American democracy is a failed experiment according to blogger Curis Yarvin, an inaugural-gala invitee due to his “outsize influence over the Trumpian right.” He founded the anti-egalitarian and anti-democratic philosophical movement known as the Dark Enlightenment or neo-reactionary movement in which he argues that the present system should be replaced by an accountable monarchy, similar to the governance structure of corporations. He “sees liberalism as creating a Matrix-like totalitarian system” and his thinking has influenced some prominent Silicon Valley investors and Republican politicians amongst them Steve Bannon and VP JD Vance.
Born 25 June 1973 in New York he has an angry, ruthless, ultra-determined Mars in upfront Aries opposition Pluto square a Cancer Sun and Saturn in late Gemini opposition North Node – tough, driven, lacking in empathy (to put it mildly). His unconventional, mould-breaking Uranus is trine Jupiter on one side and trine Saturn on the other and widely square Venus and Mercury in Cancer.
His North Node in Capricorn is probably significant – looking for a father figure.
Tr Neptune and tr Saturn moving into Aries will bring losses and disappointment his way from this May/June onwards as they start to hard aspect his Cardinal Grand Cross first opposing his Pluto and in 2026 moving to hard aspect his Mars and Sun.
His relationship with Trump will run into a swamp of confusion by 2026 with a few glitches before then. See:
Kevin Roberts, President of the Heritage Foundation, 24 June 1974 Lafayette, Louisiana, another Sun Cancer conjunct Saturn square Pluto. Soon after Roberts joined Heritage in late 2021, the organization established the controversial Project 2025, an expansive plan to overhaul the government under the new Republican administration. He looks rattled this June with tr Uranus conjunct his Venus in Taurus and more so when tr Neptune squares his Sun in July August 2025; and worse in 2026 with tr Saturn joining in And it’s a long slide thereafter until tr Neptune clears the square to his Saturn by early 2029. 2028/2029 will be trapped and scary for him. The Trump term will not bring him into the promised land.
Elon Musk who appears to have a free hand to run riot through government departments will feel the full weight of tr Uranus moving into Gemini in July 2025 as it collides with his can-be-neurotic Saturn opposition Neptune. Even before then tr Uranus will oppose his Jupiter in May, probably bringing a surge of over-confidence as it lights up his natal Jupiter Neptune conjunction – only to bring him crashing down as tr Uranus is opposition his Neptune in July and conjunct his Saturn in August (and so on into 2026). It won’t do much for his mental balance. By 2026 tr Neptune Saturn are square his Cancer Sun for losses and disappointment.
What gives with all these way out Cancerians??
There is not a huge amount of point in looking at their relationships with Trump since he has a track record of falling out with even fervent supporters. But for what it is worth – Mitch McConnell and DT are on a downer through 2025, with a serious low point in May/June. With Mike Johnson and Chuck Schummer there will be differences and discouragement with DT through 2025, with 2026 ramping up the aggravation between them.
Points to watch this year from the Inauguration chart – late July the Progressed Moon will square the Mars on the IC exactly for angry clashes. Towards early November the controlling Sun Pluto conjunction will have moved by Solar Arc Directions to exact; and the unloved/unpopular Saturn Venus (financial restrictions) conjunction also will be together.
Add On: Russell Vought, March 26, 1976, a political analyst, self-described Christian nationalist, who has played a significant role in Project 2025, an initiative led by the Heritage Foundation that aims to reshape the federal government.
He is a Sun Aries opposition Pluto square Mars in Cancer so not unlike Yarvin. He’ll have some successes and cheering moments but tr Neptune Saturn square his 3 degree Mars in Cancer in 2026/27 will be failure-ridden, undermining, panicky and that will slide on for several years.
Marjorie – I thought you told us no more Political posting.
Thanks Hele, good to hear an alternative point of view. As always wonderful posts by Hugh, really knowledgable and insightful.
Thank you,Mary.
I second that comment
So many of you and Margie think that Trump and Elon are terrible -and that’s what media reiterates daily.
but Obama and Biden started many wars.Killed thousands upon thousands,gave Big Banks a pass -that crushed thousands of homeowners and many jobs were lost and then covid and people wer locked down and more job losses.
