terror” pursued by George W Bush, Rumsfeld and Cheney. In comparison Trump may not be such an outlier and his previous record might suggest, for all his inflammatory rhetoric, he is not a war monger.

  His Inauguration chart of today is worrisome with a 10th house, control-freak Sun Pluto conjunction – akin to Kim Jong Un’s North Korea leadership chart, 29 December 2011 11.57am P’yonggang, NK,  with its 10th house Sun Pluto in Capricorn.

 But other strongman dictators did not (where times are available) have Pluto in the 10th. Al Sisi in Egypt, 8 June 2014 11.18am Cairo, did not. His administration chart has Pluto in the 5th house which is admittedly strongly aspected being opposition Jupiter square Mars opposition Uranus. The Ayatollah Khameini’s Leadership chart has a Sun square Pluto. Gadaffi’s had Mars square Pluto.

  George W Bush whose first term oversaw 9/11 and the wars on Afghanistan and Iraq had a confused 10th house Sun Neptune conjunction with admittedly an aggressive, explosive, vengeful Mars in the 7th square Uranus in the 10th and more significantly even than that a hidden, dirty-dealing 8th house Moon Pluto conjunction.

 The most recent Joe Biden administration had Pluto conjunct the Midheaven and 10th house Sun, somewhat similar to this one – plus Jupiter Saturn in the 10th square Mars Uranus – which looked ominous in advance though all things considered did not prove to be as tumultuous as it looked.

  Below has all been said before and will no doubt be said again ad nauseam – but here is a precis to keep in mind. The USA is labouring under Solar Arc Saturn conjunct its Mars 2024/early 2025) inducing fear and anger; followed by SA Saturn square the US Neptune exact late September 2025 and fading from early 2026 onwards. 2025 also sees tr Uranus square the Moon for an unsettled electorate. And tr Neptune square the financial Venus from mid 2025 onwards and tr Saturn square Neptune in 2026.

 Trump’s chart is both hyped up and mired into confusion. Tr Uranus will make a final square to his Mars late April to mid May 2025 for a shock, anger, insecurity and over-reactions.   This February, mid July to late August and December 2025 look quarrelsome in the extreme with bitter rows ongoing.  Throughout 2025 and 2026 Neptune will be undermining two of his Mercury midpoints and SA Neptune will conjunct his Moon soon and then opposes his Sun in late 2026 – none of which will clarify his thinking or make constructive progress with his plans easy.

  One obscure thought, his Progressed Mars will conjunct the USA’s Saturn in Libra exactly towards fall 2025 which is around the time the SA Saturn squares the US Neptune and when the Inauguration Sun Pluto conjunction is drawing close to exact.

ADD ON: If Trump’s 10.54 am birth time is sound then he also has tr Pluto entering his 6th house of health for years to come which can be pressured; plus tr Neptune into his 8th for financial deceptions/secrets emerging; and tr Uranus conjunct his Midheaven late this March into April which could suggest a jolting change of direction. Plus his Solar Midheaven conjunct his Pluto in the 12th within months which could suggest both an exaggerated push for influence through behind-the-scenes manipulation and a dead-halt since Pluto can have a destructive effect on career plans. But these are all dependent on an accurate birth time.

N.B. (Nota Bene = take notice)  I hate to sound like a nag BUT this is an astrology website, not a fan club or the opposite. Facts are helpful for context. Outraged opinions need to be directed elsewhere or they will be binned. Ranters and ravers will get blocked permanently.

118 thoughts on “USA – Trump mark 11 day one ++ health, finances, secret deals backfiring etc

  1. They fired multiple from the DOJ. Last night they fired all of the Office of Inspector General, however the OIG is saying not so fast – you can’t do that -.

  2. Marjorie could you do a chart on Susie Wiles ? she is Trumps chief of staff and if to be believed in the press today has already started to freeze Elon Musk out.

  3. I put this in the general comments but am adding it here:
    A source for information about the actions taken by the Trump administration—
    Heather Cox Richardson
    She publishes “Letter from an American “ daily
    Today’s was an extensive, dry, list of all actions taken that have been in the news. It’s a long list today.
    She is a historian, a professor and has published several history books.
    I figure some of you might find it useful.

  4. “….tr Uranus conjunct his Midheaven late this March into April which could suggest a jolting change of direction.”

    That first lunar eclipse in March T-squares the lights in his chart.

  5. “One obscure thought, his Progressed Mars will conjunct the USA’s Saturn in Libra exactly towards fall 2025 which is around the time the SA Saturn squares the US Neptune and when the Inauguration Sun Pluto conjunction is drawing close to exact.”

    Thanks Marjorie. The US Neptune/Saturn remark interested me. There’s a Solar Eclipse at 29 Virgo in September, opposing Saturn Rx in Pisces and Neptune in Aries.
    The US Civil War chart, April 1861, is having a Neptune Return, with Neptune 29 Pisces, Ascendant 27 Pisces, and Mercury 24 Pisces. So the Nodes and Neptune of the Inauguration chart here align with this and September’s Eclipse.
    The March Lunar Eclipse, 23 Virgo opposes Saturn, and activates the Mercury for that Civil War chart and Virgo Neptune for the USA July birth chart.
    The Civil War also coincided with a US Uranus Return, 8 Gemini – something that’s approaching again, exact in a couple of years.
    While certainly not suggesting Civil War, I think the divisions within US society, and between the individual States themselves, are very much in the spotlight. Perhaps Neptune (square Mars for the US) is symbolising the whole idea of the American Dream? One version of that ‘dream’ is currently being promoted, and America’s history (Saturn?) – or a version of it – is very much part of that.

