Michael Caine whose epic and award-strewn career started with Zulu, The Ipcress File, Alfie and The Italian Job in the 1960s has announced his retirement at 90. He continued on through the 70s with Get Carter, The Man Who Would Be King, The Eagle Has Landed and A Bridge Too Far, followed by Educating Rita, The Cider House Rules, Mona Lisa and others. He says he wants to go out on a high note after his last role in well-reviewed The Great Escaper.
He was born 14 March 1933 10.10am London, son of a fishmarket porter and a charlady, who grew up in poverty and dreamed of becoming an actor. He didn’t go to drama school and after National Service where he saw action in the Korean War, he worked in rep theatre and took bit parts in movies until his breakout role in Zulu.
He was marked by the poverty of his upbringing and remarked of one untypical dud movie he appeared in: ‘By all accounts it was terrible. However, I have seen the house that it built, and it is terrific.’ But across the board he managed to produce quality performances in top-notch films.
He had a 10th house Pisces Sun and Venus (not conjunct) suiting him admirably for a Neptunian filmic career. His Sun was opposition a 4th house Jupiter and his Venus was opposition Jupiter, Neptune and Mars in his 4th house. Home and roots would always have been important to him.
What stands out in his chart is his Libra Moon in his performing 5th house which was quincunx his Sun – and opposition Uranus square a 2nd house Pluto. The quincunx would make it difficult to balance his ambitions with his emotional needs and he’d be constantly restless and fluctuating in mood. Moon Uranus would further accentuate his need for excitement and change.
A focal point Pluto in his 2nd would make him obsessive about staying in control of his finances and boosting his security and wealth.
His wife since 1973 Shakira, 23 February 1947, is also a Sun Pisces with her Venus in Capricorn falling in his 8th opposition his Pluto and trine his Jupiter –a passionate and amiable connection. Her Jupiter in Scorpio is also trine his Sun and his Pluto so she would be a supportive influence and would also enjoy the good life along with him. The Jupiterian crossovers will help to smooth any rough edges.
His actor’s 15th harmonic is exceptionally well-aspected as his his leaving-his-mark 17H and his global-presence 22H.
He has twice before said he is retiring so who knows?
Curious if you see any indicators in Caine’s chart of the secret, disabled half-brother that he learned about as an adult and was able to help a bit
He sure loves his roots he still eats at the Fish and Chip cafe from his childhood. Non snobby.