Trans agendas were pushed upon parents and children -kids getting surgery and going on life and body altering drugs before turning 18! Kids in the USA take between 50-75 vaccines from birth -18. Years.I took 4 and I’m healthy.
Girls watched thier goals,awards and endorsements disappear to men identifying as female.Others are sexually abused in shelters,prisons a reggae are allowed unfettered access to girls and women’s spaces.
Free speech was curtailed-admitted by Zuckerberg who said government censorship was rife and we was told to participate.Biased fact-checking was rife on ever news sight.Elonwants to curtail government mission creep and Trump has sent people back to the office -who where still working remotely after 4 years.Productivity and a functioning government has been hobbled by those refusing to go back to work.many of us never had the luxury of this casual schedule.
Musk champions free speech ,corruption of war, women’s and girls rights .The Right has moved Left and the Left has moved Right.When US Democrats are backed by Dick and Liz Cheney war criminals-and Hunter Biden -drug addicted -on the board of a Ukraine natural gas corporation Burisma-making a million dollars a year -and these corrupt individuals get a pass the Shift to the Right is not a stretch.The USA citizen voted for less corruption and a transparent government,for less foreign intervention with their money,for healthier programs in their obese and sick country,for ways to deal with rampant crime and addiction in streets in thier once beautiful and thriving cities. Perhaps, some of the policies won’t help then but you can;t blame them from wanting change.They are suffering-no matter what the press says or however they spin it.The system is systemically broken.
Does this rant qualify for removal. No background context or astrology here
It struck me as interesting and worth listening to the ‘other side’ so to speak. Understanding how Trump got elected, and it wasn’t all because half the electorate lost their minds, is important. Rahm Emanuel who was Obama’s Chief of Staff has been pointing to what went wrong for the Democrats.
He said:
“And here’s what I would say to the Democrats: Sit down and shut up. Stop telling people how to live their lives. Start listening to them a little more,” Emanuel said.
“The Democratic Party’s become a house of mirrors that love the sound of their voice talking to themselves,” he said.
More Rahm Emanuel.
Democrats make clear that their preference for talking bread-and-butter economics differs greatly from the electorate’s much wider-ranging priorities. Democrats’ reluctance to address immigration, crime, homelessness and drugs puts off voters.
Americans who identify as strong Republicans are about 20 percentage points more conservative than the median voter on issues including immigration and affirmative action. But strong Democrats are sometimes nearly 40 points more liberal — or even further out of step.
It’s therefore no wonder Democrats prefer to narrow their definition of kitchen-table issues. But that’s ballot box poison.
This reluctance to break from the interest groups will linger a while longer. But many Democrats at the state and local level already understand that the era of permissiveness is over.
To be a credible national party, Democrats must start a much broader conversation with the American people.
Thank you Marjorie, for allowing another POV speak after years of cancel culture and suppression of a range of voices -most remarkably -happening in Western democracies.Rampant indignation towards those not buying in whole heartedly into the progressive mission creep on social media, academia and other public institutions-even in your comment section-one reads tired, narrow arguments and quick accusations of “right wing” -trying to shut out conversations that don’t lean absolutely woke.
Though, perhaps now that we embark on the age of Aquarius, rebellion and push back will be effective as we trying loosening the strangle hold the righteous Left that we have has to endure for the last 7 years.For many of us it has been a frightening time.
Not really a word salad, more a word casserole of gruel stirred up on X and poured over here. Neptune in Pisces’ last meal, hopefully. I had to ask the waiter to take it back after “Musk champions free speech.”
Perhaps you want to look up Zuckerberg’s testimony on government censorship under the “democrats”
I should’ve added that the Sun – Mars – Pluto T Square in Vought’s chart mirrors the T Square in Curtis Yarmin’s chart which is shown. Yarmin has Aries Mars opposed Libra Pluto both squared Sun in Cancer while Vought has Aries Sun opposed Libra Pluto squared Cancer Mars. Angry, hostile, frustrated. Ideally these two would be playing football not screwing USA society.
