Trump mop up – addicted to autocrats, the Russia connection * update

       This is getting to be an edge-of-seat rolling drama, a truth-stranger-than-fiction boxset, hopefully not with an eight season run. Psycho-babble first. Why does Trump go weak at the knees over dictators and gangster leaders? Simple answer – his father Fred Trump, born 11 October 1905, NY. He was a Sun Libra like Putin … Read more

Justin Bieber & Hailey – not all rainbows and roses ahead

       Baby-faced singer Justin Bieber has moved on from an on-off relationship with Selena Gomez to become engaged to model Hailey Baldwin. Whether this one will last is questionable. He has Sun, Saturn and Venus in Pisces; with a Libra Moon square a highly-strung and changeable Uranus Neptune in Capricorn and a ferociously determined … Read more

Theresa May – two off the gangplank, will she follow?

       Theresa May gave a robust speech today in Westminster as David Davis, her Brexit negotiator (in name anyway), and Boris Johnson, her hapless Foreign Secretary, (he might have been pushed) exit stage left. The media are shrieking headlines about shattering blows to a beleaguered PM and an imminent no-confidence vote. But there’s nothing … Read more