Karl Marx – love him or hate him, he was a No 1 influencer + Engels

   Karl Marx, described as one of the most influential figures in human history, both lauded and criticised, was born on 5 May 1818 2am in Trier, Germany into a middle class, non-religious, liberally inclined Jewish family. Marx’s political writings forced him into exile in London as a stateless person, where, in collaboration with Friederich … Read more

Kayleigh McEnany – hitching her wagon onto Trump

Trump’s never-ending supply of ‘Comical Ali’ press spokespersons has thrown up another doozy in “I will never lie to you” Kayleigh McEnany. She does appear marginally more experienced with a background in CNN and Fox than previous incumbents of the post – Kellyanne Conway, Sean Spicer, Sarah Sanders – but her support of the anti-Obama … Read more