    • I have never seen the country this divided. I am a moderate, middle of the roader, and I have people in my ear from both sides telling me how it is. It is a bit much. Great post.

  6. Interesting point about Trumps progressed Mars being conjunct the US natal Saturn at 14 Libra. It is the degree of Trump’s natal Chiron too. What is intriguing is the fact that the US progressed Mars is retrograde at 16 Libra. The latter is a long running feature in the US chart that started in 2006 and ends in 2086. A key period in the process will be when the USA progressed Mars reaches the natal Saturn in 2031-2032.

    I don’t think the USA which is generally a pro active country is finding Mars retrograde energy easy to handle as it runs contrary to the nature of both the nation and the planet itself. The shift is also causing problems for the USA allies who are finding it increasingly difficult to read how the country is going to react on any issues involving military intentions, foreign policy and trade. Given Libra is the sign associated with the 7th house governing diplomacy and international affairs this is not altogether surprising. In addition the US progressed natal Saturn is retrograde in early Scorpio and square the current transit of Pluto in early Aquarius which suggests the country is going to be examining and coming to terms with limitations on its power. Whether he understands it or not Trump’s Presidency will be playing into this process.

    One word of caution about what can go wrong for a nation during a progressed Mars retrograde in Libra can be seen from the experience of Germany. Its 1871 chart endured this transit between 1910 and 1945. During that period it fought two world wars and was left devastated . In fact the German Mars remained retrograde in Virgo until 1990 which was the year the country was reunified.

    • Thank you, Hugh – in 2006 the USA was in the midst of military intervention in Afghanistan and Iraq. Isn’t it the case that Myanmar also has an ongoing retrograde Mars, which coincides with Myanmar’s repetitive military rule?

      • Progressed Mars retrogrades can definitely be transformational for nations. When the England 1066 progressed Mars turned retrograde at 29 Libra in 1497 the country was still essentially a medieval Catholic realm, still obsessed with regaining its former territories in France. When the planet turned direct again at 12 Libra in the 1570s it had lost its last continental possession Calais, Protestantism was the official state religion and its ships were starting to look for overseas wealth in the Atlantic and the Americas. By the time the progressed Mars returned to 29 Libra in the 1630s the crowns of England and Scotland had been joined under the Stuart’s and the concept of a British state with an overseas Empire had started to form. I think the message is profound change rather than necessarily a complete unraveling.

        • Thanks, Hugh. That would make sense, seeing as the Renaissance came later to England, in part because of the ongoing Wars of the Roses, political instability and the fact that England was in the main an agricultural, rural country at the time and were considered the backwater of Europe.

        • Hugh I am very new to astrology. That being said, I’d like to ask you a question re Civil War. I am wondering if it would be worth taking a look at the treaty signed at Appomattox, ending the war and re-uniting the country. I seems to me that it would be like a second marriage. Different houses second time around-not quite the same.
          your writing is so clear than even I can understand you.
          Thank you for all you share,


    • Very insightful, Hugh. I have been aware of the US Progressed Mars being Retrograde since the waning days of George W. Bush’s Presidency and the whole doomed debacle of trying to take Afghanistan–which no empire has ever succeeded in doing. Perhaps the rise of Trump–a Mars/masculine challenged individual if there ever was one–and his retread second term in office–are also reflective of this transit.

      Trump’s natal Chiron–clearly bringing a wound to the idea and structures of justice in the US, as represented by Saturn. Interesting that it prevailed over Saturn in this case, which had Biden and his justice department headed by the diddling Merrick Garland, could have inflicted the “wound of all wounds” upon Trump. Perhaps the country may yet do so as he acts out his very worst.

      Mars conjunct Saturn always shows up as extreme frustration. Literally one foot on the gas while the other hits the brakes. The 2031-32 period is likely to be one of stymied action if not literal collapse regarding the military and US authority in the world. Whether or not Trump lives to see the end of his Presidency, whomever succeeds him will be left with a massive godawful mess to sort through.

    • Excellent points about the USA Progressed Mars. The easy confidence traditionally associated with American power has been lacking for some time as a result.

      In the context of this transit it’s easy to see why Trump came onto the scene in the way he did. With his natal Mars conjunct Leo rising and the asteroid America also in the conjunction, people who are bewildered by the effects of the US Progressed Mars in retrograde cling on more and more desperately to anyone or anything that promises to restore the old confidence and swagger. The Bush years would have seen a slowing down of that
      Progressed Mars prior to it going retrograde which would explain the overt America First attitude of those years (remember Freedom Fries?) and the whole Project For A New American Century business.

      Trump himself may also be puzzled by this retrograde period as well, hence some of his more extreme statements and ideas which demonstrate a deep insecurity.

      As Hugh mentions one hopes that the US does not repeat Germany’s mistakes. Only after two World wars did Germany truly accept that the old imperial militaristic approach to geopolitics was not working and consequently a long period of reflection and rebuilding began. When the 1871 Mars went direct again in 1990 Germany regained its confidence but in a healthier way, placing itself as the leader of a free democratic Europe. Although it could be said the arrogant treatment of the former East German people on their integration into the Federal Republic (which is now producing problems) carried a touch of the old Prussian high handedness.