I think a key chart to look at is that of Russell Vought who will likely become head of OMB – Office of Management and Budget. His birthdate is March 26th 1976. Born in Illinois time unknown. His chart is animated by a ruthless T-Square of Sun in Aries opposed Pluto in Libra each squared by Mars in Cancer. He has written that he wants Federal workers “traumatized”. He will be the point of the spear in trying to dismantle any support for the less advantaged in the US. I have noticed that mostly all of Trump’s high level appointments have either an afflicted Neptune or Pluto or both.
Better to have stay at home foot soldiers of Marxist Biden/Obama “traumatized’-than citizens who pay taxes but never see the light of day from improving infrastructure, to education- other than funding DEI agendas at home and in other countries and war chests filled -40$ billion to Israel-but pittance for North Carolinian’s and other suffering disasters.
Hard cardinal placements and a debilitated Neptune or Pluto points to lack of empathy. That seems to be the motivating dynamic with these reactionaries.
I realise there is an understandable degree of alarm but can I reiterate this is an astrology website. Facts are helpful for context but otherwise astrology only. Opinions and venting need to be directed elsewhere.
What happens when one Cancer nation (American Independence Day is July 4) wages economic war against another Cancer nation (Canada Day is July 1), which is also a NATO ally and trade treaty partner but one-ninth the population size of the U.S.? In the case of Canada, we fight back economically with tariffs and boycotts of American imports because we have to, not because we want to.
The bonds between the two countries were once so friendly that, for example, Niagara Parks on the Canadian side of Niagara Falls has for years hosted “Two Nations Celebrations” featuring fireworks set to the music of Canadian and American musicians to highlight “unity and national pride” during the holiday week for both countries.
Now, as Canada retaliates with tariffs of its own and, I hope, an export tariff on oil and gas to truly hit back and raise funds for the huge numbers of Canadians who will lose jobs because of the tariffs, provincially-run liquor stores are pulling American booze off their shelves and consumers are deliberately chosing Canadian products over American competitors’ products when possible.
Canadians are unified against the spraytanned vulgarian while knowing that more than half of Americans hate Donald Trump and all he stands for. What a mess created by a truly evil, anti-democratic man and his ilk! Since Trump’s tariffs will disproportionately hurt America’s poor with inflated food, gas and Walmart prices, many uneducated MAGA supporters will no doubt turn on Trump because of the “pain” he is admittedly inflicting on them. I am waiting for a second, alienated MAGA-ite to take a shot at this malignant, predatory narcissist.
I love Canada.
I have gotten a lot of relief on several of the legitimate Reddit threads discussing this situation. I mention this as I just saw Marjorie’s post. The people in power now are not what Canada is used to dealing with in the past. Think in terms of Mob Boss as well as Christian Nationalism. Not your typical American government. Think in terms of a right wing faction taking over. (Argentina – Perron, Chile – Pinochet)
Franco – Spain
As always, thank you Marjorie for continuing to post about American politics. I’m sure it gets tiring, but we appreciate it.
@Alexandra, right now it’s so much about the rest of the World too. We in Europe were so used to not really needing to think about the US politics for decades. Even when we had to, the threat wasn’t on us. Latin America and Southeast Asia likely have a different view on this. But Trump turning on his allies FIRST completely changed the situation.
How it feels to me (the gutting of agencies & stealing of my personal data —neither Musk nor his early-twenty-something workers have security clearances permitting their actions)
Also, Mitch Mc Connell could have impeached Trump & made him ineligible for the job of president. A humbly thought but I saw a headline that that awful man will support Trump’s “agenda”
Marjorie, you’ve stated these people’s futures in upcoming years. Who cares about THEM? There are almost 342 million people here in the US and these insane actions affect everyone here & millions abroad (Americans & others—we are interconnected)
How does destroying the US government affect everyone other than these cartoon-level villains?
I think Marjorie is saying in so many words, it’s not going to work out well for ‘these people’s futures ….’ so don’t fret. It is annoying that we will have to wait until May onwards to see things start hopefully crumbling for them, and the numbers from his brilliant tariff crippling plan won’t show up yet.
If many of the 342 million people in the US feel strongly and not drinking the cool-aid, they need to raise their voices, get up and stand up for their rights, their convictions and their Constitution.
