Patrick Shanahan, Pentagon – shake it all about ****

       Another teddy-out-of-the-pram tantrum followed James Mattis’ stinging rebuke of Trump’s policies in his resignation letter. He’s now been ousted two months early in a petty-minded piece of spite by the supreme leader. In as Acting Defense Chief at the Pentagon is Patrick Shanahan, a former Boeing executive and Deputy to Mattis since 2017 with … Read more

Planetary shifts point to major changes ahead

           The turn of this decade will be marked by three outer planet conjunctions pointing to a tectonic shift of greater than usual significance. Economic and financial turbulence will be part of it. The bleak Saturn Pluto conjunction, requiring grit and perseverance through tough conditions, draws closer through 2019 and comes exact at 22 … Read more

Teflon Tone and the Maybot – an inflammatory combo

       A Tony Blair intervention usually evokes an exasperated sigh from the electorate who wish he’d bury himself somewhere far away. But for once his grandstanding on Brexit has been welcomed by everyone apart from Theresa May who accused him of “undermining” the Brexit talks by calling for another referendum and saying his comments … Read more