  7. Interesting what you say about the first GWBush administration, with the Moon-Pluto conjunction in the hidden 8th. During a debate with Al Gore, it was clear that Bush was much less interventionist than Al Gore, saying “We cannot be the policemen of the world.” What happened after 911 changed him, and the Cheney-Rumsfeld machine couldn’t wait to make the moves. Instead of Cheney, he almost made the more enlightened choice of John Danforth as VP. Does he realize now that he had been misled by the neocons in his administration, who probably knew there were no WMDs but intentionally followed cooked-up intelligence? There was always a naivete about GW Bush, including his assertion that he looked Putin in the eyes and trusted him. Our education system is much worse since his “No Child Left Behind Act,” which had complete bipartisan support, passed.

      • @Virginia, yes, the American education system definitely needs considerable improvement. I was educated in both public and private schools in the US and an English public (i.e., private boarding) school and English university. There is no doubt in my mind that my English education was infinitely superior, although the US has first class public and private universities and colleges.

        • @Nicole Thank you for your reply, I know that children here have a different timescale in education to the USA or Europe, in that they begin to specialize earlier, at 16, but I am gloomy for the future of private education here and in other countries, the present government is taxing it by imposing 20% VAT.
          Finland manages to top the league tables internationally basically because it is a small population, teachers have more professional freedom, improving education has benefits for society in general IMO.

  8. Its interesting how so many astrology and psychic are picking something big up for May/June. Its not just one saying it, all seem to be singing from the same hymn sheet. I wonder if Trump might suffer a stroke. I was looking at his chart and I do think a health related setback is there.

    • I am about to suffer a stroke. Well, with the elevation of Hegseth all bets are off. Reading the prior entries on the progressed Mars aspects brought me comfort. I do know Jupiter changes signs in that time frame.

  9. RT reports that Trump is going back to two genders and stopping all the woke 88 genders protections and law protections to sue etc. Interesting. I watched that documentary by biological women on how woke and trans are Chauvenistic accempts by males to overtake spaces and vocabulary females have fought for for years. Really interesting to hear a variety of biological women talking about the trans and how speaking out against it had them likened to deniers of the big H(not the current Palestiine one, the one with the poor gypsies and disabled people being slain, poor souls). The documentary is eventually uncensored and on YouTube: ‘Adult Woman – Female’

      • Anecdote: My aunt was vacationing in Spain when the war broke out and overheard two British ladies chatting on how it would be amazing to have real naval battles again. She thought they were joking first, but apparently, they were dead serious.

        But now, that war is mostly remembered for involvement of Prince Andrew and I think would be a much easier concession for the British than Greenland for the Danes.

      • As countries on both the South American and African coasts become less friendly to us, we will need a naval base in the South Atlantic to protect the sea lanes to Australia and New Zealand, in order to supplement the base on Ascension Island.

      • I read a while back that there is some very important and strategic listening equipment in that area. and I believe it’s also the southern outpost of the BBC transmissions in that hemisphere. It may also be close to undersea cables.

  10. I think Trump’s re-election was the last hurrah of Pluto in Capricorn. With Pluto now in Aquarius, his administration is already in trouble. His approval rating is in the low 40s, and he has already many things that will drive it even lower. Not to mention some things he has already done will probably be overturned by the courts.

    • I’ve always thought that Trump’s re-election was a necessary evil in that The Universe is bringing the last of the poisons truly to the surface in order to wipe them away!

      • Trump has terminated the secret service detail for John Bolton who had been threatened by Iran. Wonder if this is shown in the chart. Thanks.

    • Why not? Cause if you can’t agree with the conclusion , the basis of argument is wrong also. Seriously it all depends if people had enough and would rather choose different path. It may not be conventional Democrat either.

  11. Looking at today’s news, I note that both Mexico and Canada will not face immediate tariffs, but they may well be introduced on 1February. If our government and the chattering classes could avert their Blairite blinkered gaze from Europe – a Europe that no longer exists and probably never did and explore the possibility of a trade and wider agreement with Canada, it may work to the advantage of both countries.

    Canada has always been a true friend of Britain in contrast with the US and the Europe whose relations with us was and always was based on realpolitik.

    • @patritius, sorry, but this sounds argumentation similar to some posh Tory Brexiters who discovered, few months before an extension of an extention to the exit date coming that Great Britain is, indeed, an island, and many of the consumer goods are literally shipped there. Completely out of touch with realities of International Trade.

      First of all, EU has a GDP 10 times larger than that of Canada, making it a larger market for the British goods and services.

      Second, it’s much more conveniently situated for trading the said goods and services than Canada. British retail businesses, offline and especially online, had incredible logistic advantage working in Europe, as opposed to Canada.

      Last, EU and Canada negotiated a trade deal, called CETA, ending most tariffs between the parties, well before Brexit. It has been provisionally in use since 2017, even if some member countries have not yet ratified it, most notably France and Italy fearing for their wheat production. It was brought up, again and again, by Remainers on Parliament floor as a great deal the UK was unlikely to achieve on its own. there has been a British-Canadian agreement since 2021, but to my understanding, it’s less advantageous. Canadian businesses also have long dealt with their European counterparts based on synergies rather than some loyalty to the Crown. For instance, I used to work for a Finnish med tech company, operating on a niche field, but having over 50 % market share in Canada.

      • Indeed it is a far larger market, but the UK has tended run trade deficits with the EU, excluding oil. In the 1970s it was particularly severe.

        On a general note, I am not a posh Tory Brexiteer, many of whom base their arguments on emotions not hard facts as did the Remainers. I prefer to base economic arguments on the basis of figures. If you would like further facts and figures I am very willing to provide them.