@KG and Jennifer E, as a long time Far Right and “Broligarch” watcher, there is at least one great weakness to their plan: They think they can establish a totalitarian oligarchy without giving anything back to the people who are supposed to support them. For instance, Victor Orbàn, often viewed as Trump’s model, consolidated his power in Hungary not only through taking over the media and the institutions. He also established social programs guaranteeing the support of the people in poorer rural areas that fell back of the development after the EU membership. Currently, the public sector makes up 50 percent of Hungarian GDP, certainly not the kind of number Musk is aiming to.
I could see the first problems rising once people realize what’s cut from them. Nobody in the US wants to be seen freeloading, and charity is seen as better than social security, but I don’t think people realize how much of the funding for non-profits come from the Government. They will learn.
Solaia: but I don’t think people realize how much of the funding for non-profits come from the Government. They will learn.
That happened the other day when Trump froze federal funds trying to establish himself as a authoritarian.
The websites for Medicaid (healthcare for the poor/working poor) went down in all 50 states, Meals on Wheels ( meal delivery service for the poor and elderly) was impacted, and funding for Headstart ( free pre-school/daycare for the poor/working poor) stopped.
So basically this freeze impacted everyone especially those who either supported Trump or decided to not vote at all.
I hope there is enough backlash to slow things down and allow people to get their heads around what is being pushed down their throats. It’s very sad situation and the people who will feel the pain will be many of the red state folks–they receive the most federal $. And yes–they will learn how non-profits are funded, what types of funding schools receive etc. etc.
I hope that we aren’t so divided that we can’t pull together and see who is playing who. It’s hard for me not to be very angry at the foolishness of those who allowed this to happen–from public officials to the average person. There is a lot of Neptunian “brain washing” that has gone on and I wonder if and when that will short circuit. Without people being awake (see–I’m not using that other term)–aware, and thinking, really thinking–well, without that, we are in poor shape.
Roderick, yes, I read about a non-profit feeding elderly people in West Virginia being cut off funding, and then their Republican Congresswoman who is pensionable age herself explaining how President Trump is going to take care of them all on OANN. She seriously looked like an abused mother explaining her children that the violent father is going to take care of them.
Social Security is OUR money. Every paycheck that we have from the day we start working has a tax for Social Security. Our whole lives of working – it is taken from our paycheck. The understanding is that it will be there for us when we retire. It is not considered free loading. It is something we earned and paid into.
This is true. I don’t think Musk has the ability to understand that there are actual other people in the world besides him. In other words–he doesn’t care. He has a variety of problems that make that how he is.
Agree with you KG. I know this is so painful. I mentioned the Reddit Threads. I know that Marjorie is getting tired of our pain. I go over there a lot now. Your insights are awesome and I agree with each post you made. I just need to make sure we are all welcomed here on this site in the future – as we will need her and her insight. She has been so patient with us. You might go out and take a look at what Jamie Raskin and Chris Van Hollen and Chris Murphy said yesterday in front of the USAID building. It may help you feel better. It is what I am trying to do.
Yesterday I was reading on a message board a brief exchange between a Hamaker student
“In May 2025, in 4 months’ time, transit Mars may cause many problems.
He will then make many Yods from 16 to 19 degrees in Leo.
As apex with Merc and Venus and with Merc and Saturn.
But also with the Moon and Venus and with the Moon and Saturn.
Then the Venus Saturn conjunction is the apex.
A Yod symbolizes a crisis, a feeling of having nowhere to go, with your back against the wall.
With Mars as the driving force, there will be serious arguments and Trump (Saturn is lord 10 and is the boss of the government) will be in the middle of this.
It cannot be anything other than visible to everyone because Lord 10 and Lord 1 are involved.
It radiates outwards.
Mars is by lord 12 so hidden enemies of the government may be causing this crisis.
A major terrorist attack is not unthinkable.
But it could also be a big argument about the war in Ukraine.”
and Hugh Fowler
“Interesting that these Mars Yods are triggered soon after Mars returns to 10 Aries on 16 May 2025 which is where it began its current retrograde in November 2024. One wonders if it will have something to do with the current argument between Trump and Denmark over Greenland. The chart for Denmark 5 June 1849 has Jupiter at 17 Leo. In addition when Neptune moves into Aries it will trigger the Danish national Saturn which is in Fall at 6 Aries. The last time that happened was during the Second Schleswig War in 1864 when the Danes were defeated and forced to hand over Schleswig Holstein to Germany.”
to which the Hamaker student said
“That is possible because Merc is in 9 and Saturn is lord 9 = foreign politics/countries/people etc. Both in the Yod.
