Poland moving in reverse and causing alarm in the EU

        Poland seems to be rolling backwards in terms of democratic rights which is giving Brussels yet another headache and pulling demonstrators out onto the street. They are protesting about government plans to restrict journalists’ access to parliament. And the outgoing president of Poland’s highest constitutional court has accused the ruling right-wing Law … Read more

Kellyanne Conway – Water Earth and a pro-active Mars

    Kellyanne Conway, the first woman to lead a successful US Presidential campaign as manager and strategist for Donald Trump, was born 20 January 1967. She has quite a chart with an ambitious (probably) Capricorn Sun opposition Jupiter square a combative Mars in Libra. She’s also got (possibly) two Grand Trines.  A definite Water Grand … Read more

Jude Law & Paolo Sorrentino – a television triumph

  Jude Law who was the unexpected lead for Paolo Sorrentino’s sumptuous 10-part television drama The Young Pope rose to the challenge and inhabited the part to the manner born. He played a young American laid-back, smoking, cherry-coke drinking primate who turned out to have hardline views on the key issues for the Vatican. As … Read more