      • the Tca between uk and canada is in fact better for the uk
        Both agreements eliminate 98% of tariffs on Canadian exports to the UK
        Both agreements include provisions on labor, the environment, intellectual property, and procurement
        Both agreements maintain access to Canada’s dairy, poultry, and egg sectors
        The TCA has adapted tariff rate quotas (TRQs) to account for the UK’s smaller market size
        The TCA includes additional commitments to eliminate an extra 1% of tariffs by January 1, 2024

    • This Brexiteer talking point is winding the clock back to 2018-19, unless that was the point. The ship has sailed on the SS Pluto in Capricorn.

      • True I voted to leave in 2016, but I campaigned to remain in the referendum of 1975. In the earlier referendum I was swayed by the mass emotion of the of the time of the enormous benefits that would accrue to this impoverished island. Miraculously our living standards would converge to those of France and Germany. None of these supposed benefits materialised, hence my jaundiced attitude to foreign entanglements.

        In the winter of my days, we should treat with a great deal caution any free trade treaty with the US whatever blandishments Mr Trump may dangle in front of us. If Mr Farage wishes to play the sucker more fool him.

  12. Headline on The Times this morning “The Trump ‘revolution’ begins immediately”. Whether you agree with his plans or not, it fits Pluto in Aquarius. Let’s not forget he is a Sun-Uranus so he has that disruptor energy inherent.

    Worldwide I am sensing there is ‘overthrow’ of what have become the norms being challenged in many walks of life. Not just in politics.

    • Pluto and Uranus approaching their trine worries me. You could look at it through Barbault lenses, or with a glance to a hundred years ago when they last met around the rise of Mussolini and Hitler.

      Watching the media gaslight their way out Musk’s fascist salute (call it precisely what it was) made me think of the latter scenario. One hopes that this far-right imperial delirium falls in on itself soon, and real Aquarian change for the sake of the collective happens.

      • Are there any earlier historical examples in air signs JB? I haven’t delved into this.
        I noticed the chart (book of World Horoscopes) for the Third Reich, 30 January 1933, has Sun, Saturn and Mercury in Aquarius. That’s the Pluto in Cancer square Uranus in Aries era.

        UK House of Commons, 20 January, 1265 has an Aquarian stellium – Sun, Mercury, Venus, Moon. Pluto is in Sagittarius, wide trine to Uranus in Aries. I’m never sure if that chart works exactly, but it’s an interesting snapshot of the time anyway. The Houses of Parliament do view this date as very significant, and representing a turning point in political history. With its Saturn/Mars at 21 and 23 Taurus tr Uranus might be attempting a shake-up of some sort…..

        • Hoping that the Air trine might point us in on a more enlightened road but Aquarius is not immune from fanaticism (Hitler’s and Mussolini’s putsches in 1922-23 occurred under Cancer-Pisces, so a nationalist flavour straight away). Trump yesterday pardoning all those convicted over his own putsch four years ago doesn’t fill me with hope at this present moment.

          • The US is also building up to a Uranus in Gemini return. The Moon’s Nodes move into Aquarius/Leo in 2026 too, which might underline the Aquarian/Uranian mood music. But I usually like to acknowledge Saturn’s traditional rulership of Aquarius too. Revolutions and rebellions can also be full of “rules” and repressions.

        • There seems to be a pattern with Uranus/Pluto oppositions when Pluto is in Aquarius and Uranus in Leo. It occurred in the Reformation in the late 1530s-40 and again in 1793 when the French Revolution was in the ascendancy and in the same the year that Louis XVI was executed.

          • Indeed – was just about to point this out. The French Revolution needed Pluto to read 19Aquarius before it began; or more specifically Uranus to enter Leo and rebel against Royalty.

            When Uranus was last in Leo (1956-63ish) it was the era when the Empire crumbled and colonies began to gain independence.

            Uranus hits Leo again in 2040 and Pluto is at 25Aqua by then. Hope we’re not waiting that long for change but certainly shouldn’t write it off. There are enough oppressive regimes around the world where the people are unable to act – just look at Syria and how long that took to get rid of Assad.

          • Hi GD. I have looked up 2040, etc and thankfully Uranus, in early Leo doesn’t quite manage to oppose Pluto which by that year is at the end of Aquarius in the last few degrees.

          • VF – early 2040s is an interesting time for fixed energy.

            – 2040 Uranus moves into Leo as Neptune moves into Taurus
            – 2041 Inauguration will see Sun Aqua and Jupiter Scorpio joining them
            – 2042 Saturn moves into Scorpioto square Uranus and Neptune; Jupiter is square Pluto at end of Scorpio/Aqua and Mars goes retrograde in Leo

            Interesting but there is a lot to happen between now and then so I guess we shouldn’t get ahead of ourselves!

      • I question whether they are astrologically comparable.

        If I read correctly, the article is saying Hitler / Mussolini started to rise in early 1920s when Pluto was trine Uranus. But they didn’t gain real power until the Pluto square Uranus of the 30s. Trump and others began rising a decade ago.

        If anything I’d been inclined to go with the standard interpretation which is that the Uranus-Pluto squares of 2011-15 brought a rise in popularism / fascist type dictators which began to bed in once Uranus moved into Taurus; just like Hitler and others consolidated power when Uranus-Pluto squared around 1931-35 and Uranus moved into Taurus.

        It was when Uranus moved Gemini that the fascists began to lose their power. It could be argued that rebellious Uranus into a sign like Gemini which wants to be footloose and fancy free is going to coming up with ways to undermine the powers that be and that will be supported by Pluto in Aquarius supporting the common person.

        Bear in mind that when Pluto first went into Capricorn – we had the global financial crash – that was the trigger for all which followed. Quantitative Easing which was the Governments solution to that was still going on in 2010 (QE2) and 2012 (QE3).