Do you think Trump will openly get into a fight with a member of the EU?
I will look up the Danish chart.
Panama is maybe more likely.”
So the presidency might run into trouble in May, but then this presidency will be one continuous problem and chaos after the other.
The talk in the Finnish social media has been all about Nordic Countries getting their own nuclear deterrence today. Not so much to fight the USA, but because we don’t trust Trump’s administration to give a damn if/when Russia attacks. I don’t think it will quite be in May 2025…
This will be just chaos after chaos and problem after problem. A permacrisis (wasn’t that like a word of the year a couple of years ago?). We are currently very far from another l’âge d’or, and anxiousness will just keep on building.
They need to do something. You cannot count on USA now.
May 16 is conjunct to Algol. About loosing your head.
Both liable to predispose to Virgo and Aries quite strongly would be my experience. Your Astro radar says those are the sun sign not Cancer. My moon Libra Cancer pal is very typical of Libra, moon Taurus and Moon Scorpio the same….have seen in others over the years., moon seems extra emphasised , obviously as ruler of the sign and always important in any event
‘What gives with these Cancerians?’
I was thinking the same thing when I clicked on the article and saw their charts. BTW, however, notice that it’s the Cancerian MEN
I have heard that because Cancer is a sensitive feminine sign that male Cancers overdo it with the machismo and bravado to compensate.
Hi Roderick. Can confirm that with a male Cancer I know. He also has a Pisces moon. Lots of posturing and insistence that “he’s the main man.”
George W Bush was a Cancer with Leo ascendant.
Clinton and Obama were both Leo suns and southpaws.
Of course Trump is a Gemini with Leo ascendant.
I guess the Leo signature resonates with the U.S. Sibley Aquarius moon?
I’ve noticed how frequently the moon sign and it’s condition explains sun Cancerians. Moon is always important in a chart but much more so with Cancer. Look at any Cancerian you know and note how much they are characterised by their moon sign. It’s often very pronounced in my experience.
Gamal, what does 1 Moon Aries and 2 Moon Virgo tell you?
Don’t know if it matters but they’re all June Cancerians (early degrees so is the sign purer?).
@Jennifer E, yes, in that the first decan is ruled by the general ruler of the sign, in Cancer’s case Moon. Therefore the Moon would be even more prominent for the 1st decan Cancer Suns than the second decan.
I base quite a lot of my analysis on the Moon sign, because Moon tells a lot about how (or if) we feel safe, loved and even appreciated. Gemini and Virgo are mutable signs, therefore indicating some difficulty in finding stability in these areas. People with these placements can, also, overcompensate by seeking rigid mental and/or spiritual structures. Gemini Moons tend to be more “nimble” though, maybe aided by the fact Cancer and Gemini are neighboring signs, and quite a few Cancer Suns have Gemini Mercury. I have a close friend with Cancer Sun and Gemini Moon/Mercury, and while she comes across as a caring and principled person, her intellectual curiousity is what truly defines her (she also has Jupiter in the sign, and that’s likely why we bonded despite being 12 years apart in age). Virgo Moon is more difficult for men, because in most cultures, they are not taught the kind of self sacrifice that actually gives happiness to many Virgo Moon women. Virgo Moon men tend to turn into substance abuse or other “vices” for an outlet.
So, in a way, I can see why these particular combinations would lead to people becoming zealots.
Not to divert too much but in my own chart my Sun and Moon are in Cancer and Leo respectively and therefore in terms of rulerships are in mutual reception with each other, so go figure that one out as to who rules who.
SD – my father had that Sun in Cancer, Moon in Leo! His Cancer stellium, though in the 3rd house was gathered around the IC, making him home and roots oriented and ultra Cancerian. He did have a childlike nature, which a Leo Moon can bestow – not in a bad way, he could be funny and playful.