Affordable health under threat – as Trumps gears up

     The Trump administration now believes that the entire Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) should be struck down as “unconstitutional.”. This policy shift is described as a “total bombshell, which could have dire consequences for millions of people.” It’s risky for Trump and the Republicans since in 2018, the Democrats campaigned — and won — … Read more

A new Trump investigation – his temper likely to explode **Add On

          A sweeping new investigation by House Democrats has kicked off, seeking a wide range of materials that go to the heart of allegations against the president — including abuses of power, corruption, and obstruction of justice. Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler has demanded information from the White House, Trump’s namesake company, charity, transition, … Read more

Weisselberg, Trump’s CFO – follow the money

       Allen Weisselberg, Trump’s chief financial officer looks likely to be in for a congressional grilling after Cohen’s testimony in which he named his former colleague as a co-conspirator in a long list of possible crimes. Weisselberg has been among the longest lasting employees to Trump’s company, where he began working for the president’s … Read more

Mueller Investigation – Trump & AG Barr less than happy ahead

         The Mueller Investigation looks to be coming to an end though according to those in the know is unlikely to bring closure but it may provide pointers – “a road map” – to further investigations by Congress and additional criminal proceedings by other prosecutors. Thus the end of the beginning, not the beginning … Read more

In Trump land – waiting for the shoe to drop

          Stalemate on the wall, a Democratic-majority Congress with the power to cause trouble on multiple fronts including tax returns, a shambolic administration with several acting unconfirmed senior posts and a wide range of unfilled other vital posts – and Mueller marching on. Not a happy state of affairs in Trump-land. An update … Read more

Trump – flipping mates, new Chief of Staff, Conway puzzle

           Trump odds and sods. The dominoes are falling one by one with Michael Cohen now sentenced and the tabloid rag, The Enquirer, formerly pro-Trump, now co-operating with the feds to stave off criminal charges. During the 2016 campaign and before The Enquirer savaged his enemies and paid to catch-and-kill negative stories about him, … Read more