        Donald Trump was re-elected on November 5th when Pluto was still in Capricorn – therefore it can be argued he represents the old order, even though his policies appear to be radical – he’s really just trying to solidify typical Capricorn patriarchal / protectionist values. It seems to me it’s going to take a while for the people to work out they need to rise up.

        • This is all true I agree.

          I think Uranus/Pluto aspects bring forward progressive shifts in society but at the same time bring up extreme reactions from people who resist such changes and want things to stay as they are. To give an example of the US in this regard:

          1960s: Uranus Pluto conjunction – civil rights, social freedoms, the Space Age reaching its peak and new ideas etc. but this was also arguably when the American hardliner conservative movement started in response (Goldwater in the 1964 election, the 1966 midterms, Reagan elected California governor, Nixon as president, Southern states erecting Confederate statues)

          1990s (sextile): Clinton in power and a general liberal social attitude (albeit with pretty conservative economics), LGBT people being more prominent in society, but this was also the time of Newt Gingrich, the neocons setting up the Project For A New American Century, Fox News set up, the popularity of Rush Limbaugh

          2010s (square): Obama president, gay marriage legalised, but also the Tea Party leading to the rise of Trump.

          The trine will presumably bring more such things to the fore but as you noted this time it’s an easier aspect following a more challenging one which might play out differently to the interwar years.

        • ‘It was when Uranus moved Gemini that the fascists began to lose their power. It could be argued that rebellious Uranus into a sign like Gemini which wants to be footloose and fancy free is going to coming up with ways to undermine the powers that be…’

          Absolutely. It was on June 22nd of 1941 that Hitler embarked on ‘Operation Barbarossa’ – to fight the war on the Eastern front and invade the Soviet Union, which marked the end of the German-Soviet Pact with Stalin. As it was this decision turned out to be a fatal misjudgment. This war was to result in the deaths of millions and unimaginable suffering, eventually ending with the defeat of the Third Reich in May 1945. In June of 1941, Uranus was traversing the final few degrees of Taurus, thus in August it had reached its ingress into Gemini, moving back into Taurus later in the year and then back into Gemini in 1942. The seige of Leningrad began in September, a horror so appalling, residents were intentionally starved and people resorted to consuming rats. (It was in this dreadful environment that Vladimir Putin’s mother, Maria Shelomova Putin scavenged for food, which is interesting).

          Also, don’t forget that Neptune ingressed into Libra in October of 1942, so two outer planets in Air signs. Of course, peace came in May 1945 just as Uranus made a Trine with that Libran Neptune.

          • Oh, just to add – Pluto in May 1945 completed a mini Grand Trine in Leo, sextiling both Neptune and Uranus.

          • Thanks VF – I didn’t expand on it as well as you’ve done. I knew Gemini into Uranus was significant but hadn’t realised Neptune went into Libra as well.

            If I recall from a previous discussion, The Blitz (Germany’s bombing of London) ended in May 1941 which I believe was partly down to Hitler’s decision to embark on the Russian front. Just looking it up, it appears there was a Jupiter-Uranus conjunction at 25Taurus as The Blitz ended.

            Take my ‘predications’ with a pinch of salt but I feel the energy of astrology says things will look very different in a couple of years or so – and I mean different from an upbeat, positive perspective with the outers in Aqua/Aries/Gemini by then. I imagine in May 1942 it would have been difficult for people to believe things would look better in WWII two years later with D-Day and VE in 1945.

    • Gnarly Dude, I disagree with Trump representing Pluto in Aquarius, though the Tech Bro Billionaires (e.g. Musk, Bezos, Zuckerberg, Altman, Thiel) are certainly one dark aspect of Pluto in Aquarius, literally brought to light during the Sun-Pluto conjunction on Inauguration Day. Their influence and role in this new administration couldn’t be more obvious.

      Trump is very much Pluto in Capricorn, as much as he is also old, nasty, vindictive Saturn, desperate to turn back time and steal youth from his children, and quite literally the younger generations of the US–Those Pluto in Leo Boomers just will not let go and ride off gently into that good night.

      But he and the Tech Bro Billionaires do seem to be operating in this moment as something of a bridge between eras.

      I suspect Vance might be closer to the actual first Pluto in Aquarius President, should Trump kick the bucket during the next four years. Vance is closely tied to Thiel, who founded PayPal and also owns the defense contractor Palantir Technologies. Thiel, unlike Musk, has also been far more reclusive and wary of being overexposed in the public eye. Seems like an Aquarius Pluto figure to watch for.

      • Clarence – I don’t disagree with you.

        Later in the day (as you will see above) I wrote “Donald Trump was re-elected on November 5th when Pluto was still in Capricorn – therefore it can be argued he represents the old order, even though his policies appear to be radical – he’s really just trying to solidify typical Capricorn patriarchal / protectionist values.”

        Confusing eh?!? But I’ve got a Neptune square Mercury so I have no issue with contradictory ideas at the same time and waiting to see how they pan out.

        The headline still feels very Pluto in Aqua and Trump has Uranian disruptor qualities about him as we see with him ripping up just about everything Biden was setting in place. Darkside Aqua/Uranus is just upsetting things for the sake of upsetting them.

