Meghan & Harry – a year older but how much wiser?

Meghan Markle’s Solar Return from her birthday on Friday is mixed with a lucky 9th house Jupiter Uranus conjunction and a high-vitality Jupiter trine Mars in the 1st. So no shortage of get-up-and-go. A hidden 12th house Sun Venus could suggest creative activities behind the scenes though it is contradicted by an attention-grabbing 5th house Pluto.

  The two main issues would appear to be 1) money with the North Node and Chiron in in the 8th suggesting it will take effort to cope with joint business responsibilities. And b) close relationships with a separated/critical Saturn on the Descendant and an uncommitted/disappointed Moon Neptune further into the 7th.

  It’ll be interesting to see how her SR 12th house Sun conjunct Black Moon plays out since it can indicate a sense of being an outcast and provoking a counter-culture urge to stand out against the conscensus.

  Detail on her chart transits etc in previous post June 26 2023.

  Harry’s Solar Return from 15 September this year is less conflicted in some ways with an Earth Grand Trine of Uranus trine Pluto trine his Virgo Sun which suggests change certainly but also an ability to pull projects together. The only downside being it is formed into a Kite by Sun opposition Neptune – idealistic at best, muddled and evasive at worst.

  A California-located Solar Return, like Meghan hints that money and relationships will be the two key areas. The North Node and Chiron in his 2nd hints that effort will be required to get a grip and overcome past conditioning about being reliant on others.  And Sun, Moon, Mars in his 7th hints at vulnerability and dependence on a partner with arguments along the way.

  Taking a birth place Solar Return (not that he is likely to relocate) puts a lucky Jupiter in his 10th alongside Uranus – hinting at positive changes of direction with the potentially idealistic Neptune in the 9th of travel, perhaps pointing to his Africa project bringing satisfaction.  Money is again an issue.

His transits, Solar Arcs etc continue to be difficult until 2027 – See previous post Prince Harry 9 May 2023.

7 thoughts on “Meghan & Harry – a year older but how much wiser?

  1. The above Return Chart can be taken in a positive or negative way. Given the Black Moon Lilith is conjunct the Sun in the 12th house, with both Lilith/Sun’s Venus midpoint in trine to the part of fortune in 8th house Aries. With a conjunct Mercury/Mars in the 1st; along with Mercury conjunct the Ascendent. I am more drawn to much activity with a great deal of secrecy being undertaken, along with a view to coming out fighting. As the 12th house is ruled by Pisces which in this return chart, is ruling the 7th along with Saturn on the Descendent. To me, it looks like Saturn will want to stamped its authority on all new partnerships this year. Neptune is the ruler of the 12th house, given the fact the Moon – femininity – is alongside Neptune, new relationships may be forged with making films or staring with someone. I am wondering if the secrecy surrounding next year, is that the owner of the rights to this book, is going to star in the film being made? Launching the energy of this chart back into a bigger picture and audience, whilst using stardom to get a point across. As there are obvious pointers to this venture, as Pluto is sextile Neptune, with Moon square Uranus, enforcing a strong desire to push forward their expressions in an emotional and heart wrenching way. Looking back to unhappiness in a family, whilst using more than one person’s loss, my be seen as an opportunity. However, many family members who also have been touched, both by the book and this new films venture, are also involved – by proxy. They have no say, if their past lost ones are being used by one person in their family. Perhaps this should be considered? As they share the same DNA! Although book is less intrusive, than a film. It comes as no surprise to some, that others are tossed aside for money As someone always ends us being used.

  2. Thanks Marjorie – be interesting to see how the Solar Returns play out this coming year.
    I noticed something curious too. Both Meghan and Harry have Solar Mercury at 8 Virgo, because of Mercury’s retrograde phase. Mercury turns direct on Harry’s birthday. Perhaps this suggests a busy year, links with their children, or adds to the restless feeling there seems to be in those California charts? There’s also a strange link with Princess Diana, which could play out in a number of ways.

    Natally, Diana had Pluto 6 Virgo opposite Chiron 6 Pisces. Meghan’s Solar Ascendant is 6 Virgo this year, with Mercury 8 Virgo. Harry has natal Mercury 5 Virgo, square Uranus 9 Sagittarius.
    Diana died on 31st August, 1997. The Sun that day was 7 Virgo, with Mercury at 8 Virgo, echoing these Solar Returns.

    I see in today’s news that Meghan and Harry have signed a deal to produce a film based on a novel called ‘Meet Me at the Lake’ by Carley Fortune. They bought the rights to this book. The story covers issues around grief over the death of a parent in a car crash. On the anniversary of Diana’s death this August there’s a Full Moon at 7 Pisces. The significant Solar Eclipse on 1st September, 1997, was 9 Virgo, conjunct Mercury Rx 7 Virgo. Is something reaching a peak here, bearing in mind Harry’s personal history, and how much that history has influenced his life – particularly in public ways since his marriage.

    I find all this quite chilling. It does suggest that the dark shadow cast by Diana’s sudden, early death is something that connects Meghan and Harry in some way. And that this coming year may reveal more to them both about this, through reflection or some kind of analysis, something Mercury in Virgo might be inclined to do?

    • He does seem hooked into his mother and her death in an overly obsessive way. I know I know it was horrible but it was 26 years ago and he can’t seem able to get past it. Now that I look – Diana’s enraged, dominating/controlling Mars Pluto in Virgo were conjunct his 8th house Mercury which may have hooked her drama so deeply into his unconscious he can’t get free of it.

      I wonder about them producing a film of a book – have they any idea the amount of work required to translate words on a page onto cellulloid (as was)?. A former aide remarked they kept having ‘big’ ideas but they came to nought when it got down to the nitty gritty.

      • I agree he seems unable to find a way to work with or around the loss of his mother. And now the people who shared that time with him are estranged from him, which may also be unhelpful. Certainly Diana said she wanted her sons to be close friends, although obviously one cannot control such things in adult life. The Mercury theme here might also feed into or highlight his relationship with William.

        And re the ‘producing’ of the film, I also agree! But they’ll be executive producers I suspect, with all the detailed hard work being done by a professional team. I think the deal is with Netflix, who must already be well prepared for working with H&M. Just a bit ghoulish that grief over a parent killed in a car crash is one of the book’s storylines.

        • I wouldn’t be surprised if they have no idea about the “parent in a car crash” storyline. I took a look on Amazon earlier and none of the reviews mentioned it. They don’t seem the types to dig beyond the fact it’s a bestseller and it’s a popular read at the moment. It’s exactly the sort of coincidence the universe throws up with Harry having transit Uranus conjunct his Taurus moon at the moment.

          I can’t help feeling that even as executive producers, MM will want to interject and try to get certain things done how she envisions them – she’s a 1st house Leo sun. mercury after all. To an extent, that’s what producers do. But in the process she will turn it into a disaster and elicit more negativity. It’ll be interesting because critics review the film in front of them, not the people who’ve made them.

        • I will just add – good luck to them. It seems they may have taken note of their critics and begun to find projects that don’t involve rehashing their Royal life and the associated resentments.

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