  13. Wrt the inauguration chart:
    Using whole signs, Trump and his peeps may run into problems almost immediately.
    There’s an attempt at gaslighting the allies+public about the economic condition of the country, a lot of neptunian influences (1st house ruler Venus in 11th), but the truth will be revealed in bits and pieces, the first revelation being April 2025 once Neptune enters Aries. The current govt could run into its first set of roadblocks at the local/state level as the inaguaration Moon in the 6th opposes transit Neptune in Aries conjunct north node. To sum up their M.O: *Confusion through Chaos*
    As 12th house ruler Mars is in Cancer opposing the Sun, it would seem that ulterior motives and agenda’s could be driving the long term vision and their aim is to gaslight the allies+US citizens. Aim: More money, more power.
    But, they could face resistance at state level every step of the way. 12th ruler Mars in 4th squares 3rd ruler Moon in 6th.
    In short….The GoP vision (Sun in 9th) may not materialise as they hoped; in fact, it may not materialise at all. Some plans will need to be shelved. they may not receive the support from their allies as they hoped so some realism or reality check will set in very quickly. Stock markets could be hit, market correction of sorts. (2nd/5th ruler in 9th in capricorn).’

    All in all, I’m being cautiously optimistic that the public/citizens may have their first rude awakening mid 2025 and begin actively pushing back against GOP/MAGA agendas starting 2026.

  14. Maybe not a warmonger in the military sense, but definitely economically, which Trump already set in motion in his first administration (eg tariffs), and is now threatening neighbors such as Canada with.

    But really his ‘wars’ are more domestic & cultural rather than towards foreign powers, tho he will use the latter as pretext for the former. He is very much a Cancerian (Venus) when it comes to fears, home, security (walls walls), only staying in his own properties when he does venture abroad. That Venus (along with his bombastic, seemingly energetic Mars in Leo) might also account for the nationalistic appeal to his similarly fearful supporters under a US Cancer Sun /Leo N Node

  15. I just wanted to say Thank You, Marjorie. I don’t imagine that it’s fun to have your comment section go haywire, but most of us appreciate the effort you put into American politics.

  16. I’m intrigued by how Trump’s 8th house transits are going to play out. Neptune is already dithering around on its cusp. But Saturn will be going in there later this year and staying until early 2028. Last time Saturn was in Aries – Trump separated from Marla Maples and eventually divorced. Not that I’m predicting he and Melania will split.

  17. I didn’t intend to watch the Inauguration, and I didn’t. Trump takes all the oxygen from his surroundings, and there are fight I’d very much wish to stay. I am also looking at how to support people who are truly harmed by Republican policies, the easiest way for us in Europe is likely supporting journalism.

    That said, looking at some Ukraine content, I noticed Elon Musk had first seemed completely out of it at Rotonda, having what looked like an absence seizure I was told to look at with childhood friend due to
    her epilepsy, then made the Roman Salute TWICE in an event. I think that at this point, he seems worse off than Trump healthwise. He is clearly spiralling mentally, and drugs that can induce absence seizures – ketamine use effects to this are controversial, but these are fairly common among meth and heavy cocaine users – aren’t good for the heart either.

    Therefore, I wouldn’t be surprised if Musk was out due to health issues sooner than Trump (given his bad charts this year).

  18. In Dubya’s inauguration chart, Mars was conjunct the descendant. Strife from open enemies – surely that refers to 9/11?

    In the Trump II chart, Mars is conjunct the IC. Strife at home. That Mars is conjunct the US Mercury in the 8th house and opposite the US Pluto in the second house. So something to do with money, or a threat to the dollar? 8th house is other people’s money – default on loans from abroad?

    • @Candy, 8th house, crypto. That bubble bursting is going to take many Millenial/Gen Z people money. I have also read the “serious” crypto community is not happy about Trump launching his own “meme”crypto.

    • That Inauguration Mars is also conjunct Trump’s natal Saturn-Venus. Exemplified by his failed attempt to kiss Melania where her hat brim kept him at a distance and all he got was an airkiss!

      • GD – yes, very amusing I thought! It is also a Saturn/Venus in Pisces conjunction time, in Pisces. I noticed the contrast between both Melania and Ivana’s outfits, and what they chose in 2017. First time around Melania wore pale blue, and Ivana all white. Yesterday Melania in deepest navy looked like a cross between Mary Poppins and a spy, while Ivana wore dark bottle green, with her hair in a severe bun. Both women more sober Saturn than frivolous Venus.

  19. Marjorie,

    Have you taken any further looks at Ukraine? This is really the only global crisis I have deep concerns about now that a ceasefire has been issued in Gaza (which I remain skeptical about lasting).

    Trump has been extremely evasive as to how he and his train wreck administration are going to approach this matter.

  20. Not a good start! Immediately after Trump’s inaugural speech there was a “technical hitch” and an embarrassing minute’s silence ……see report below. He’d just told us everything was wonderful now he’s in control!

    Country singer Carrie Underwood gave an impromptu a cappella performance of “America the Beautiful” at Donald Trump’s second inauguration ceremony on Monday when technical difficulties prevented her pre-recorded backing music from playing.

  21. Saturn conj Venus in the 11th house of the Inauguration chart may indicate some ruthless actions against particular groups in society. However the t-square of Mars opp Mercury (12th) both square Moon should make things muddled and perhaps not that much of the Trump agenda will get done.

  22. I think JD Vance and Musk will be the charts to look at again. Also Baron Trump looked like he was cringing when Musk started whooping at the Inauguration so that doesn’t look like a happy set up to me. On paper Trump and Musk’s relationship shouldn’t last but its 2026 where things look to go pair shaped. I will be surprised if it sticks out that long

  23. Marjorie could you delve into DJT’s health specifically over the next two plus years?

    Too many are speculating how he will do this and that. His health may be a pivotal issue

  24. Does it make a difference that the actual inauguration is running late? I’m watching it now- at 16:34 UK time and I understand they are running almost an hour late.

  25. Through my visions I don’t see Trump lasting beyond June 2025. I think he’ll be gone by the summer.. there’s an even in May which looks like Vance being sworn in

    • Calvin~ I see the same. Vance has transiting Jupiter conjunct the midheaven at that time and Trumps aspects look challenging to say the least. As someone who just went through Pluto in the sixth house of health; which Trump has coming up~ I don’t think he’ll survive it. Plus, the aspects at that time to Trumps marriage. It looks like it is ending.

  26. Marjorie, is it possible to look astrologically at the likelihood of success for 47’s plans to end birthright citizenship for the children of so-called “illegals”? He’s just announced a suite of planned executive orders related to immigration, including that one.

    The citizenship initiative is expected to be mired in legal challenges from the first minute on constitutional grounds–to legally change the parameters of citizenship would require a constitutional amendment, which is a very lengthy, involved, and politically difficult process. (And anyway, rescinding citizenship for some “natural born” Americans and not others just seems illogical on its face, since every single inhabitant of the Western Hemisphere who isn’t of 100 percent Indigenous ancestry–in the U.S., that would be ca. 99 percent of us, including Trump himself–is at some point descended from an interloper.)

    Also, might the confusion you mention in his personal chart, pointed up by Neptune and Uranus, be indicative of personal mental decline rather than policy issues?

    Finally, is there any additional insight into J.D. Vance’s fortunes since he has ascended to the vice presidency? In your previous post about him before the election (July 16, 2024), it seemed that he was looking mildly uplifted, and that something would change after March. Perhaps a succession? Thank you.

    • The Executive order he issued is nonsense because birthright is in the constitution and to change the US constitution is very difficult to do. It can only be done as outlined in Article V of the US constitution which states that an amendment must either be proposed by Congress with a two-thirds majority vote in both the House of Representatives and the Senate, or by a constitutional convention called for by two-thirds of state legislatures.

      • @Anita,
        Unfortunately a lot of damage will be done before SCOTUS hears the case and there’s no way of predicting how it will rule.
        Some believe that the majority will narrow citizenship to children whose parents are American citizens.

        • I am tempted to suggest looking at the charts of Roe v Wade (22nd January 1973) and Dobbs v Jackson (24th June 2022) to see how any court case on birthright citizenship would shake out.

          Birthright citizenship is based on the US Supreme Court case of “United States v Wong Kim Ark” issued on 28th March 1898, which interprets the Fourteenth Amendment of the US Constitution.

  27. Sun-Pluto – illuminating the garbage man. I see the nodes as a factory with the raw material the north node and the finished goods the south node. Pisces north node – Virgo south node. Focus on the workers that deal with chaos.

    All the election issues were Virgo, abortion, no tax on tips, limits to credit card debt interest rates, purifying the food.

    Sunny 1960s fantasy land California (Neptune) is burning where prisoners (Pisces) have become working firemen (Virgo) while the hostages/prisoners (Neptune) are being released.

    Dealing with chaos and glorifying those that take out the trash. America is a natal Virgo Neptune. Trump’s Mars is conjunct the inaugeration Leo Mars so I would expect some creative action.

    Also what does the Panama Canal, Greenland, countries paying their agreed money to NATO and the UK being sternly told to get into a trade deal with USA have in common? Not confusion at all but it all spells the final shipwreck of Bretton Woods. Clinton’s peace dividend is finally arriving on American shores and Trump is pushing our American lifeboat away from the wreckage. Pointedly, America has set aside one of the limited seats for Greenland but not Denmark. Why is America trying to get a protectorate over Greenland but not Demark, aren’t both already defended through NATO? It’s not to late for the UK to jump in. The rest of Europe has not been offered a seat at all. The last of the Pisces Neptune, the final shipwreck of the system that started with the Civil War and culminated in the institutions built from World War II.

  28. Hi Marjorie: As always thank you for your insight and comment about individuals and events in the news. Sincerely, Yvonne from Canada

  29. NB? Hoping that was a person. Otherwise I am not clear on the abbreviation.

    I find it interesting with the Sun Conjunct Pluto as well as North Node Conjunct Neptune conjunct Scheat. I don’t know too much about Scheat – but I do know it is a maleific.

    It does seem like a mob take over. I read Joyce Vance – if you have not found her worth the read – and she has written about Project 2025. The Evangelicals and Leonard Leo are going to try to impose their will on the USA (Sun Conjunct Pluto) but it may not go as planned.

    I argued with my graduate level economics professor (masters degree) in 2003 as to what would happen with all the off shoring, big public (Ahem) discussion – and I challenged him on the tag line and discussion and what would happen. I lived through offshoring – lost four jobs – ended up in digital. I had resources. The jobs I lost disappeared – the companies don’t exist anymore (they do over seas). Dr Reich has tied this to the rise of populism.

    Not sure what astrological signature has given rise to Identity Politics (marxism in the Ivy League?) but it has not been a good look for the Democrats. It might be worth exploring in astrology as to how the Democrats lost the working class.

    I am real focused on the North Node conjunct Scheat and Neptune.

    They can try to implement Project 2025 – but I don’t think it will go over very well.

    There is concern on my end that this makes us weak in the eyes of the rest of the world and that they can take advantage of us. (Safety- Sun Pluto?).

    On a lighter note, I understand DJT watches the stock market closely, and if he starts tanking the market based on policy decisions, he will back off from the policy decisions – or based on what I read from a reputable source. If you kill the economy – source of strength is gone.

    Venus Saturn is interesting. One of the first things the new administration will have to confront is the debt ceiling and government funding. March time frame. Without it nothing else will work.

    Humanity will continue. Ideas will continue. Things will change. We had a really nice epoch for a long time. Thanks for the reminder on some of the rest of the BS the USA has gotten itself into – as it reframes the conversation.

    The nodes are squaring this man’s sun over next year. Not a fun transit.

    I plan to read books – real books. Limit social media with the exception of some Blue Sky. Try to buy through other book sellers, not amazon. Read overseas papers – FT, DW, BBC, El Pais, read this website, blogs on substack. Dig into and study philosophy and psychology. Plant a garden. Buy a real home with some land attached so I can grow things, a garden. Count my blessings. Stay current within limits to make sure I don’t get blindsided, but not so much that my blood pressure elevates. I have more of a historical perspective. I believe in Epochs. There has been a four states of grief thing going on, but it was naive to think the good times could last forever.

    I know attention seekers, bullies, blow hards (I am related to one). I know the type. The question is the follow through on the bluster or not. I am going to take a breath.

    I think the kids and the Maga will learn some hard lessons, as policies may hurt them most. By kids – I mean twenty somethings.

    This article you wrote Marjorie has brought me so much comfort. Thank you.

  30. Over the last few days, I have followed interviews with General H R McMaster and John Bolton, both of whom worked for Donald Trump and both were let go by him. I found their comments fascinating. Maybe your commentators would find their interviews interesting.

  31. A prominent Vedic astrologer, Gurmeet Singh, predicts that there’s a strong likelihood of J.D. Vance becoming President sometime after May of this year. Vedic astrology is like a foreign language to me–just can’t wrap my head around it. Still, I thought this was an interesting prediction.

  32. Thanks Marjorie.
    That opposition to Sun-Pluto from retro Mars on the IC of the inauguration chart perhaps suggests war within Trump’s own country will be a major conflict?
    That same retro Mars is also conjunct the Mercury at 24 Cancer of the 1776 US chart, and will come back again direct in Feb/Mar. Information wars, confusion, conflict at home.
    Also noting with wry humour that Starmer has Sun-Pluto in his birth chart. It’s a Plutonian old time eh.

  33. The Inauguration Chart: I have Sun/Pluto conjunction we are not all control freaks, Quite opposite as I also have Venus/Uranus conjunction. . We do have some redeeming factors! The Sun/Moon midpoint is in Sagittarius meaning overseas. The Sun/Venus midpoint is Aquarius square Uranus which is in trine to the Moon. The Sun/Saturn midpoint is virtually the same as the Sun/Venus midpoint. The Pluto/Venus/Saturn is virtually the same. The Neptune/Sun is in the cusp of Uranus. Uranus is the ruler the planet is in the first house, with Aquarius ruling the tenth – shaping the entire Presidency . Also overseeing many pivotal midpoints. Whatever happens, it is going to “out there”. Interestingly Mars is in Cancer America’s Sun sign. Most of the changes will be in America. Yet Venus/Mars is in trine in water signs which may temper him a little. Quite lot of change, but interestingly it will affect the Labour Cabinet as from memory quite of few them and the Labour Party have quite a lot of Aquarius/Gemini, his own Sun and the America’s Presidency. Interesting times.

    • I’ve seen it in the natal charts of people who, as children lost their fathers died. Thinking about that made me wonder if Trump will last the full term.

    • @Helen, I think we’ve discussed this earlier, but I’m Sun Pluto and Venus Uranus too. Most of Sun Plutos I’ve met are only intimidating when triggered. For Libra Sun/Plutos it’s justice and fairness. Needless to say, I’ve been very triggered lately.

      • I totally agree with being triggered. It is when I see an injustice – I blow. As I also have Saturn/Neptune in Libra – scales/balance/justice. Saturn is exhalted in Libra, so it is very important for me, as I am also a Capricorn Moon. Very Saturnine as Saturn quintiles my moon as well. With an Aquarian MC with my Sun/Pluto sitting on my IC in Leo, friends and family know I will blow if it isn’t fair. Yet life isn’t fair so you have to manage it. Pointless blowing hot air at things you cannot change! Trump whipped up a bit of a bombshell yesterday. It remains to be seen, if this time Trumps very Uranian Government will force real change or just make a mess of it.

    • I controlled my tongue till your 1st line .:-) but then my mom and maternal side call me …so does my father and paternal side…but then it’s when people who are unable to manipulate and get someone so as their wish since they have all under their strings till this one comes and exposes them and nothing works to make dance the word dictator or uncontrolled…

      In the end….it’s the person who doesn’t obey established norms…for some he might come as saviour while for others disruptor .

  34. As an American I take both
    Perspectives and mix them- I’m quite aware who trump is and what he is likely to pursue, I also am not going to lose my mind with worry until he actually accomplishes any of these ambitions. He is such an odd duck and surrounds himself with such opposing forces- none of whom seem aimed at achieving the same goals. So my intuition says he’ll be frustrated, confused and whatever horrible agenda items he aims to do there will be delays and disappointments along the way.

    • We mustn’t forget that Uranus rules the 11th house of groups. Pisces is in the 11th of the inauguration chart, Thus is a combination of mist, but also groups. He has a different team in Vance, who has an Indian wife. He may just get some things done this time. Trump is coming in as a dislike man, by many. Although America has not had the best of times under an underwhelming Democrat leader and his team.Afghanistan wasn’t a great success and put women back in their box ! Both the US and GB have had their fair share of a hard times! We are both changing.

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